





江淵直人(EBUCHI, Naoto)・教授

1 学術論文

  1. Ebuchi, N. and S. Kizu: Probability distribution of surface wave slope derived using sun glitter images from Gcostationary Meteor01ogical Sat ellite and surface vector winds from scatterometers, J. Oceanogr., 58, 477-486 (2002) *
  2. Suzuki, N., N Ebuchi, I. Watabe and Y. Sugilnori: Study of the relationship between non-dilnensional roughness length and wave age, effected by wave directionality, Proc lndian Acad Sci.(Earth Planet. SCi.), 111, 305-313 (2002) *
  3. Ebuchi, N., H. C. Graber and M. J. Caruso: Evaluation of wind vectors observed by QuikSCAT/SeaWinds using ocean buoy data, J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech, 19, 2049-2062 (2002) *
  4. Suzuki, N., N. Ebuchi, C. Zhao, D. Kobayashi, I. Watabe and Y. Sugimori: Analysis of various wave components on the relationship betWeen non-dimensional roughness length and wave age, Proc. The Tweifth International 0ffshore and Polar Engineering, Kitakyushu, Japan, 3, 55-59 (2002)
  5. Ebuchi, N. and S. Kizu: Probability distribution of surface wave slope derived using sun glitter images from Geostationary Meteorological Satellite and surface vector winds from ttatterometers, Proc. IGARSS 2002, Toronto, Canada, 3pp (2002)
  6. Ebuchi, N. and S. Kizu: Probability distribution of surface wave slope derived using sun glitter images fronl Geostationary Meteorological Satellite and surface vector winds from scatterometers, Proc. PORSEC 2002, Bali,Indonesia, 227-232 (2002)
  7. Ebuchi, N., and H. Hanawa: Mesoscale eddies observed by in the Kuroshio Recirculation region and their influences on variations of Kuroshio path south of Japan, Proc. PORSEC 2002, Bali, Indonesia, 1-6 (2002)
  8. Suzuki, N., N. Ebuchi, C. Zhao, I. Watabe, P. Shaileshm and Y. Sugimori: Study of the relationship between non-dilnensional roughness length and wave age,dependent on fetch effect, Proc. PORSEC 2002, Bali, Indonesia, 239-244 (2002)
  9. Suzuki,N., N. Ebuchi, C. Zhao, D. Kobayashi, A.-S. Suh and Y. Sugimori: Analysis of the relationship between non-dimensional roughness length and wave age, effected by wave directionality -Study for estilnation of air-sea C02 gas transfer by wave breaking model using satellite data, Proc. PORSEC 2002, Bali, Indonesia, 245-250 (2002)
  10. Ebulhi, N., and S. Kizu: Probability distribution of surface wvave slope derived using sun glitter images from Geostationary Meteorological Satellite and surface vector winds from scatterometers, Proc. Int. Symp. Remote Sens, Sokcho, Korea, 615-620 (2002)

2 総説、解説、評論等


  1. 花輪公雄・川村宏・江淵直人・須賀利雄・木津昭一・岩坂直人・境田大樹:人工衛星による縁辺海と黒潮変動のモニタリング, 月刊海洋, 34, 7077 (2002)
  2. 花輪公雄・江淵直人: 黒潮再循環流域の中規模渦の動態と黒潮流軸変動, 号外海洋, 31, 4147 (2002)

3 学術講演(招請講演のみ)


  1. Ebuchi, N.: Studies concerning physical oceanottaphic processes using data from ADEOS-II, 34th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Houston, Texas, USA (2002)


1 学術論文

  1. Ohshima, K. I, M. Wakatsuchi, Y. Fukamachi and G. Mizuta, currents of the Sea of Okhotsk observed with the satellite-tracked drifters, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 3195, doi: 10. 1029/2001JC001005, 2002. *
  2. Nakatsuka, T., C. Yoshikawa, M. Toda, K. Kawamura and M. Wakatsuchi, An extremely turbid intermediate water in the Sea of Okhotsk: Implication for the transport of particulate organic matter in a seasonally ice-bound sea, Geophys. Res, Lett., 29, 16, 10. 1029/2001GL014029, 2002. *
  3. Yamamoto, M., S. Watanabe, S. Tsunogai and M. Wakatsuchi, Effects of sea ice formation and diapycnal mixing on the Okhotsk Sea Intermediate Water clarified with oxygen isotopes, Deep-Sea Res., I 49, 1165-1174, 2002. *
  4. Narita,H., M. Sato, S. Tsunogai, M. Murayama, M. Ikehara, T. Nakatsuka, M. Wakatsuchi, N. Harada, and Y. Ujlie, Biogenic opal indicating less productive northwestern North Pacific during the glacial ages, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29,doi: 10. 1029/2001GL014320, 2002. *

河村 公隆(KAWAMURA,Kimitaka)・教授

1 学術論文

  1. T. Saito, U. Tsunogai, K. Kawamura, T. Nakatsuka, and N.Yoshida, Stable carbon isotopic compositions of light hydrocarbons over the western North Pacific and implication for their photochemical ages, J. Geophys. Res. 107, D4, ACH 2-1 to 2-9, 2002*.
  2. J. Fang, K. Kawamura, Y. Ishimura, and K. Matsumoto, Carbon isotopic composition of fatty acids in the marine aerosols from the western North Pacific: Implication for the source and atmospheric transport, Environlnental Science & Technology, 36, 2598-2604, 2002*.
  3. M. Narukawa, K. Kawamura, S.-M. Li, and J. W. Bottenheim, Dicarboxylic acids in the arctic aerosols and snowpacks collected during ALERT2000, Atmospheric Environment, 36, 2491-2499, 2002*.
  4. M. Mochida, Y. Kitamori, K. Kawamura, Y. Nojiri and K. Suzuki, Fatty acids in the marine atmosphere: Factors governing their concentrations and evaluation of organic films on sea-salt particles. J. Geophys. Res. 107, 4325, doi: 10. 1029/2001JD001278, 2002*.
  5. S. Matsunaga, M. Mochida, T. Saito and K. Kawamura, In situ measurement of isoprene in the marine air and surface seawater from the western North Pacific, Atmos. Environ, 36, 6051-6057, 2002*.
  6. 松本公平,河村公隆,内田昌男,柴田康行, 有機分子レベル放射性炭素年代測定法の地球化学への応用とその意義, 地球化学, 36, 149-159, 2002*.
  7. T. Nakatsuka, C. Yoshikawa, M. Toda, K. Kawamura, M. Wakatsuchi, An extremely turbid intermediate water in the Sea of Okhotsk: Implication for the transport of particulate organic carbon in a seasonally ice-bound sea. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, doi: 10. 1029/2001CL014029, 2002*.

2 総説、解説、評論等


  1. 住明正, 井口俊夫, 本田明治, 中村尚, 田中博, 山崎剛, 早坂忠裕, 塩原匡貴, 岡本創, 日暮明子, 増田耕一, 森修一, 演田純一, 吉田聡, 河村公隆, 須藤健吾, 北和之, 金谷有剛, 小池真,田尾泰子, 寺尾有希夫, 山根省三,荒井美紀,「国際気象学,大気科学協会2001年会合(IAMAS)報告, 天気49, 55-73, 2002.
  2. 植松光夫, 渡辺修一, 河村公隆, 2.10. 海洋大気の化学,「我が国の海洋科学の進歩」, 海の研究11, 53-55, 2002
  3. 河村公隆,「氷床コアの右機地球化学: 過去の大気環境の復元」, Res Org. Geochem, Vol 17, 1-11, 2002

3 著書


  1. 秋元肇・河村公隆・中澤高清・鷲田仲明編,「対流圏大気の化学と地球環境」,学会出版センター, pp 223, 2002.
  2. 河村公隆,「有機エアロゾル」, 対流圏大気の化学と地球環境, 秋元肇・河村公隆・中澤高清・鷲田仲明編, 学会出版センター, 183-197, 2002
  3. 河村公隆,「極域大気化学」, 対流圏大気の化学と地球環境, 秋元肇・河村公隆・中澤高清・鷲田伸明編, 学会出版センター, 166-167, 2002

4 学術講演(招請講演のみ)


  1. 第12回ゴールドシュミット国際会議, S23 Ocean productivity: past and present,12th international Goldschnidt Conference, Davos, Smitzerland, August, 18-23, 2002.


1 学術論文

  1. Wang Yafei and Y. Fujiyoshi, 2002: The interlinkage of large-scale systems between high and low latitudes related to propagation of the planetary wave around East Asia in sunmmer. Acta Meteologia., 16(3), 261-271.*
  2. Inoue, J., M. Kawashima, Y. Fujiyoshi and M. Yoshizaki, 2002: Air mass transformation over the Sea of Japan during cold-air outbreaks revealed by aircraft observations, Proc. 15th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 53-54.
  3. Inoue, J., M. Kawashima, Y. Fujiyoshi and M. Wakatsuchi, 2002: Aircraft obServations of atr mass transformation over advancing ice cover in the Sea of Okhotsk, Proc, 15th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Amer. Meteor Soc., 102-103.

2 学術講演(招請講演のみ)


  1. The first China-Japan workshop on heavy rainfall experiment and study April 24-27, 2002, Haikou, China

遠藤 辰雄(ENDOH, Tatsuo)・助教授

1 学術論文

  1. FUJITANI Yuji, OHTA Sachio, ENDOH Tattuo, MURAO Naoto and YAMAGATA Sadamu (2002): MEASUREMENT OF OPTICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ATMOSPHERIC AEROSOLS OVER THE WESTERN PACIFIC OCEAN. Jollrnal of Global EnvirOnlnental Engineering, Vol. 8, pp. 17-33 2002*

大島 慶一郎(OHSHIMA,Keiichiro)・助教授

1 学術論文

  1. Ohshima, K. I., M. Wakatsuchi, Y. Fukamachi, and G. Mizuta: Nea-surface circulation and tidal currents of the Okhotsk Sea observed with the satellite-tracked drifters, Journal of Geophyslcal Research, 107, 3195, doi: 10. 1029/2001JC001005 (2002) *
  2. Simizu, D. and K. I. Ohshima: "Barotropic response of the Sea of Okhotsk to wind forcing", Journal of Oceanography, 58: 851-860 (2002) *
  3. Toyota, T., K. Baba, E. Hashiya, and K. I. Ohshima: "In-situ ice and meteorological observations in the southern Sea of Okhotsk in 2001 winter: ice structure, snow on ice, surface temperature, and optical environlnents", Polar Meteorol. Glaciol., 16: 116-132 (2002) *

2 学術講演(招請講演のみ)


  1. 大島慶一郎:「南大洋域の観測の重要性」, 2002年春季日本気象学会シンポジウム「21世紀の極域科学 - 今なぜ南極観測なのか」, さいたま市(2002年5月)
  2. 大島慶一郎:「東樺太海流と海氷」, 2002年秋季日本気象学会シンポジウム「環オホーツク研究の新しい視点」, 札幌市(2002年10月)


  1. Special section "Western Pacinc Marginal Seas" at Ocean Sciences Meeting, by American Society of Limnology and Oceanography and American Ceophysical Utton, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 11-13, 2002

中塚 武(NAKATSUKA,Takeshi)・助教授

1 学術論文

  1. Saito, T., U. Tsunogai, K. Kawamura, T. Nakatsuka, and N.Yoshida: Stable carbon isotopic compositions of light hydrocarbons over the western North Pacific and implication for their photochemical ages. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107, D4, 10. 1029/2000JD000127 (2002)*
  2. Nakatsuka, T., C. Yoshikawa, M. Toda, K. Kawamura and M. Wakatsuchi: An extremely turbid intermediate water in the Sea of Okhotsk: Implication for the transport of particulate organic carbon in a seasonally ice-bound sea Geophysical Research Letter, 29, 10. 1029/2001GL014029 (2002)*
  3. Narita,H., M. Sato, S. Tsunogai, M. Murayama, M. Ikehara, T. Nakatsuka, and M. Wakatsuchi: Biogenic opal indicating less productive northwestern North Pacific during the glacial ages. Geophysical Research Letter, 29, 10. 1029/2001GL014320 (2002)*

豊田 威信(TOYOTA,Takenobu)・助手

1 学術論文

  1. Toyota, T. and H. Enomoto: Analysis of the sea ice floes in the southern Sea of Okhotsk using ADEOS/AVNIR ilnages, Proceedings of the 17th international symposium on Okhotsk Sea and sea ice, Mombetsu, 150-156 (2002).
  2. Toyota, T., K. Baba, E. Hashiya, and K. I. Ohshima: In-situ ice and meteorological obsrevations in the southern Sea of Okhotsk in 2001 winter: ice structure, snow on ice, surface temperature, and optical environments, Polar Meteorology and Glaciology, 16, 116-132 (2002).
  3. Tateyama, K., H. Enomoto, T. Toyota, and s Uto: Sea ice thickness estimated from passive microwave radiometers, Polar Meteorology and Glaciology, 16, 15-31 (2002).
  4. Toyota, T. and H. Enomoto: Analysis of the sea ice floes in the Sea of Okhotsk using ADEOS/AVNIR images, Proceedings of the 16th IAHR International Symposium on Ice, Dunedin, NewZealand, 2002, 211-217 (2002).

2 総説, 解説, 評論等


  1. 豊田威信,河村俊行:北海道オホーツク海沿岸部の海氷 - 砕氷船「そうや」による観測から -, 月刊海洋/号外, 30, 32-44 (2002)

河村 俊行(KAWAMURA,Toshiyuki)・助手

1 学術論文

  1. Kawamura, T., Granskog, M., Ehn, J., Martma, T., Lindfors, A., Ishikawa, N., Shirasawa, K., Lepparanta, M. and Vaikmae, R: Study on brackish ice in the Gulf of Finland, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Ice, 2-6 Dec, 2002, Dunedin, New Zealand, Vol. 2, 165-172 (2002)*
  2. Ishikawa, N., Takizawa, A., Kawamura, T., Shirasawa, K. and Lepparanta, M.: Changes in radiation propeties and heat balance with sea ice growth in Saroma Lagoon and the Culf of Finiand, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Ice, 2-6 Dec., 2002, Dunedin, New Zealand, Vol. 3, 45-49 (2002)*

2 総説, 解説, 評論等


  1. 河村俊行: 海氷構造から見たサロマ湖の海氷環境. 月刊海洋号外, 30, 72-77 (2002)
  2. 河村俊行: 海氷の形成と物理環境特性. 月刊海洋号外, 30, 62-71 (2002)
  3. 豊田威信・河村俊行: 北海道オホーツク海沿岸部の海氷 - 砕氷船「そうや」による観測から -. 月刊海洋号外, 30, 32-44 (2002)

深町 康(FUKAMACHI,Yasushi)・助手

1 学術論文

  1. Ohshima, K. I., M. Wakatsuchi, Y. Fukamachi, and C. Mizuta, Near-surface circulation and tidal currents of the Okhotsk sea observed with the satellite-tracked drifters, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107, doi: 10. 1029/2001JC001005, 2002.*
  2. Matsuoka, T., S. Uratsuka, M. Satake, A. Nadai, T. Umehara, H. Maeno, H. Wakabayashi, F. Nishio, and Y. Fukamachi, Derivillg sea ice thickness and ice types in the Sea of Okhotsk using dua-frequency airborne SAR(Pi-SAR)data, Annals Of Glaciology, 34, 429-434, 2002.*

持田 陸宏(MOCHIDA,Mutsuhiro)・助手

1 学術論文

  1. Michihiro Mochida, Yasuyuki Kitamori, Kimitaka Kawamuaura, Yukihiro Nojiri, and Keisuke Suzuki, Fatty Acids in the Marine Atmosphere: Factors Governing Their Concentrations and Evaluation of Organic Films on Sea-Salt Particles, J. Geophys. Res., 107 (D17) 4325, doi: 10. 1029/2001JD001278, 2002.*
  2. Sou Matsunaga, Michihiro Mochida, Takuya Saito, and Kimitaka Kawamura, In situ measurement of isoprene in the marine air and surface seawater from the western North Pacific, Atmos. Environ, 36, 6051-6057, 2002.*

川島 正行(KAWASHIMA,Masayuki)・助手

1 学術論文

  1. Inoue, J., M. Kawashima, Y. Fujiyoshi and M. Yoshizaki, 2002: Air mass transformation over the Sea of Japan during cold-air outbreaks revealed by aircraft observations, Proc. 15th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Amer, Meteor. Soc., 53-54.
  2. Inoue, J., M. Kawashima, Y. Fujiyoshi and M. WVakatsuchi, 2002: Aircraft observations of air mass transformation over advancing ice cover in the Sea of OkhOtsk, Proc. 15th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 102-103.


本堂 武夫(HONDOH,Takeo)・教授

1 学術論文

  1. Hondoh, T., Shoji, H., Watanabe, 0., Salamatin, A. N. and Lipenkov, V. Y.: Depth-age and temperature prediction at Dome Fuji station,East Antarctica, Annals of Glaciology, 35: 384-390 (2002)*
  2. Fujii, Y., Azuma, N., Tanaka, Y., Nakayama, Y. Kameda, T., Shinbori, K, Katagiri, K.,Fujita, S., Takahashi, A., Kawada, K., Motoyama, H., Narita, H., Kamiyama, K., Furukawa, T., Takahashi, S., Shoji, H., Enomoto, H., Saitoh, T., Miyahara, M., Naruse, R., Hondoh, T., Shiraiwa, T., Yokoyama, K., Ageta, Y., Saito, T. and Watanabe, O.: Deep ice core drilling to 2503m depth at Dome Fuji, Antarctica, Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research, Special Issue, 56: 103-116 (2002)*
  3. Ikeda-Fukazawa, T., Horikawa, S. and Hondoh, T.: Molecular dynamics studies of molecular diffusion in ice Ih, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 117(8): 3886-3896 (2002)*

2 総説,解説,評論等


  1. 本堂武夫: 氷床ヨアの物理解析研究の現状と課題, 雪氷, 64(4): 351-363 (2002)

グラジーリン,グレブ・エフランピエビッチ(Glazirin, Gleb Evlampievich)・教授

1 学術論文

  1. Glazirin, G. E., Ishii, Y. Short sketch on Aral Sea problem. J. Agricultural Meteorology, Hokkaido, 2002, Vol.54, 23-36. (in Japanese)
  2. Glazirin, G. E., Shesterova, I. N. Rough evaluatlon of precipitation at Chinese part of Ili River basin based on equilibrium line altitude distribution. Proceeding of International Conference (Problems of Hydrometeorology and Ecology, Almaty, 2001, 44-46 (in Russian)
  3. Glazirin, G. E., Shesterova, I. N. Some regularities of glaciation of Chinese part of Ili River basin. "Geographical Science in Kazakhstan: results and ways of development", Almaty, 2001, 300-3001.
  4. Glazirin, G. E., Kodama, Y. Evaluation of glacierized area of mountainous river basin in transition. Bull. of Glaciol. Res., 2003, 20, 1-6.
  5. Glazirin, G.E., Braun, L.N., Stchetinnikov, A. S. Sensitivity of mountain glacierisation to climatic changes in Central Asia. Zeitschrift fur Gletcherkunde und Glacialge, 2002, Band 38, 1, 71-76.


1 学術論文

  1. Zhang, Y., Ohata, T. and Hirashima, T. (2002): Spatial Distribution of Surface Soil Moisture and Evaporation in a Small Watershed of Tiksi, Eastern Siberia. J. Hydro. & Water Resources, 5, 486-495.*
  2. 鈴木和良, 大畑哲夫, 窪田順平, ネリ バシリアンカ, セルゲイ ジュラービン, バレリーブグリンスキー (2002): 東シベリア・南部山岳地常に位置するモゴット試験流域における冬期の水文過程, 第6回水資源に関するシンポジウム論文集, 525-530.*
  3. Suzuki,K., Kubota, J., Ohata, T., Vasilelako, N., Zhuravin, S., Vuglisnki, V. (2002): Characteristics of spring runoff in the Mogot experinlental 、vatershed in the southern mountaineous taiga of eastern Siberia Proceedings of ISSW2002, 1-5.*

2 学術講演(招待講演のみ)

(国際的, 全国的規模のシンポジウム)

  1. Tetsuo Ohata: Present status of GAME Siberia, MACS Annual Meeting, Jasper, Canada (2002)

原 登志彦(HARA,Toshihiko)・教授

1 学術論文

  1. Stoll, P., Weiner, J., Muller-Landau, H., Muller, E. and Hara, T.: Size symmetry of competition alters biomass, density relationships. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences 269: 2191-2195 (2002)*
  2. Takahashi, K., Uemura, S. and Hara,T.: Effect of understory dwarf bamboo on seasonal changes in soil temperature in a Betula ermanii forest, northern Japan Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 5: 49-53 (2002)*
  3. Nishimura, N., Hara, T., Miura, M., Manab, T. and Yamamoto, S.: Tree competition and species coexistence in a warm temperate old-growth evergreen broad-leaved forest in Japan Plant Ecology 164: 235-248 (2002)*
  4. Srutek, M., Dolezal, J. and Hara, T., Spatial structure and associations in a Pinus canariensis population at the treeline, Pico del Teide, Tenerife, Canary Islands Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 34: 201-210 (2002)*

2 学術講演(招待講演のみ)

(国際的, 全国的規模のシンポジウム)

  1. Hara,T.: Growth and competition in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes, mutants and GMP. Symposium: New Developments in the Modelling of Plant Competition. Copenhagen, Denmark(2002)
  2. Hara,T.: Competition mode and spatial pattern dynamics in plant communities. Symposium: New Developments in the Modelling Of Piant Competition Copettagen, Denmark(2002)
  3. Herben T. and Hara,T.: Spatial pattern formation in plant communities. International Conference on Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation in Biological Systems - Experiments and Models - Nagoya, Japan (2002)

成田 英器(NARITA,Hideki)・助教授

1 学術論文

  1. Fujii, Y., Azuma, N., Tanaka, Y., Nakayama, Y., Kameda, T., Shinbori, K., Katagiri, K., Fujita, S., Takahashi, A., Kawada, K., Motoyama, H., Narita, H., Kamiyama, K., Furukawa, T., Takahashi,S., Shoji, H., Enomoto, H.,Saitoh, T., Miyahara, M., Naruse, R., Hondoh, T., Shiraiwa,T., Yokoyama, K, Ageta, Y., Saito, T. and Watanabe, O.: Deep ice core drilling to 2503m depth at Dome Fuji, Antarctica, Memoirs of National Institute ofPolar Research, Special Issue, 56: 103-116 (2002)*
  2. Fjita, S., Azuma, N., Fujii, Y., Kameda, T., Kamiyama, K., Motoyama, H., Narita, H., Shoji, H. and Watanabe,O.: Ice core processing at Dome Fuii Station, Antarctica, Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research, Special Issue, 56: 275-286 (2002)*
  3. Fujita, S., Azuma, N., Motoyama, H., Kameda, T., Narita, H., Fujii, Y. and Watanabe, O.: Electrical measurements on the 2503m Dome F Antarctic ice core, Annals of Glaciology, 35: 313-320 (2002)*
  4. Fujita, S., Azuma, N., Motoyama, H., Kameda, T., Narita, H., Matoba, S., Igarashi, M., Kohno, M.,Fujii, Y. and Watanabe, O.: Linear and non-linear relations between the high-freguency limit conductivity, AC-ECM signals and ECM signals of Dome F Antarctic ice core from a labolatory experiment, Annals of Glaciology, 35, 321-328 (2002)*
  5. Hashimoto, S., Shiqiao, Z., Nakawo, M., Sakai, A., Ageta, Y., Ishikawa, N. and Narita,H.: Isotope studies of inner snow layers in a temperate region, Hydrological Processes, 16(11): 2209-2220 (2002)*
  6. Takahashi, A., Fujii, Y., Azuma, N., Motoyama, H. Shinbori, K., Tanaka, Y., Watanabe, O., Narita, H., Nakayama, Y., Kameda, T., Fujita, S., Furukawa, T., Takata, M. and Miyahara, M.: Improvements to the JARE deep ice core drill, Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research, Special Issue, 56: 117-125 (2002)*
  7. 亀田貴雄, 藤井理行, 高橋昭好, 田中洋一, 成田英器, 新堀邦夫, 東信彦, 古川晶雄, 吉本隆安, 宮原盛厚, 五十嵐誠, 河野美香, 的場澄人, 戸山陽子, 佐藤和秀, 高橋修平, 渡邊興亜: 改良型氷床深層掘削ドリルの総合実験報告 - 2002年北海道陸別町での実験 -, 南極資料, 46(2): 377-398 (2002)*
  8. 橋本重将, 周石石喬, 中尾正義, 坂井亜規子, 上国豊, 石川信敬, 成田英器: 湿潤積雪中における雪粒子と関隙水の同位体交換, 雪氷, 64(2): 163-172 (2002)*

山田 知充(YAMADA,Tomomi)・助教授

1 学術論文

  1. Yamada, T., Takahashi, S., Shiraiwa, T., Fujii, Y., Kononv, Y., Ananicheva, M. D., Koreisha, M. M., Muravyev, Y. D. and Samborsky, T.: Reconnaissance on the No. 31 Glacier in Suntar-Khayata Range, Sakha Republic, Russian Federation, Bulletin of Glaciological Research, 19: 101-106 (2002)
  2. F. Nishio, T. Furukawa, G. Hashida, M. Igarashi, T. Kameda, M. Kohno, H. Motoyama, K. Naoki, K. Satow, K. Suzuki, M. Takata, Y. Toyama, T. Yamada and O. Watanabe: Annual layer determinations and 167-year records of past climate of H72 ice core in East Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, Annals of Glaclology, 35A(149): (2002)*
  3. 八久保晶弘・尾関俊浩・山田高嗣・山田知充: 北海道東部の積雪堆積環境, 地球物理研究報告(浦上・本谷記念号), 65: 79-92 (2002)

2 著書


  1. 山田知充: 氷河湖, 327(土岐憲三他: 防災事典, 築地書館, 東京) (2002)
  2. 山田知充: 氷河湖決壊洪水, 328 (土岐憲三他: 防災事典, 築地書館, 東京) (2002)
  3. 山田知充: 第7幸氷河による天然ダムの形成と決壊, 129-142 (田畑茂清・水上高久・井上公夫:天然ダムと災害, 古今書院, 東京) (2002)
  4. 山田知充: ネパールヒマラヤを襲う氷河湖決壊洪水, 43-100 (河川文化 - 河川文化を語る会講演集<その九>, 社田法人日本河川協会, 東京) (2002)

隅田 明洋(SUMIDA,Akihiro)・助教授

1 学術論文

  1. Sumida, A., Terazawa, I., Togashi, A. & Komiyama, A. Spatial arrangement of branches in relation to slope and neighbourhood competition. Annals of Botany 89: 301-310(2002)*.

2 学術講演(招待講演のみ)

(国際的, 全国的規模のシンポジウム)

  1. Sumida, A.: Branch structure measurement in a hardwood forest. NSF Workshop on Canopy Structure Data, The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington, USA (2002)
  2. Sunlida, A.: Formation of the exponentially forking structure of branches with a steady-state amount of leaves in a hardwood tree crown. International Conference on Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation in Blological Systems - Experiments and Models -. Nagoya, Japan(2002)

成瀬 廉二(NARUSE, Renji)・助教授

1 学術論文

  1. Izunmi, K. and Naruse, R.: Ice avalanche activities at Soler Glacier, northern Patagonia,in the summer of 1998. Bulletin of Glaciological Research, Vol. 19, 81-84 (2002)*.
  2. Aniya, M., Naruse, R. and Yamaguchi, S.: Utilization of 6×6 cm fomat vertical aerial photographs for repetitive mapping of surface morphology and measurement of fiow velocities of a small glacier in a remote area: Glaciar Soler, Hielo Patagonico Norte, Chile. Annals of Glaciology, Vo1 34, 385-390 (2002)*.
  3. Skvarca, P., Angelis, H. de, Nartlse, R., Warren, C. R. and Aniya, M.: Calving rates in freshwater: New data from southern Patagonia Annals of Glaciology, Vol 34, 379-384 (2002)*.

2 総説, 解説, 評論等


  1. 成瀬廉二: 氷河のカービング.雪氷, 64巻, 6号, 649657 (2002).

3 著書


  1. 決定版雪崩学: 第2章「雪崩の発生メカニズム」および第3章「雪崩の危険判別法」執筆, 北海道雪崩事故防止研究合編, 山と渓谷社, 東京 (2002)
  2. 防災事典: 「雪氷災害」一部執筆, 日本自然災害学会編, 築地書館, 東京 (2002)
  3. 地球環境調査事典: 第1巻第1編第4章「吹雪・積雪・雪渓・氷河調査法」執筆, (株)フジ・テクノシステム, 東京 (2002)

堀口 薫(HORIGUCHI,Kaoru)・助教授


石川 信敬(ISHIKAWA,Nobuyoshi)・助教授

1 学術論文

  1. 波通隆, 本間稔規, 宮崎俊之, 高橋裕之, 堤大祐, 大崎恵一, 石川信敬, 池上真志樹, 機田和志, 村上康之, 福澤修一朗, 金村直俊, 安藤浩司, 曽我英一, 清野弘明: 赤外光を利用した路面凍結検知装置の開発. 産業技術連携推進会議東北・北海道地域部会研究論文集, 第1号, 125-128 (2002)
  2. 橋本重将, 周石(石偏に介), 中尾正義, 坂井亜規子, 上田豊, 石川信敬, 成田英器: 湿潤積雪中における雪粒子と間隙水の同位体交換. 雪氷, 64, 2, 163-172 (2002)*
  3. Y. Takeuchi, Y. Kodama and N. Ishikawa: The thermal effect of melting snow/ice surface on lower atmospheric temperature Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 34, 1, 20-25 (2002)*
  4. 石川信敬, 滝沢厚詩, 河村俊行, 白澤邦男, Matti Lepparanta: 新生海氷の成長に伴う海氷内部構造と放射特性の変化. 月刊海洋, 号外30, 78-83, 海洋出版KK (2002)
  5. Hashimoto S., Shiqiao Z., Nakawa M., Sakai A., Ageta Y., Ishikawa N. and Narita H.: Isotope studies on inner snow layers in a temperate region. Hydrological Processes, 16, 2209-2230 (2002)*
  6. Hinzman, L. D., Ishikawa, N., Yoshikawa, K., Bolton W. R. and Petrone, K. C.: Hydrological studies in Caribou-Poker Creeks Research Watershed in Support of long term ecological research. Eurasian J. Forest Research, 5-2, 67-71 (2002)

2 著書

(編集, 執筆分担)

  1. 地球環境調査計測辞典, 第1巻 陸域編, フジテクノシステム出版KK, 1401pp (2002)

堀  彰(HORI,Akira)・助手


石井 吉之(ISHII,Yoshiyuki)・助手

1 学術論文

  1. 石井吉之: 「融雪水の積雪内浸透に及ぼす雪質の効果」, 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告, 65, 53-68 (2002)*
  2. 柴日英昭・市川— ・野村睦・佐藤冬樹・笹賀一郎・石井吉之・小林大三:「積雪寒冷地域の森林流域での融雪期における物質収支」, 日本水文科学会誌, 32, 49-56 (2002)*

2 総説, 解説, 評論等


  1. G. E. グラジーリン・石井吉之:「アラル海縮小と灌漑農業」, 北海道の農業気象, 54, 23-36 (2002)

西村 浩一(NISHIMURA,Kouichi)・助手

1 学術論文

  1. 福鳩祐介, 菊地卓郎, 西村浩一,地吹雪における雪の連行係数に関する考察, 雪氷, 64, 523-532, 2002.*
  2. 伊藤陽一, 西村浩一, 阿部修, 小杉健二, 和泉 薫, 雪煙を伴う雪の流れの内部構造. 雪氷, 64, 533-540, 2002*
  3. 西村浩一, 世界の雪崩研究最前線. 2002年度雪氷防災研究講演会報文集, 33-42, 2002.

曽根 敏雄(SONE,Toshio)・助手

1 学術論文

  1. 曽根敏雄: 大雪山平ケ岳南方湿原のパルサの内部構造, 地学雑誌, 111(4), 546-554 (2002)*
  2. 山縣耕太郎・曽根敏雄・澤柿教伸・Y. D. Mravyev: カムチャツカ半島ビルチェノック氷河の完新世水河変動, 地学雑誌, 111(4), 509-518 (2002)*

小野 清美(ONO,Kiyomi)・助手

1 学術論文

  1. Terashima, I and Ono, K.: Effects of HgCl2 on CO2 dependent of leaf photosynthesisi: evidence indicating involvement of aquaporins in CO2 diffusion across the plasma membrane. Plant Cell and Physiology, 43: 70-78 (2002)*

白岩 孝行(SHIRAIWA,Takayuki)・助手

1 学術論文

  1. Shiraiwa, T. and Tchoumitchev, S. (2002) Mountain environment in Kamchatka: physical backgrounds and recent changes in the mountain cryosphere. Global Environmental Research, 6, 1, 19-30.*
  2. Shiraiwa, T., Kohisina, S., Uemura, R., Yoshida, N., Matoba, S., Uetake, J. and Godoi, M. A. (2002) High net accumulation rates at Campo de Hielo Patagonico Sur, South America, revealed by analysis of a 45.97m long ice core. Annals of Glaciology, 35, 84-90.*
  3. Fujii, Y., Azuma, N., Tanaka, Y., Nakayama, Y., Kameda, T., Shinbori, K., Katagiri, K., Fujita, S., Takahashi, A., Kawada, K., Motoyama, H., Narita, H., Kamiyama, K., Furukawa, T., Takahashi,S., Shoji, H., Enomoto, H.,Saitoh, T., Miyahara, M., Naruse, R., Hondoh, T., Shiraiwa,T., Yokoyama, K, Ageta, Y., Saito, T. and Watanabe, O. (200) Deep ice core drilling to 2503m depth at Dome Fuji, Antarctica, Memoirs of National Institute ofPolar Research, Special Issue, 56, 103-116.
  4. Kohshima, S., Shiraiwa, T., Codoi, M.A., Kubota, K., Takeuchi, N. and Shinbori, K. (2002) Ice core drilling on Southern Patagonia IceField-Development of a new portable drill and the field expedition in 1999. Memoirs of the Nat. Inst. of Polar Research, Special Issue, 56, 49-58.
  5. Yamada, T., Takahashi, S., Shiraiwa, T., Fujita, Y., Kononov, Y., Ananicheva, M. D., Koreisha, M. M., Muravyev, Y. D. and Samborsky, T. (2002) Reconnaissance on the No. 31 Glacier in the Suntar-Khayata Range, Sakha Republic, Russian Federation. Bulletin of Glaciological Research, 19, 101-106.
  6. Salamatin, A. N., Shiraiwa, T., Muravyev, Y. D. and Ziganshin, M. F. (2002) Heat transfer in the seasonal active layer of Gorshkov Ice Cap on the summit of Ushkovsky volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula. Bulletin of Glaciological Research, 19, 47-52.

2 総説, 解説, 評論等


  1. 白岩孝行, 山口悟 (2002) カムチャツカ半島の近年の氷河質量収支変動と気候変動復元. 地学雑誌, 111(4), 476-485.*

兒玉 裕二(KODAMA,Yuji)・助手

1 学術論文

  1. Matsumoto, Y. Iizuka, Y. Kodama, Y. D. Muravyev, and K. Suzuki: Runoff and chemical characteristics of meltwater draining from Koryto Glacier, Kamchatka Peninsula, in 1996 and 1997 Bull. Glaciol. Res. 19, 71-80 (2002)*
  2. Y. Takeuchi, Y. Kodama and N. Ishikawa: The thermal effect of melting snow/ice surfacc on lower atmospheric temperature. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 34, 1, 2025 (2002)*
  3. G. E. Glazirin and Y. Kodama: Evaluation of glacierized area of mountainous river basin in transition Bull. Glaciol. Res. 20, 1-6 (2003)*

2 著書


  1. 地球環境調査計測事典, 第1巻 陸域編, フジテクノシステム出版KK, 1401pp (2002)


前野 紀一(MAENO,Norikazu)・教授

1 学術論文

  1. Kouchi,A., Kudo.T., Nakano,H., Arakawa, M., Watanabe, N., Sirono, S., Higa, M., and Maeno, N.: Rapid growth of asteroids owing to very sticky interstellar organic grains, Astrophysical Journal, L121-L124(2002)*
  2. Arakawa, M., Leliwa-Kopystynski, J. and Maeno, N.: Impact experiments on porous icy-sillcate cylindrical blocks and the implication for disruption and accumulation of small icy bodies, Icarus, 158, 516-531 (2002)*

2 総説,解説,評論等


  1. 前野紀一: 鳴き雪研究事始め, 雪氷, 64(2), 197-200 (2002)
  2. 荒川政彦・前野紀一: 氷の高速度衝突と破壊, 雪氷 64(3), 259-267 (2002)
  3. 前野紀一: 鳴き雪の秘密, 寒地技術論文報告集, 18, 841-844 (2002)
  4. 前野紀一: 鳴き雪, 共同通信社月刊健康, 529, 14-15 (2002)

香内 晃(KOUCHI,Akira)・教授

1 学術論文

  1. Nakano H., Kouchi A., Arakawa M., Kimura Y., Kaito C., Ohno H. and Hondoh T. (2002) Alteration of interstellar organic materials in meteorites' parent bodies: a novel route for diamond formation. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 78, Ser. B. 277-281*
  2. Kouchi, A., Kimura, Y. and Kaito, C. (2002) Interstellar clouds origin of nano-dailnonds in chondrites. Proc. 35th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symp. 195-198*
  3. Arakawa M., Yamamoto, T. and Kouchi, A. (2002) Rheological model on the sticking and rebound of cosmic dust analogue covered with an organic layer. Proc. 35th ISAS Lunar and Pianetary Symp. 187-190*
  4. Kudo T., Kouchi A., Arakawa M. and Nakano H. (2002) Role of sticky interstellar organic materials in the formation of asteroias, Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, 37, 1975-1983.*
  5. Arakawa M. and Kouchi A. (2002) Impact process of ice in the solar system in "High-pressure Shock Compression of Solids V" (Davison al Eds), Springer, p199-231.*
  6. Watanabe N. and Kouchi A. (2002) Efficient formation of fomaldehyde and methanol by the addition of hydrogen atoms to CO in H2O-CO ice at 10 K. Astrophys. J. 571, L173-L176.*
  7. Watanabe N. and Kouchi A. (2002) Evolution of CO molecules on icy dust surface. Proc 35th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symp.180-182.*
  8. Nakano H., Kouchi A., Arakawa M., Kimura Y., Kaito C., Ohno H. and Hondoh T. (2002) Aqueous alteration and thermal metamorphism of interstellar organic materials on the porent bodies of acrbonaceous chondrites. Proc. 35th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symp. 183-186.*

田中 歩(TANAKA,Ayumi)・教授

1 学術論文

  1. Satoh,S., Tanaka, A., Chiorophyll b inhibits the formation of photosystem I trimer in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 FEBS Letters, 528: 235-240, 2002.

2 総説,解説,評論等


  1. 田中歩, クロロフィルの進化 21世紀初頭の藻学の現況 9-11, 2002.
  2. 田中歩, 再現実験から光合成の進化を考える,遺伝 56: 67-72, 2002

3 著書


  1. 田中歩, 三室守, 光合成色素系(佐藤公行編, 光合成, 朝含書店) 2002

4 学術講演(招請講演のみ)


  1. Ayumi Tanaka and Ryouichi Tanaka, Regulation of photosynthetic antenna size by chlorophyllide a oxygenase. Second International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 2002, Kyoto


  1. 光合成像から見えてくる新たな世界, 光合成研究会シンポジュウム, 岡崎 (2002)


1 学術論文

  1. Yukiko Mizuno and Tadahiko Mizuno: Photon emission from ice during fracture, Jpn. J. Appl Phys. 41, No 2B, L209-211, (2002)*
  2. 水野悠紀子: 氷が破壊する時の発光現象, 雪氷 64(3), 241-248 (2002)*

皆川  純(MINAGAWA,Jun)・助教授

1 学術論文

  1. Teramoto, H., Nakamori, A., Minagawa, J., Ono, T.-A. Light intensity-dependent expression of Lhc gene family encoding light-harvesting chlorophyll-a/b proteins of photosystem II in Chlamydomonas reinhardtil. Plant Physiol. 130, 325-333, 2002*
  2. Kawamori, A., Katsuta, N., Mino, H., Ishii, A., Minagawa, J., Ono, T.-A. Positions of QA and ChlZ relative to Tyrosine YZ and YD in photosystem II studied by pulsed EPR J. of Biol. Phys. 28: 413-426, 2002*
  3. Nagata, N., Tanaka, R., Satoh, S., Minagawa J., and Tanaka A. Isolation and Characterization of a Gene for Chlorophylllde a Oxygenase from Prochiorothrix Hollandica In Symblosis and Cellular Organelles, M. Sugiura (ed.), in press, Logos Verlag Berlin, 2002*
  4. Jeans, C., Schilstra, M. J., Ray, N., Husain, S., Minagawa, J., Nugent, J. H. A., Klug, D. R. Replacement of Tyrosine D with Phenylalanine Affects the Normal Proton Transfer Pathways for the Reduction of P680+ in Oxygen-Evolving Photosystem II Particles from Chlamydomonas. Biochemistry 41: 15754-15761, 2002*
  5. Kawamori, A. Kattuta, N., Arao, S., Hara, H., Mino, H., Ishii, A., Ono, T.-A., Minagawa, J., Configuration of electron transfer cofactors in photosystem II studied by pulsed EPR J. of Photosci., 9, 379-381, 2002
  6. Hasegawa, K., Kimura, Y., Ishii, A., Minagawa, J., Ono,T.-A., Properties of Cl- binding site in oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II studied by FTIR spectroscopy. J. of Photosci. 9, 376-378, 2002.
  7. Teramoto, H., Nakamori, A., Minagawa, J., Ono, T.-A. Repression of Lhcb genes for chlorophyll a/b-binding proteins under high-light conditions in Chlamydomonas. J. of Photosci. 9, 373-375, 2002.

2 学術講演(招待講演)

(国際的, 全国的規模のシンポジウム)

  1. Minagawa, J., Takahashi, Y., Ibara, D., Hatano-Iwasaki, A., Ishii, A., Mino, H., Ono, T.-A. Functional analysis of site-directed mutants on the C-terminal Leu-343 and Ala-344 of D1 protein.10th International conference on the cell and mOlecular biology of Chlamydomonas, Vancouver, Canada (2002)


1 学術論文

  1. K. Tanaka, H. Matsumoto and Y. Hayakawa, Analysis in the course of polydnavirus replication in ovarian calyx cells of parasitoid wasp. Appl. Entomol. Zool., 37, 323-328 (2002)*.
  2. K. Tanaka, H. Matsumoto and Y. Hayakawa, Detailed characterization of polydnavirus immunoevasive proteins in an endoparasitoid wasp Eur. J. Biochem, 269, 2557-2566 (2002)*
  3. N. Koganesawa, T. Aizawa, H. Shimojo, K. Miura, A. Ohnishi, M. Demura, Y. Hayakawa, K. Nitta and K. Kawano, Exprettion and purification of a small cytokine growth-blocking peptide from armyworm Pseudaletia separata by an optimised fermentation method using the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris, Protein Expression and Purification, 25, 416-425 (2002)*
  4. T. Aizawa, Y. Hayakawa, K. Nitta and K. Kawano, Structure and activity ofinsect cytokine CBP which stimulates the ECF receptor. Mol. Cells, 14, 1-8 (2002)*
  5. K. Miura, M. Kamimura, T. Aizawa, M. Kiuchi, Y. Hayakawa, M. Mizuguchi and K. Kawano (2002) Solution structure of paralytic peptide of silkworm,Bombyx mori Peptides 23,2111-2116 (2002)*

2 著書


  1. 早川洋一: 寄生の生化学, 昆虫学大辞典, 朝倉書店

3 学術講演(招待講演)

(国際的, 全国的規模のシンポジウム)

  1. Yoichi Hayakawa: Genes enhanced their expression under short day length or feeding or L-Dopa in the larval brains of Mamestra brassicae "Internatlonal Seminar on Insect Photoperiodism and Rhythmicity", Ceske Budejovice (Czesh Republic), (2002)


1 学術論文

  1. K. Nagashima and Y. Furukawa: Effects of gravity on the pattern formation in the directicnal growth of ice crystals J. Crystal Growth, 237-239, 81-85 (2002)*
  2. N. Ogawa and Y. Furukawa: Surface instability of icicle. Physical Review, E 66, 204120 (2002).*
  3. 島田亙, 古川義純: 過冷却水から成長する氷結晶の形態形成機構. 雪氷, 64, 249-257 (2002)*
  4. Y. Furukawa, E. Yokoyama, S. Yoda, T. Nakamura, N. Koshikawa, Y. Nakamura, T. Masaki, K. Kawasaki, M. miyata, T. Tomobe, T. Takada and K. Kidowaki: Effect of microgravity on the formation of ice crystais grown in supercooled water. Final Report of TR-IA Rocket No. 7 Microgravity Experiments, Published by NASDA 149-248, (2002).

2 総説、解説、評論等


  1. 古川義純, 西村良浩, 横山悦郎: 氷の海に住む魚はなぜ環らない? - 永の結晶成長抑制l機能を持つタンパク質 - 固体物理, 37, 396-402 (2002).


1 学術論文

  1. Nakano H., A. Kouchi, M. Arakawa, Y. Kimura, C. Kaito, H. Ohno, and T. Hondoh: Alteratlon of interstellar organic materials in meteorites'parent bodiesi a novel route for diamond formation, Proc. the Japan academy, 78, Ser. B, No 9: 277-281 (2002)*
  2. Arakawa, M., J. Leliwa-Kopystynski, and N. Maeno: Impact experiments on porous icy-silicate cylindrical blocks and the implication for disruption and accumulation of small icy bodies, Icarus, 158: 516-531 (2002)*
  3. Kudo, T., A. Kouchi, M. Arakawa and H. Nakanot The role of sticky interstellar organic material in the formation of asteroids, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 37: 1975-1983 (2002)*
  4. Toshihiko Kadono and Masahiko Arakawa: Crack propagation in thin glass plates caused by high velocity impact, Phys. Rev. E, vol. 65: 035107(R) (2002)*
  5. Arakawa M., T. Yamamoto, and A. Kouchi: Rheological model onn the sticking and rebound of cosmic dust analogue covered with an organic later, Proc. 35th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Syamp.: 187-190 (2002).*

2 総説, 解説, 評論等


  1. 荒川政彦, 前野紀一: 氷の高速度衝突と破壊, 雪氷, 64: 259-267 (2002)
  2. Arakawa, M. and A. Kouchi: Impact processes of ice in the solar system, in High-Pressure Shock Compression of Solids V edited by L. Davison, Y. Horie and T. Sekine (Springer-Verlag, New York〉: 199-231 (2002)

3 学術講演(招待講演)

  1. 荒川政彦: 氷の衝突実験と氷天体のクレーター, 第43回高圧討論会, 松山 (2002)


1 学術論文

  1. J. S. A. Perry, J. M. Gingell, K. A. Newson, J. To, N. Watanabe, and S. D. Price: An apparatus to determine the rovibrational distribution of molecular hydrogen fomed by the heterogeneous recombination of H atoms on cosmic dutt analogues,Meas, Sci. Technol., 13: 1414 (2002)*
  2. Naoki Watanabe and Akira Kouchi: Efficient formation of formaldehyde and methanol by the addition of hydrogen atoms to CO in H2O-CO ice at 10K, Astrophys. J. Lett. 571 173-176 (2002)*
  3. Akira Kouchi, Tatsuyuki Kudo, Hideyuki Nakano, Masahiko Arakawa, Naoki Watanabe, Sin-iti Sirono, Michiya Higa, and Norikazu Maeno: Rapid Growth of Asteroids Owing to Very Sticky lnterstellar Organic Grains, Astrophys. J. Lett. 566: 121-124 (2002)*
  4. Naoki Watanabe and Akira Kouchi: Measurements of conversion rates of CO to C02 in UV induced reaction of D2O/CO amorphous ice, Astrophys J. 567: 651-655 (2002)*
  5. Naokt Watanabe and Akira Kouchi: Evolution of CO Molecules on Icy Dust Surface, Proc. 35th ISAS Lunar. Planet. Sympo.: 180-182 (2002)*

2 学術講演

(国際的, 全国的規模のシンポジウム)

  1. 渡部直樹: 極低温星問塵表面での分子進化, 日本物理学会年会シンポジウム, 愛知 (2002)


1 学術論文

  1. Nagata, N. Tanaka, R. Satoh, S. Minagawa J. and Tanaka A.: Isolation and Characterization of a Gene for Chlorophyllide a Oxygenase from Prochlorothrix Hollandica Symbiosis and Cellular Organelles edited by M.Sugiura, Logos Verlag Berlin, in press.(2002)*

2 学術講演(招請講演のみ)


  1. Ayumi Tanaka and Ryouichi Tanaka, Regulation of photosynthetic antenna size by chlorophyllide a oxygenase Second International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 2002, Kyoto


1 学術論文

  1. Kuwabara, C., Takezawa, D., Shimada, T., Hamada, T., Fjikawa, S. and Arakawa, K. Abscisic acidand cold-induced thaunatin-like protein in winter wheat has an antifungal activity against snow mould, Microdochium nivale. Physiol. Plant. 115: 101-110 (2002)*
  2. Yamada, T., Kuroda, K., Jitsuyama, Y., Takezawa, D., Arakawa, K. and Fujikawa, S. Roles of the plasma membrane and the cell wall in the responses of Plant cells to freezillg. Planta 215: 770-778 (2002)*


1 学術論文

  1. Kuwabara, C., Takezawa, D., Shimada, T., Hamada, T., Fjikawa, S. and Arakawa, K. Abscisic acidand cold-induced thaunatin-like protein in winter wheat has an antifungal activity against snow mould, Microdochium nivale. Physiol. Plant. 115: 101-110 (2002)*
  2. Yamada, T., Kuroda, K., Jitsuyama, Y., Takezawa, D., Arakawa, K. and Fujikawa, S. Roles of the plasma membrane and the cell wall in the responses of Plant cells to freezillg. Planta 215: 770-778 (2002)*


1 学術論文

  1. Shimada, K., Pavelka,J., Kostal, V.: A null mutation in the timeless gene causes the loss of photoperlodic response for diapause induction in the drosophilid fly, Chymomyza costata, 2nd Czech-Japanese Seminar on Entomology, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic (2002)


1 学術論文

  1. Tsuba M., Katagiri C., Takeuchi Y., Takada Y. and Yamaoka N.: Chemical factors ofthe leaf surface involved in the morphogenesis of Blumeria graninis. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 60: 51-57 (2002)*
  2. Maruta K., Yoshiga T., Katagiri C., Ochiai M. and Tojo S.: Purification and characterization of biliverdin-binding vitellogenin from the hemolymph of the common cutworm, Spodoptera litura. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 50: 97-106 (2002)*
  3. Ishii K., Hirai Y., Katagiri C. and Kimura M. T.: Mate Discrimination and Cuticular Hydrocarbons in Drosophila elegans and D. gunungcola. Zool. Sci. 19: 1191-1196 (2002)*

2 著書

(2) 共著

  1. 片桐千匁: 生化学一生体物質とその代謝 - 脂質 (a)脂肪酸,(b)単純脂質 p330-342 (石原勝敏他: 生物学大百科事典(上), 朝倉書店, 東京)(2002)


1 学術論文

  1. Maruta, K., Yoshiga, T., Katagiri, C., Ochiai, M., and Tojo, S.: "Purification and characterization of biliverdin-binding vitellogenin from the hemolymph of the common cutworm, Spodoptera litura." Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 50: 97-106. (2002)*
  2. Kadota K., Satch E., Ochiai M., Inoue N., Tsuji N., Igarashi I., Nagasawa H., Mikami T., Claveria FG., and Fttisaki K.: "Existence of phenol oxidase in the argasid tick Ornithodoros moubata" Parasitol Res 88: 781-784. (2002)*


福田 正己(FUKUDA,Masami)・教授

1 学術論文

  1. Brouchkov A. and Fukuda M. (2002): Preliminary Measurements on Methane Content in Permafrost, Central Yakutia, and some Experimental Data. Permafrost and Perigiacial Processes, Volume 13, Issue 3, 2002, pp. 187-197*
  2. Fukuda M., Shueyoshi T, Harada K and Wada K (2002): Occurrence and origin of Talik in permafrost near Yakutsk in east Siberia, EOS Supplement American Geophysicak Union, 180*

2 総説, 解説, 評論


  1. Fukuda M (2002): Eye on the Taiga. Look Japan, 48, 28-29

3 学術講演(招待講演のみ)

(国際的, 全国的規模のシンポジウム)

  1. Fukuda M (2002): Occurrence and origin of Talik in permafrost near Yakutsk in east Siberia, American Ceophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California 2002 Dec. 9

戸田 正憲(TODA,Masanori J.)・教授

1 学術論文

  1. Hu,Y.-g. and Toda, M. J.: Cladistic analysis of the genus Dichaetophora Duda (Diptera: Drosophilidae) and its revised classification, Insect Systematics & Evolution, 33: 91-102 (2002)*
  2. Tanabe, S., Toda, M. J., Lakin, M. B. and Mohamed, M. B.: Abundance,biomass,and composition of insect communities in various forests on Mt. Kinabalu, Sabah Parks Nature Journal, 5: 219-237 (2002)*
  3. Sultana, F., Toda, M. J., Yafuso, M., Lakim, M. B., Mohamed, M. B. and Cuong, N. M.: A new species-group of the genus Colocasiomyia de Meijere (Diptera: Drosophilidae), with descriptions of two new species from eastern Malaytta and Vietnam, Entomological Science, 5(3): 305-315 (2002)*
  4. Zannat, Mst. T. and Toda, M. J.: Morphological comparison among Drosophila lini and its two new sibling species (Diptera: Drosophilidae), Zoological Science, 19(12): 1377-1388 (2002)*

2 総説, 解説, 評論


  1. 戸田正憲: IBOY(国際生物多様性観測年), 昆虫と自然, 37(12): 24-27 (2002)

3 著書


  1. Toda, M. J. and Kitching, R. L. (eds): Chapter 2: Forest ecosystems, pp. 27-110 (T. Nakashizuka & N. Stork (eds.), Biodiversity Research Methods, IBOY in Western Pacific and Asia, Kyoto University Press, Kyoto & Trans Pacific Press, Melbourne) (2002)

4 学術講演(招待講演)

(国際的, 全国規模のシンポジウム)

  1. 戸田正憲: 生物多様性のインヴェントリー・モニタリングと分類学, 日本分類学会運合設立記念シンポジウム(2)「これからの分類学」, 東京 (2002)
  2. 戸田正憲: 何のための生物多様性インヴェントリーか? - 生態学の立場から -, ガイアリスト21に向けて- 生物多様性研究の現状 -, 金沢 (2002)
  3. Toda, M. J. and Kitayama, K: Introducing DIWPA-IBOY activities, New frontiers in blodiversity science - From microbes to landscape -, Kyoto (2002)

デイヴィス, アンドリュー・ジョン(Davis,Andrew John)・助教授

1 学術講演(招待講演のみ)

(国際的, 全国的規模のシンポジウム)

  1. Trophic levels are differentially sensitive to climate, British Ecologicai Society ACM, December 2002, University of York, UK.


1 学術論文

  1. Donohue, K., E. Firing, D. Rowe, A. Ishida, and H. Mitsudera: Equatorial Pacific Subsurface countercurrents in Jamstec high-resolution OGCM Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32, 1252-1264, 2002.*
  2. Jameson, L., T. Waseda, and H. Mitsudera: Scale Utilization and Optimization from wavelet analysis for data assimilation Journal of Atmospheric and Ocean Technology, 19, 5, 747-5, 758, 2002.*
  3. Qu T., S. Xie, H. Mitsudera, and A. Ishida: Subduction of the North Pacific Mode Waters in a giobal eddy-resoiving model Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32(3), 746-763, 2002*
  4. Waseda, T., H. Mitsudera, B. Taguch and Y. Yoshikawa: On the eddy-Kuroshio interaction: Initialization and evolution of the mesoscale eddies Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2000JC000756, 01, 2002*
  5. Waseda, T. and H. Mitsudera: Chaotic advectioll of the shallow Kuroshio coastal waters. Journal of Oceanography, 58(5) 627-638, 2002*

串田 圭司(KUSHIDA,Keiji)・助手

1 学術論文

  1. Miyamoto, M., K. Yoshino, K. Kushida, Y.Sato (2002): Vegetation Mapping of Kushiro Wetland in Northeast Hokkaido, Japan: Application of SPOT images, Aerial Balioon Photographs, and Airborne Color Near Infrared (CNIR) ImageS for Classification, Proc. MAP ASIA 2002,005pf (
  2. Miyamoto, M., K. Yoshino, K. Kushida (2002): Vegetation Mapping of KushiroヽVetland in Northeast Hokkaido, Japan: Application of SPOT Images,Aerial Balloon Photographs and Airborne Color Near Infrared (CNIR) Images for Ciassification. Proc. Intenational Ceoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2002, pp. 3495-3497

大舘 智志(OHDACHI,Satoshi)・助手

1 学術論文

  1. Han, S-.-H, Iwasa M. A., S. D. Ohdachi, H-. S-. Oh, H. Suzuki, K. Tsuchiya and H. Abe. Molecular phylogeny of Crocidura shrews in northeasternAsia: a special reference to specimens on Cheju Island, South Korea Acta Theriologica 47: 369-379 (2002)*
  2. Naitoh, Y., Y. Ishibashi, S. Abe and S. D. Ohdachi. Isolation and characterization ofpolymorphic microsatellite DNA markers in two shrew species, Sorex unguiculatus and S. caecutiens. Molecular Ecology Notes 2: 434-436 (2002).
  3. 岩佐真宏・大舘智氏・北将樹・内藤由香子・川窪千壽.北海道東部霧多布湿原地域における小哺乳類相. 環境教育研究(北海道教育大学環境教育情報センター) 5: 47-52 (2002).

2 総説, 解説, 評論等


  1. 大舘智氏.「ActaTheriologica Vol. 47, Suppl. 1, 2002. Theriology at the turn of a newcentury. J. Gliwicz 編. Mammal ResearchInstitute, Polish Academy of Sctences, Bialowieza, Poland」哺乳類科学 42: 171 (2002).



1 学術論文

  1. Kawamura, T., Granskog, M., Ehn, J,,Marma, T., Lindfors, A., Ishikawa, N., Shirasawa, K., Lepparanta, M. and Vaikmae, R.: Study on brackish ice in the Gulf of Finiand. Ice in the Environnlent: Proc. 16th IAHR Intl. Symp. on Ice, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2-6 December 2002, International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research, vol 2, 165-171 (2002)'.*
  2. Ehn, J., Rasmus, K., Lepparanta, M. and Shirasawa, K.: On the shortwave radiation parameterization in thermodynamic sea ice lnodels in the Baltic Sea.Ice in the Environment:Proc 16th IAHR Intl.Symp. on Ice, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2-6 December 2002, International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research,vol 2, 268-274 (2002).*
  3. Ishikawa, N., Takizawa, A., Kawamura, T., Shirasawa, K. and Lepparanta, M.: Changes in radiation properties and heat balance with sea ice growth in Saroma lagoon and the Gulf of Finland. Ice in the Environment: Proc. 16th IAHR Intl. Symp. on Ice, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2-6 December 2002, International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research, vol 3, 194-200 (2002).*
  4. Postlethwaite, C., Shirasawa, K. and Jenkins, W.: Saroma Ko; a natural laboratory for studying ocean/ice interaction Proc. 17th Intl. Symp. Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, 24-28 February 2002, Mombetsu, Japan, 30-31 (2002).
  5. Launiainen, J., Vihma, T., Brummer, B., Etling, D., Hakansson, B., Omstedt, A., Smedman, A.-S. and Shirasawa, K.: Baltic Air-Sea-Ice Study (BALTEX— BASIS) Proc. Third Study Conference on BALTIX, Mariehamn, Finiand, 2-6 July 2001 (2002).
  6. Shirasawa, K., Ishikawa, M., Takatsuka, T., Daibou, T., Tateyama, K. and Hamaoka, S: Meteorological and oceanographic observations at marine towers on the Okhotsk Sea coast of Hokkaido, January-December 2002. Low Temp. Sci., Ser. A., 61, Data Report, 1-12 (2002).
  7. Ishikawa, M., Takatsuka, T., Daibo, T. and Shirasawa, K.: Distributions of pack ice in the Okhotsk Sea off Hokkaido observed using a sea-ice radar network, December 2001 - March 2002 Low Temp Sci., Ser. A., 61, Data Report, 13-34 (2002).
  8. Shirasawa, K., Ishikawa, M., Takatsuka, T., ,Daibou, T. and Maekawa, K.: Sea ice conditions, and meteorological and oceanographic observations at Saroma-ko lagoon, Hokkaido, November 2001 - December 2002. Low Temp. Sct, Ser. At, 61, Data Report, 35-49 (2002).
  9. Shirasawa, K., Ishikawa, M., Takatsuka, T., Daibou, T., Enomoto, H., Polomoshnov, A., Sourkov, G. and Kalinin, E.: Meteorological data report at Chaivo, northern Sakhalin, November 2001 - October 2002. Low Temp. Sci. Ser. A, 61, Data Report, 51-63 (2002).

2 総説, 解説, 評論等


  1. 高橋正征・白澤邦男: 海氷生態系とは. 月刊海洋「海氷生態系Pサロマ湖・オホーツク海の研究から - 」特集号, No 30, 5-10 (2002).
  2. 白澤邦男・藤芳義裕・前川公彦: サロマ湖の海洋・海氷環境.月刊海洋「海氷生態系?サロマ湖・オホーツク海の研究から - 」特集号, No. 30, 50-61 (2002).
  3. 自澤邦男・石川信敬: 海氷と光環境. 月刊海洋「海氷生態系?サロマ湖・オホーック海の研究から - 」特集号, No 30, 78-83 (2002).
  4. C. Posuethwaite・自澤邦男・W. Jenkins・C. Walker: 海洋と氷の相互関係研究のための野外実験室としてのサロマ朋. 月刊海洋「海氷生態系?サロマ湖・オホーック海の研究から -」特集号,No 30,100-102 (2002).
  5. 白澤邦男: ポリニヤの物理. 月刊海洋「海氷生態系?サロマ湖・オホーツク海の研究から -」特集号, No 30, 198-200 (2002).

3 学術講演(招請講演のみ)

(2) 国際的, 全国的規模のシンポジウム

  1. Shirasawa, K., Launiainen, J. and Lepparanta, M.: Measurements of under-ice oceanic heat flux in the Baltic Sea during the BALTEX/BASIS and HANKO experiments The Fourth International Workshop on Baltic Sea Ice, Norrkoping, Sweden, 22-24 May 2002.

国際的, 全国的規模のシンポジウム及びシンポジウムのオーガナイザー


  1. The 17th Inti Symp. Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, Mombetsu, Japan, 24-28 February 2002 (プログラム委員会委員長)

北海道大学 低温科学研究所