1 学術論文
- Kimura, N. and M. Wakatsuchi, Mechanisms for the variation of sea-ice extent
in the Northern Hemisphere, J. Geophys. Res., 106(C12), 31319-31332, 2001.*
- Aramaki, T., S. Watanabe, T. Kuji and M. Wakatsuchi, The Okhotsk-Pacific
seawater exchange in the viewpoint of vertical profiles of radiocarbon
around the Bussol' Strait, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 3971-3974, 2001. *
- Baba, K. and M. Wakatsuchi, Eastward propagation of the intraseasonal variability
of sea ice concentration and the atmospheric field in the marginal ice
zone in the Antarctic, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 3669-3672, 2001. *
- Ohshima K. I., G. Mizuta, M. Itoh, Y. Fukamachi, T. Watanabe, Y. Nabae,
K. Suehiro, and M. Wakatsuchi, 2001, Winter oceanographic conditions in
the southwestern part of the Okhotsk Sea and their relation to sea ice,
J. Oceanogr., 57, 451-460, 2001.*
- Toyota, T. and M. Wakatsuchi, Characteristics of the surface heat budget
during the ice growth season in the southern Sea of Okhotsk, Ann. Glaciol.,
33, 230-236, 2001. *
河村 公隆(KAWAMURA,Kimitaka)・教授
1 学術論文
- K. Kawamura, K. Yokoyama, Y. Fujii and O. Watanabe, A Greenland ice core
record of low molecular weight dicarboxylic acids, oxocarboxylic acids
and a-dicarbonyls: A trend from Little Ice Age to the present (1540 to
1989 A.D.), J. Geophys. Res. 106, 1331-1345 (2001).*
- Y. Ternois, K. Kawamura, L. Keigwin, N. Ohkouchi and T. Nakatsuka, A biomarker
approach for assessing marine and terrigenous inputs to the Okhotsk Sea
sediments for the last 27,000 years, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 65, 791-802
- K. Kawamura, S. Steinberg, L. Ng and I. R. Kaplan, Wet deposition of low
molecular weight mono- and di-carboxylic acids, aldehydes and inorganic
species in Los Angeles. Atmospheric Environment, 35, 3917-3926 (2001).*
- 池原 実・竹本紀之・大河内直彦・河村公隆,「南大洋表層堆積物における多環芳香族炭化水素の緯度分布」,地球化学, 35, 73-84 (2001).*
- A. Rosell-Mele, E. Bard, K.-C. Emeis, J. O. Grimalt, P. Muller, R. Schneider,
I. Bouloubassi., B. Epstein, K. Fahl, A. Fluegge, K. Freeman, M. Goni,
U. Guntner, D. Hartz, S. Hellebust, T. Herbert, M. Ikehara, R. Ishiwatari,
K. Kawamura, F. Kenig, J. de Leeuw, S. Lehman, L. Mejanelle, N. Ohkouchi,
R. D. Pancost, C. Pelejero, F. Prahl, J. Quinn, J.-F. Rontani, F. Rostek,
J. Rullkotter, J. Sachs, T. Blanz, K. Sawada, D. Schultz-Bull, E. Sikes,
C. Sonzogni, Y. Ternois, G. Versteegh, J. K. Volkman, and S. Wakeham, Precision
of the current methods to measure the alkenone proxy Uk37’ and absolute
alkenone abundance in sediments: Results of an interlaboratory comparison
study, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3), Vol. 2, Paper No. 2000GC000141,
July 6, 2001 (An Electronic Journal of the Earth Sciences, published by
AGU and the Geochemical Society).*
- 田中伸幸、河村公隆、「東京郊外で同時に採取したエアロゾルおよび降水試料中の中性脂質成分の経時変化」、地球化学、35, 169-182 (2001).*
- K. Matsumoto, K. Kawamura, M. Uchida, Y. Shibata, and M. Yoneda, Compound
specific radiocarbon and d13C measurements of fatty acids in a continental
aerosol sample, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 4587-4590 (2001).*
- M. Uchida, Y. Shibata, K. Kawamura, Y. Kumamoto, M. Yoneda, K. Ohkushi,
N. Harada, M. Hirota, H. Mukai, A. Tanaka, M. Kusakabe, and M. Morita,
Compound-specific radiocarbon ages of fatty acids from marine sediments
from the western North Pacific, Radiocarbon 43, 2B, 949-956 (2001).*
2 総説、解説、評論等
- 河村公隆、「海洋大気中のアルカンと多環芳香族炭化水素-有機エアロゾルの長距離輸送と変質-」、月刊海洋、号外No.25「現代海洋化学・II」,
22- 30 (2001).
- 河村公隆、「A04班対流圏におけるハロゲンの化学と循環の総括」、ニュースレター特定領域研究「対流圏化学グローバルダイナミクス」,
No. 6, 55-57(2001).
- 河村公隆、「海洋大気中の含ハロゲン有機物の分布と有機エアロゾルの光化学的変質」、ニュースレター特定領域研究「対流圏化学グローバルダイナミクス」,
No. 6, 58-64 (2001).
- 河村公隆、「ACE-Asiaの観測研究」、大気化学研究会ニュースレター、No.5, p.3 (2001).
3 学術講演(招請講演のみ)
- ACE-Asia (Aerosol Characterization Experiment in Asian Pacific region) Meeting at R/V Ronald H. Brown, 開催場所 Yokosuka, 4/21/2001
- ACE-Asia/TRACE-P セッション 日本気象学会、岐阜、10月10日2001年
1 学術論文
- Fujiyoshi, Y., M.Kawashima, M. Yamasaki and K. Nakamura, 2001: Water budget
of cloud clusters associated with the Meiyu frontal zone and their numerical
simulation. Proc. 3rd GAME-HUBEX Workshop on Meso-scale Systems in Meiyu/Baiu
Front And Its Hydrological Cycle, Kunming, China, 1-3
- Yafei Wang, , Y. Fujiyoshi and Yongjia Song, 2001: The relationship between
preceding La Nina event and East Asia summer atmosphere circulation: 1999/2000
cold episode analysis. Proc. 3rd GAME-HUBEX Workshop on Meso-scale Systems
in Meiyu/Baiu Front And Its Hydrological Cycle, Kunming, China, 15-16.
- Li, Z., Y. Fujiyoshi, K. Tsuboki and T. Takeda, 2001: Diurnal variation
of cloud clusters related to the heavy rainfall in summer season in Eastern
China. Proc. 3rd GAME-HUBEX Workshop on Meso-scale Systems in Meiyu/Baiu
Front And Its Hydrological Cycle, Kunming, China, 87-90.
- Fujiyoshi, Y., 2001: How to interpret and use radar information. Proc.
5th International Symposium on Hydrological Applications of Weather Radar
-Radar Hydrology -, Kyoto, 203-207
- 藤吉康志, 川島正行、 椿 哲弥、2001: 大きな水平シアー流中に発生した渦 状エコーの3次元構造、天気(カラーページ),48,
- Inoue, J., Y.Fujiyoshi, M.Kawashima and M. Wakatsuchi, 2001: Development
and maintenance mechanism of the convective boundary layer over the Sea
of Okhotsk during cold air outbreak revealed by aircraft observation,
Proc. International Symposium on Atmosphere-Ocean-Cryosphere Interaction
in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Surrounding Environment, Sapporo, 64-65.
2 著書
- 藤吉康志、第4章国内におけるドップラー気象レーダーの利用、107−170.(石原正仁編集、気象研究ノート、日本気象学会発行、2001年発行)
3 学術講演(招請講演のみ)
- Y. Fujiyoshi: How to interpret and use radar information. 5th International
Symposium on Hydrological Applications of Weather Radar-Radar Hydrology
-、京都平安会館, 2001年10月19〜22日
- 3rd GAME-HUBEX Workshop on Meso-scale Systems in Meiyu/Baiu Front And Its
Hydrological Cycle, Kunming, China, (7-11 December, 2001)
遠藤 辰雄(ENDOH, Tatsuo)・助教授
1 学術論文
- Endoh, T., T. Nakajima, M. Yamano, T. Takamura and S. Ohta : " Shipborne
measurements with Skyradiometer",Proceedings of Nagaski Workshop
on Aerosol-Cloud Radiation Interaction and Asian Lidar Network,46-54,2001.
2 著書
- 山の大気環境科学 共著 養賢堂発行 pp.185 2001年(3月30日)
大島 慶一郎(OHSHIMA,Keiichiro)・助教授
1 学術論文
- Nihashi S. and K. I. Ohshima : "Relationship between the sea ice cover
in the retreat and advance seasons in the Antarctic Ocean", Geophysical
Research Letter, 28: 3677-3680 (2001)*
- Nihashi, S. and K. I. Ohshima : "Relationship between ice decay and
solar heating through open water in the Antarctic sea-ice zone",Journal
of Geophysical Research, 106: 16767-16782 (2001)*
- Ohshima K. I., G. Mizuta, M. Itoh, Y. Fukamachi, T. Watanabe, Y. Nabae,
K. Suehiro, and M. Wakatsuchi : "Winter oceanographic conditions in
the southwestern part of the Okhotsk Sea and their relation to sea ice",
Journal of Oceanography, 57: 451-460 (2001)*
- Ohshima K. I., and S. Nihashi : "Ice albedo feedback effect on sea
ice/ocean coupled system in the Antarctic", Proc. Second Wadati Conference
on Global Change and Polar Climate, Tsukuba, Japan: 114-117 (2001)
- Ohshima, K.I., T. Watanabe and S. Nihashi : "Heat budget in the Sea
of Okhotsk and the role of sea ice on the budget", Proc. Second Wadati
Conference on Global Change and Polar Climate, Tsukuba, Japan: 216-219 (2001)
2 学術講演(招請講演のみ)
- 大島慶一郎:21世紀の海洋学の展望「極域・海氷域での観測」、2001年度日 本海洋学会秋季大会、清水市グランシップ(2001年9月).
中塚 武(NAKATSUKA,Takeshi)・助教授
1 学術論文
- Ternois, Y., K. Kawamura, L. Keigwin, N. Ohkouchi and T. Nakatsuka : A
biomarker approach for assessing marine and terrigenous inputs to the sediments
of Sea of Okhotsk for the last 27,000 years. Geochimica et Cosmochimica
Acta, 65, 791-802 (2001) *
2 総説・解説・評論等
- 中塚 武 : 海溝斜面域における粒状有機物の分散・集積メカニズム-リバウンド&スキャベンジモデル-.
月刊 地球, 号外32,90-95 (2001).
- 中塚 武・吉川知里・大西啓子 : 窒素同位体海洋化学の展開 - オホーツク海を例として - 月刊 海洋, 号外 25, 114-120 (2001).
- 中塚 武 : N*による縁辺海における窒素収支解析の試み. 月刊 海洋, 33,
518-522 (2001).
3 著書
- 中塚 武 : 有能な語り手−有機物と同位体. p.28-38 (日本海洋学会編 :「海と環境」 講談社サイエンティフィク、東京) io(2001)
4 学術講演(招請講演のみ)
- Nakatsuka, T. : Oceanography and paleoceanography in the Sea of Okhotsk:
a window to the glacial world ocean. "7th International Conference
on Paleoceanography". Sapporo (2001).
豊田 威信(TOYOTA,Takenobu)・助手
1 学術論文
- Toyota,T. and M.Wakatsuchi: Characteristics of the surface heat budget
during the ice growth season in the southern Sea of Okhotsk. Ann.Glaciol.,
Vol.33, 230-236 (2001) *
- Toyota,T., T.Kawamura, T.Nakatsuka: Contribution of snow to the sea ice
growth in the southern Sea of Okhotsk. Proceedings of the international
symposium on atmosphere-ocean-cryosphere interaction in the Sea of Okhotsk
and the surrounding environment, Sapporo. 56-57 (2001)
- Toyota,T., T.Kawamura, and J.Ukita: Sea ice structure in the Sea of Okhotsk.
Proceedings of the international symposium on atmosphere-ocean-cryosphere
interaction in the Sea of Okhotsk and the surrounding environment, Sapporo.
66-67 (2001)
- 豊田威信、河村俊行、中塚武、若土正曉: オホーツク海南部の海氷の酸素安 定同位体比の特徴、北海道の雪氷、Vol.20, 28-31 (2001)
河村 俊行(KAWAMURA,Toshiyuki)・助手
1 学術論文
- Kawamura, T., Shirasawa, K., Ishikawa, N., Lindfors, A., Rasmus, K., Granskog,
M., Ehn, J., Lepparanta, M., Martma, T. and Vaikmae, R.: Time series observations
of the structure and properties of brackish ice in the Gulf of Finland,
the Baltic Sea. Annals of Glaciol., 33, 1- 4 (2001)*
- Kawamura, T., Shirasawa, K. and Kobinata, K.: Physical properties and isotopic characteristics of landfast sea ice around the North Water (NOW) Polynya, Atmosphere-Ocean, 39(3), 173-182 (2001)*
- Kawamura, T., Shirasawa, K., Ishikawa, M., Ikeda, M., Takatsuka, T. and
Daibou, T.: Study on physical properties of sea ice in Lake Saroma, Proc.
16th Intl. Symp. Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, 4-7 February 2001, Mombetsu,
Japan, 37-44 (2001)
- Fushimi, H., Kawamura, T., Iida, H., Ochiai, M., Nakajima, T. and Azuma,
Y.: Internal distribution of acid material within snow crystals. Water,
Air and Solid Pollution, 130, 1709-1914 (2001)*
- Shirasawa, K., Daibou, T., Fujiyoshi, Y., Ishikawa, M., Kawamura, T., Lepparanta,
M., Saloranta. T. and Takatsuka, T.: Interannual variability in hydrometeorological
conditions of Saroma-ko Lagoon, Hokkaido, Japan, Proc. 16th Intl. Symp.
Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, 4-7 February 2001, Mombetsu, Japan, 76-78 (2001)
- Shirasawa, K., Lepparanta, M., Ehn, J., Granskog, M., Ishikawa, N. and
Kawamura, T.: Ice and snow cover as a filter of solar radiation in natural
water, Proc. Int'l Conference "Current Problems in Optics of Natural
waters", 278-282 (2001)
深町 康(FUKAMACHI,Yasushi)・助手
1 学術論文
- Ohshima, K.I., G. Mizuta, M. Itoh, Y. Fukamachi, T. Watanabe, Y. Nabae,
K. Suehiro, and M. Wakatsuchi, Winter oceanographic conditions in the southwestern
part of the Okhotsk Sea and their relation to sea ice, Journal of Oceanography,57,
451-460 (2001)*
- Fukamachi, Y., G. Mizuta, K.I. Ohshima, and M. Wakatsuchi, Estimation of
dense shelf water volume transport using long-term mooring data off the
east coast of Sakhalin, Proceedings of 16th International Symposium of
Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice,Mombetsu, Japan, 206-211 (2001)
- Mizuta, G., Y. Fukamachi, K.I. Ohshima, and M. Wakatsuchi, Southward current
off the east coast of Sakhalin in the Sea of Okhotsk observed from 1998
to 2000,Proceedings of 16th International Symposium of Okhotsk Sea &
Sea Ice, Mombetsu,Japan, 198-205 (2001)
- Fukamachi, Y., G. Mizuta, K.I. Ohshima, M. Aota, and M. Wakatsuchi, Mooring
measurement of ice thickness off Yubetsu, Hokkaido, Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Atmosphere-Ocean-Cryosphere Interaction in the
Sea of Okhotsk and the Surrounding Environment, Sapporo, Japan, 32-33 (2001)
持田 陸宏(MOCHIDA,Mutsuhiro)・助手
川島 正行(KAWASHIMA,Masayuki)・助手
1 学術論文
- Inoue, J., M.Honda and M.Kawashima , 2001: Air mass transformation processes
over the southwestern region of the ice-covered Sea of Okhotsk during cold
air outbreaks, J.Meteor.Soc.Japan, 79, 657-670. *
- 藤吉康志, 川島正行、 椿 哲弥、2001: 大きな水平シアー流中に発生した渦 状エコーの3次元構造、天気(カラーページ),48, 3-4.*
本堂 武夫(HONDOH,Takeo)・教授
1 学術論文
- Ikeda-Fukazawa, T., Hondoh, T., Fukazawa, H. and Ikeda, S. : Incoherent
Inelastic Neutron Scattering of Clathrate Hydrates, Journal of Physical
Society Japan, 70 : 289-291 (2001)*
- Ikeda-Fukazawa, T., Hondoh, T., Fukumura, T., Fukazawa, H. and Mae, S.
: Variation in N2/O2 ratio of occluded air in Dome Fuji Antarctic ice,
Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(D16) : 17799-17810 (2001)*
- Salamatin, A.N., Lipenkov, V.Y., Ikeda-Fukazawa, T. and Hondoh, T. : Kinetics
of air-hydrate nucleation in polar ice sheets, Journal of Crystal Growth,
223 : 285-305 (2001)*
2 総説,解説,評論等
- 深澤倫子,本堂武夫 : 南極の氷と結晶物理, 応用物理教育, 25(1): 49-54 (2001)
3 学術講演(招請講演のみ)
- Hondoh, T. et al.: Physical Properties of Dome Fuji Ice Cores and Paleoenvironmental
Reconstruction, Second Wadati Conference on Global Change and the Polar
Climate, Tsukuba, Japan (2001)
- Hondoh, T. et al.: Physical Properties of the Dome Fuji Ice Core, China-Japan
International Symposium on Polar Glaciology, Shanghai, China (2001)
小林 大二(KOBAYASHI,Daiji)・教授
グラジーリン,グレブ・エフランピエビッチ(Glazirin, Gleb Evlampievich)・教授
1 学術論文
- Glazirin, G. E., Shchetinnikov, A.S. (2001). Modern and possible future
change of glacierization of West Tirn Shan. Proceed. of Central Asian Res.
Hydrometeorol. Inst., 161(242), 5-14. (in Russian)
- Glazirin, G. E., Shchetinnikov, A.S. (2001). Glacierization of Hissar-Alay
during last decades and its possible change under future climate change.
Results of Glaciological Researches, 90, Moscow, 126-129. (in Russian)
- Savoskul, O.S., Glazirin, G.E. (2001). Geomorphologic control of calculation
model of glacierization response to climate change (Pskem River basin,
West Tien Shan as an example). Results of Glaciological Researches, 91,
Moscow, 13-22. (in Russian)
- Glazirin, G.E., (2001). Once more on the book by A.S., Shchetinnikov “Morphology
and regime of glaciers of the Pamirs-Alay”. Results of GLACIOLOGICAL Researches,
91, Moscow, 257-260. (in Russian)
1 学術論文
- Yang D. and Ohata, T.: A biased-corrected Siberian Regional Precipitation Climatic Description. J. Hydrometeorology, 2, 122-139, (2001)*.
- Ohta, T., Hiyama, T., Tanaka, H., Kuwada, T., Maximov, T.C., Ohata, T.
and Fukushima, Y.: Seasonal Variation in the energy and water exchange
above and below a larch forest in Eastern Siberia. Hydrological Processes,
15, 1459-1476, (2001)*.
- Ohno, H., Yabuki, H., Ohata, T., Erdenetsetseg, D., Davaa, G. and Oyunbaatar,
D. (2001): Distribution and its regression of relationship between snow
depth and SSM/I brightness temperature difference. Proceedings of the Fifth
International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME. Oct. 3-5, 2001.
Nagoya, 525-530.
- Yabuki, H., Kodama, Y., and Ohata, T., (2001): The characteristics of evaporation
on tundra region near tiksi, Eastern Siberia. Proceedings of the Fifth
International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME. Oct. 3-5, 2001.
Nagoya, 135-138.
- Kodama, Y., Sato, N., Yabuki, H., Ishii, Y., Nomura, M. and Ohata, T. (2001):
Characteristics of surface fluxes observed over Tundra in Eastern Siberia.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia
and GAME. Oct. 3-5, 2001. Nagoya, 198-203.
- Hiyama,T., Strunin, M., Asanuma, J., Mezrin, M., Suzuki, R. and Ohata,
T. (2001): Flux distributions of heat and carbon dioxide in the atmospheric
boundary layer over non-homogenous surface in Eastern Siberia. Proceedings
of the Fifth International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME.
Oct. 3-5, 2001. Nagoya, 307-314.
- Mizoguchi, M., Kondo, N., Tanaka, H., Kiyosawa, H., Yabuki, H., Ishii,
Y. and Ohata, T. (2001): Soil physical properties of active layer in alas,
Eastern Siberia. Proceedings of the Fifth International Study Conference
on GEWEX in Asia and GAME. Oct. 3-5, 2001. Nagoya, 637-642.
- Endo, N., Hiyama, T., Ohata, T. and yasunari, T. (2001): The temporal variations
of precipitable water in Yakutsk, Eastern Siberia. Proceedings of the Fifth
International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME. Oct. 3-5, 2001.
Nagoya, 715-718.
2 総説、解説、評論等
- Ohata, T. and Fukushima, Y. (2001): Main results obtained by Siberia regional
project of GAME. Proceedings of the Fifth International Study Conference
on GEWEX in Asia and GAME. Oct. 3-5, 2001. Nagoya, 305-306.
原 登志彦(HARA,Toshihiko)・教授
1 学術論文
- Takahashi, K., Homma, K., Shiraiwa, T., Vetrova, V.P. and Hara, T. : Climatic
factors affecting the growth of Larix cajanderi in the Kamchatka Peninsula,
Russia. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 3: 1-9 (2001)*.
- Li, B., Shibuya, T., Yogo, Y., Hara T. and Yokozawa, M. : Interclonal differences,
plasticity and trade-offs of life history traits of Cyperus esculentus
in relation to water availability. Plant Species Biology 16: 193-207 (2001)*.
- Li, B., Shibuya, T., Yogo, Y., Hara, T. and Matsuo, K. : Effects of light quantity and quality on growth and reproduction of a clonal sedge,Cyperus esculentus. Plant Species Biology 16: 69-81 (2001)*.
- Takahashi, K., Homma, K., Vetrova, V.P., Florenzev, S. and Hara, T. : Stand
structure and regeneration in a Kamchatka mixed boreal forest. Journal
of Vegetation Science 12: 627-634 (2001)*.
- Suzuki, J. and Hara, T. : Partitioning of stored resources between shoots
in a clone , and its effects on shoot size hierarchy. Annals of Botany
87: 655-659 (2001)*.
- Kawata, M., Hayashi, M. and Hara, T. : Interactions between neighboring algae and snail grazing in structuring microdistribution patterns of Periphyton.Oikos 92: 404-416 (2001)*.
- Herben, T., Hara, T., Hadincova, V., Krahulec, F., Pechackova, S., Skalova,
H. and Suzuki, J. : Neighborhood effects and genetic structure in a clonal
grass: the role of the spatial structure of the environment. Plant Species
Biology.16: 1-11 (2001)*.
2 著書
- Hara, T., Watanabe, T., Yokozawa, M., Emori, S., Takata, K. and Sumida,
A. : A multi-layered integrated numerical model of surface physics -growing
plants interaction, MINoSGI. In: Present and Future of Modeling Global
Environmental Change--Toward Integrated Modeling-- (T. Matsuno, Ed.). Terra
Scientific Publishing Company, Tokyo. pp. 173-185.
3 学術講演(招請講演のみ)
- Hara, T. : Chilling stress and flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes.
Gordon Research Conference on Temperature Stress in Plants. Ventura, California,
USA (2001).
成田 英器(NARITA,Hideki)・助教授
1 学術論文
- Motoyama, H., Watanabe, O., Kamiyama, K., Igarashi, M., Goto-Azuma, K.,
Fujii, Y., Iizuka, Y., Matoba, S., Narita, H. and Kameda, T.: Regional
characteristics of chemical constituents in surface snow, Arctic cryosphere,
Polar Meteorol. Glaciol., 15 : 55-66 (2001)*
- Kirchner, H. O., Michot, G., Narita, H. and Suzuki, T.: Snow as a foam
of ice: plasticity, fracture and brittle-to-ductile transition, Philosophical
Magazine A, 81(9) : 2161-2181 (2001)*
- Fujii, Y., Kamiyama, K., Shoji, H., Narita, H., Nishio, F., Kmeda, T. and
Watanabe, O. : 210-year ice core records of dust storms, volcanic eruptions
and acidification at Site-J Greenland, Mem. Nathl Inst. Polar Res., Spec.
Issue, 54 : 209-220 (2001)*
- Watanabe, O., Motoyama, H., Igarashi, M., Kamiyama, K., Matoba, S., Goto-
Azuma, K., Narita, H. and Kameda, T. : Studies on climatic and environmental
changes during the last few hundred years using ice core from various sites
in the Nordaustlandet, Svalbard. Mem. Nathl Inst. Polar Res., Spec. Issue,
54 : 227-242 (2001)*
山田 知充(YAMADA,Tomomi)・助教授
1 学術論文
- Chikita, K., Jha, J. and Yamada, T. (2001) Sedimentary effects on the expansion
of a Himalayan supraglacial lake. Global and Planetary Change, Elsecier,
28, 23-34*
2 総説,解説,評論等
- 山田知充 (2001) モレーン堰き止め氷河湖の拡大と気象・水文・熱環境.雪氷、63、223-233.
隅田 明洋(SUMIDA,Akihiro)・助教授
1 学術論文
- Sumida, A., Terazawa, I., Togashi, A. and Komiyama, A. :Three-dimensional
structure of branches for community-grown trees of a deciduous species,
Castanea crenata, as related to their crown expansion patterns. In: (ed.
Michel Labrecque) L’ARBRE 2000 THE TREE. pp 46-52. Isabelle Quintin Pub.,
Quebec, Canada (2001).
- Hara, T., Watanabe, T., Yokozawa, M., Emori, S., Takata, K. and Sumida,
A. : A multi-layered integrated numerical model of surface physics-growing
plants interaction, MINoSGI. In: (eds. T. Matsuno & H. Kida) Present
and future of modeling global environment change: toward integrated modeling.
pp 173-185. TERAPUB, Tokyo (2001).
成瀬 廉二(NARUSE, Renji)・助教授
1 学術論文
- Aniya, M. and Naruse, R.: Overview of glaciological research project in
Patagonia in 1998 and 1999 -Holocene glacier variations and their mechanisms-.
Bulletin of Glaciological Research, Vol. 18, 71-78 (2001)*.
- Iizuka, Y., Satake, H., Shiraiwa, T. and Naruse, R.: Formation processes
of basal ice at Hamna Glacier, Soya Coast, East Antarctica, inferred by
detailed co-isotopic analyses. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 47, No. 157,
223-231 (2001)*.
堀口 薫(HORIGUCHI,Kaoru)・助教授
水野 悠紀子(MIZUNO,Yukiko)・助教授
1 学術論文
- Yukiko Mizuno and Tadahiko Mizuno: (2002) Photon emission from ice during fracture, Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. 41, No 2B, L209-211*
石川 信敬(ISHIKAWA,Nobuyoshi)・助教授
1 学術論文
- Sato T., Sato A., Yoshikawa K., Hinzaman L.D. and Ishikawa N.: Temporal
variation of heat budget at the ground surface observed at the Inland of
Alaska. Second Wadati Conference on Global Change and the Polar Climate:
231-235 (2001)
- 中村圭三、三谷雅津、石川信敬、高山晴光: 北海道オホーツク海沿岸紋別におけ る海氷期の大気透過率特性について. 環境情報研究, 第9号: 1-16 (2001)
- K. Shirasawa, M. Lepparanta, J. Ehn, M. Granskog, N. Ishikawa and T. Kawamura
: Ice and snow cover as a filter of solar radiation in natural waters.
Proceedings of International Conference of Current problems in Optics of
Natural Waters (ONW-2001) 25-29 September, 2001, Saint-Petersburg, Russia:
278-282 (2001)
- Sato N., Ishi, Y., Kodama Y., Nomura M., Ishikawa N. and Kobayashi D.:
Analysis of water balance in Siberian watershed. Polar Meteorology and
Glaciology、15: 91-106 (2001) *
- Ishikawa N., Sato N., Kawauchi K., Yoshikawa K. and Hinzaman L.D.: Characteristics
of water cycle in discontinuous permafrost region in Interior Alaska. Polar
Meteorology and Glaciology、15: 78-90 (2001)*
- Kawamura T., Shirasawa K., Ishikawa, N., Lindfors A., Rasmus K., Granskog
M. A., Ehn J., Lepparanta M., Martma T. and Vaikmae R.: Time-series observations
of the structure and properties of brackish ice in the Gulf of Finland.
Annals of Glaciology 33: 1-4 (2001)*
- Zhou SQ, Nakawo M., Hashimoto S., Sakai A., Narita H. and Ishikawa N.:
Isotopic fractionation and profile evolution of a melting snowcover. Science
in China, series E-Technological Sciences, 44: 35-40 (2001)*
堀 彰(HORI,Akira)・助手
石井 吉之(ISHII,Yoshiyuki)・助手
1 学術論文
- 佐藤弘和・石井吉之: 「隣接する2流域における融雪流出に及ぼす内部小流域の役割」,地形,22,165-183
(2001). *
- Ishii, Y., Yabuki, H., Nomura, M., Kobayashi, N., Tanaka, Hr., Tanaka,
Hs. and Desyatkin, R. V.: “Water and energy flux observation over an alas
lake in Central Yakutia, Eastern Siberia”, Proceedings of the Fifth International
Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME, 117-120 (2001).
- Ishii, Y., Nomura, M., Kodama, Y., Sato, N. and Yabuki, H.: “Runoff characteristics
of a small stream in the Siberian tundra and their seasonal changes”,
Proceedings of the Fifth International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia
and GAME, 670-673 (2001).
- Kodama, Y., Sato, N., Yabuki, H., Ishii, Y., Nomura, M. and Ohata, T.:
“Characteristics of surface fluxes observed over Tundra in Eastern Siberia”,
Proceedings of the Fifth International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia
and GAME, 198-203 (2001).
- Sato, N., Ishii, Y., Kodama, Y. and Nomura, M.: “Analysis of water balance
in an Eastern Siberian watershed”, Proceedings of the Fifth International
Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME, 159-164 (2001).
- Kobayashi, N., Hiyama, T., Ishii, Y., Yabuki, H. and Fukushima, Y.: “Variability
of surface fluxes depending on wind direction over a grass field in Eastern
Siberia”, Proceedings of the Fifth International Study Conference on GEWEX
in Asia and GAME, 460-464 (2001).
- Sato, N., Ishii, Y., Kodama, Y., Nomura, M., Ishikawa, N. and Kobayashi,
D.: “Characteristics of summer water balance in eastern Siberian tundra
watershed”, Polar Meteorology and Glaciology, 15, 91-106 (2001). *
西村 浩一(NISHIMURA,Kouichi)・助手
1 学術論文
- K. Nishimura, and J. McElwaine, Ping-pong ball avalanche experiments, Sedimentology,
Vol.31, 135-148, 2001. *
- J. McElwaine and K. Nishimura, Ping-pong ball avalanche experiments, Ann. Glaciology, Vol. 32, 241-250, 2001. *
- M. Nemoto and K. Nishimura, Direct measurement of shear stress during snow
saltation, Boundary Layer Meteorology, Vol. 100 (1), 149-170, 2001.*
- 尾関俊浩,八久保晶弘,巨瀬勝美,拝師智之,橋本征太郎,中坪俊一,西村浩一, 核磁気共鳴映像法によるしもざらめ雪の可視化実験.寒地技術論文・報告集,17, 104-109, 2001.*
- T. Ozeki, A. Hachikubo, K. Kose, K. Nishimura, NMR Imaging of Snow. Proceedings
of International Snow Science Workshop 2000, 402-406, 2001.
- T. Ozeki, A. Hachikubo, K. Kose, S. Nakatsubo, K. Nishimura, NMR Imaging
of Snowpack Structures. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on
Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, 38, 2001.
2 学術講演(招待講演のみ)
- Kouichi NISHIMURA, Japanese avalanche dynamic sites: scientific and technical
objectives, instrumentation, related laboratory devices, main results and
future program, International Seminar on Snow and Avalanches Test Sites,
Grenoble, France, 2001
曽根 敏雄(SONE,Toshio)・助手
1 学術講演(招請講演のみ)
- Sone,T. and Strelin,J.: Thermal characteristics of permafrost in Seymour
Island and James Ross Island, 1st European Permafrost Conference, Rome(2001)
鈴木 準一郎(SUZUKI,Jun-ichirou)・助手
1 学術論文
- Suzuki, J. and Hara, T. : Partitioning of stored resources between shoots
in a clone , and its effects on shoot size hierarchy. Annals of Botany
87: 655-659 (2001)*.
- Herben, T., Hara, T., Hadincova, V., Krahulec, F., Pechackova, S., Skalova,
H. and Suzuki, J. : Neighborhood effects and genetic structure in a clonal
grass: the role of the spatial structure of the environment. Plant Species
Biology.16: 1-11 (2001)*.
白岩 孝行(SHIRAIWA,Takayuki)・助手
1 学術論文
- Shiraiwa, T., Muravyev, Y.D., Kameda, T., Nishio, F., Toyama, Y., Takahashi,
A., Ovsyannikov, A.A., Salamatin, A.N. and Yamagata, K. : Characteristics
of a crater glacier at Ushkovsky volcano as revealed by the physical properties
of ice cores and borehole thermometry. J. Glaciology, 47 (158): 423-432
- Iizuka, Y., Satake, H., Shiraiwa, T. and Naruse, R. : Formation processes
of basal ice at Hamna Glacier, Soya Coast, East Antarctica, inferred by
detailed co-isotopic analyses. J. Glaciology, 47 (157): 223-231 (2001)*.
- Takahashi, K., Homma, K., Shiraiwa, T., Valentina, P. and Hara, T. : Climate
factors affecting the growth of Larix cajanderi in the Kamchatka Peninsula,
Russia. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research, 3: 1-9 (2001)*.
- Takeuchi, N., Kohshima, S., Shiraiwa, T. and Kubota, K. : Characteristics
of cryoconite (surface dust on glaciers) and surface albedo of a Patagonian
glacier, Tyndall glacier, Southern Patagonia Icefield. Bull.Glacier Res.,
18: 65-69 (2001)*
- Salamatin, A.N., Shiraiwa, T., Muravyev, Y.D. and Ziganshin, M.F. : Heat
transfer in seasonal active layer of Gorshkov Ice Cap, Ushkovsky Volcano
summit, Kamchatka. Data of Glaciological Studies, 90: 100-106 (2001).
- Godoi, M.A., Casassa, G. and Shiraiwa, T.: Review of paleoclimatic studies
derived from ice core analyses: potentialities and evidence from Southernmost
South America. Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia (Chile), Serie Ciencias
Naturales, 29: 45-54 (2001).
兒玉 裕二(KODAMA,Yuji)・助手
1 学術論文
- Sato N., Ishi, Y., Kodama Y., Nomura M., Ishikawa N. and Kobayashi D.:
Analysis of water balance in Siberian watershed. Polar Meteorology and
Glaciology、15: 91-106 (2001) *
前野 紀一(MAENO,Norikazu)・教授
1 学術論文
- Takei,I. and Maeno, N. "The low-frequency conductivity of snow near
the melting temperature",Annals of Glaciology,32,14-18(2001).
2 総説,解説,評論等
- 前野紀一,「雪マリモ」,図説造粒『粒の世界あれこれ』(日本粉体工業技術協会造 粒分科会編),167(2001).
- 前野紀一,「あられ(霰)とひょう(雹)」,図説造粒『粒の世界あれこれ』(日本 粉体工業技術協会造粒分科会編),170(2001).
- 前野紀一,「雪の本性」,砂防と治水,143,14-18(2001).
香内 晃(KOUCHI,Akira)・教授
1 学術論文
- Watanabe N. and Kouchi A. (2002) Measurements of conversion rates of CO
to CO2 in UV induced reaction of D2O/CO amorphous ice. Astrophys. J. 567,
- Kouchi A., Kudo T., Nakano H., Arakawa M., Watanabe N., Sirono S., Higa
M.and Maeno, N. (2002) Rapid growth of asteroids due to very sticky interstellar
organic grains. Astrophys. J. 566, L121-L124.*
2 学術講演(招請講演のみ)
- Akira Kouchi(2001) From interstellar organic grains to asteroids. "Physical
properties of NEOs" Erice, Italy
- 香内 晃(2001)宇宙空間での不斉の起源、日本化学会年会、千葉
- 香内 晃(2001)有機質星間塵の起源と進化、地球惑星科学関連学会合同大会、東京
田中 歩(TANAKA,Ayumi)・教授
1 学術論文
- Tanaka R., Koshino Y., Sawa S., Ishiguro S., Okada K and Tanaka A. (2001) Overexpression of chlorophyllide a oxygenase (CAO) enlarges the antenna size of photosystem II in Arabidopsis thaliana Plant J.26, 365-374
- Satoh S., Ikeuchi M., Mimuro M. and Tanaka A. (2001) Chlorophyll b expres
sed in cyanobacteria functions as a light-harvesting antenna in photosystem
I through flexibility of the proteins. J. Biol. Chem. 276, 4293-4297
2 総説,解説,評論等
- 新しい光合成色素の獲得と植物の進化 生命誌 30: 8-10,(2001)
3 学術講演(招請講演のみ)
- Ayumi Tanaka, Souichirou Satoh, Ryouichi Tanaka: Expression of chlorophyllide
a oxygenase in cyanobacteria and arabidopsis. Turn over of chlorophyll
b during adaptation and evolution. International Conference on Tetrapyrrole
Photoreceptors in Photosynthetic Organisms, Providence (2001)
- Ayumi Tanaka: Regulation of photosynthetic antenna size by chlorophyllide
a oxygenase. 8th International Congress on Endocytobiology and Symbiosis,
Nagoya (2001)
- 光合成の進化-植物の原点、日本植物学会シンポジュウム、東京(2001)
1 学術論文
- Tsunaki Asano and Masaaki Ashida: Cuticular pro-phenoloxidase of the silkworm,
Bombyx mori. Purification and demonstration of its transport from hemolymph.
J. Biol. Chem. 276(14) 11100-11112 (2001)
- Tsunaki Asano and Masaaki Ashida: Transepithelially transported pro-phenoloxidase
in the cuticle of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Identification of its methionyl
residues to methionine sulfoxides. J. Biol. Chem. 276 (14) 11113-11125
皆川 純(MINAGAWA,Jun)・助教授
1 学術論文
- Minagawa, J., Han, K.-C., Dohmae, N., Takio, K., and Inoue, Y. Molecular
characterization and gene expression of lhcb5 gene encoding CP26 in the
light-harvesting complex II of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant. Mol. Biol.
46, 277-287, 2001*
- Hatano-Iwasaki, A., Minagawa, J., Inoue, Y., Takahashi, Y. Two functionally
distinct Mn clusters were formed by introducing a mutation in the carboxyl-terminus
of a photosystem II reaction center polypeptide, D1, of the green alga
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1504, 299-310, 2001*
- Teramoto, H., Ono, T.-A., Minagawa, J. Identification of Lhcb gene family
encoding the light-harvesting chlorophyll-a/b proteins of photosystem II
in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Cell Physiol. 42, 849-856, 2001*
- Ruffle, S.V., Wang. J., Johnston, H. G., Gustafson, T. L., Hutchison. R.
S., Minagawa, J., Crofts, A., and Sayre, R. T. Photosystem II Peripheral
Accessory Chlorophyll Mutants in Chlamydomonas: Biochemical Characterization
and Sensitivity to Photoinhibition. Plant Physiol. 127, 633-644, 2001*
- Kawamori, A., Katsuta, N. Arao, S., Ishii, A., Minagawa, J., Mino, H.,
Ono, T. Three-dimensional structure of photosystem II studied by pulsed
EPR. In PS2001 Proceedings: 12th International Congress on Photosynthesis.
S5-004, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia, 2001
- Teramoto, H., Nakamori, A., Minagawa, J., Ono, T. Light-intensity dependent
expression of genes for light-harvesting chlorophyll-a/b proteins of photosystem
II in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. In PS2001 Proceedings: 12th International
Congress on Photosynthesis. S4-009, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia,
- Tomo, T., Itoh, S., Iwaki, M., Minagawa, J., Ono, T. The analysis of site-directed
mutants in the glutamate 189 and histidine 190 in the D1protein of photosystem
II. In PS2001 Proceedings: 12th International Congress on Photosynthesis,
S22-006, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia, 2001
- Minagawa, J., Ibara, D., Hatano-Iwasaki, A., Takahashi, Y., Ishii, A.,
Mino, H., Ono, T. Functional analysis of site-directed mutants on the C-terminal
Leu-343 and Ala-344 of D1 protein. In PS2001 Proceedings: 12th International
Congress on Photosynthesis, S13-029, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia,
- Ross, A. S., Harty, M. J., Sayre, R. T., Minagawa, J., Hutchison, R.S.
Difference FT-IR of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii photosystem II in the presence
and absence of the manganese stabilizing protein. In PS2001 Proceedings:
12th International Congress on Photosynthesis, S13-031, CSIRO Publishing,
Melbourne, Australia, 2001
1 学術論文
- K.D. Clark, B.F. Volkman, H. Thoetkiattikul, D. King, Y. Hayakawa and M.R.
Strand, Alanine-scanning mutagenesis of plasmatocyte spreading peptide
identifies critical residues for biological activity, J. Biol. Chem.. 276,
18491-18496, (2001)*.
- T. Aizawa., Y.Haykawa,, A.Ohnishi, N. Fujitani, K.D.Clark., M.R.Strand.,
K. Miura, N.,Koganezawa , Y.Kumaki, M. Demura., K. Nitta and K. Kawano
, Structure and activity of the insect cytokine growth-blocking peptide.
J. Biol. Chem., 276, 31813 ミ 31818, (2001)*.
- K.D Clark., Volkman B.F., Thoetkiattikul H., Hayakawa Y., Vestling M. and
Strand M.R., Mutagenesis of N-terminal residues of plasmatocyte spreading
peptide (PSP) identifies domains that are critical for biological activity.
J. Biol. Chem., 276, 37431-37435, (2001)*.
- A. Ohnishi, Y.Oda and Hayakawa Y., Characterization of receptors of insect
cytokine, growth-blocking peptide, in human keratinocyte and insect Sf9
cells. J. Biol. Chem., 276, 37974-37979, (2001)*.
- M.Kamimura, Nakahara Y., Kanamori Y., Tsuzuki S., Hayakawa Y. and Kiuti
M., Molecular cloning of silkworm paralytic peptide and its developmental
regulation.Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 286, 67-73, (2001)*.
- H. Noguchi and Y. Hayakawa , Dopamine is a key factor for the induction
of egg diapause ofthe silkworm, Bombyx mori. Eur. J. Biochem., 268, 1-8
, (2001)*.
1 学術論文
- Y. Furukawa and E. Yokoyama: Ice crystal pattern formation under gravity
and microgravity conditions. Proceedings of the First International Symposium
on Microgravity Research & Application in Physical Sciences & Biotechnology, Ed.
By B. Schumann, ESA SP-454, 465-471(2001). *
- 長島和茂、古川義純:一方向成長における界面パターン非対称に対する重力の効果. Space Utilization Research, 17, 238-241(2001).
- Y. Furukawa and K. Nagashima: Gravity effect for the pattern formation
of ice crystal during uni-directional growth in a thin growth cell. Proceedings
on 2nd Pan pacific Basin Workshop on Microgravity Science, Edited by N.
Ramachandran and M. Lee, CD-ROM published by Association of Pacific Rim
Universities in cooperation with the American Institute of Aeronautics
and Astronautics. CG-1113(2001).
2 総説、解説、評論等
- 古川義純,長島和茂:氷結晶の成長と結晶パターン形成。応用物理、70, 559-562 (2001).
3 著書
- K. Sato, Y. Furukawa and K. Nakajima (Edited): Advances in Crystal Growth Research, 419, (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam) (2001).
4 学術講演(招請講演のみ)
- Y. Furukawa: Morphological instability and pattern formation during free
growth of ice crystals under gravity and microgravity conditions.13th International
Conference on Crystal Growth (ICCG-13), July 2001, Kyoto.
- Y. Furukawa: Inhibited growth of ice crystal in aqueous Antifreeze Glycoprotein
(AFGP) solution.International Conference for Advanced Technologis (ITMAT2001),July
- Furukawa: Scientific Committee member of Symposium D at International Conference
on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT2001), Singapore (2001).
- Y. Furukawa: Organizing committee member and Session chairperson on Fundamentals
of Crystal Growth at the 13th International Conference on Crystal Growth
(ICCG-13). Kyoto (2001).
- Y. Furukawa: Sub-Chairperson of 11th International Summer School on Crystal
Growth(ISSCG-11), Kitakomatsu (2001).
1 学術論文
- Kato, M., M. Higa, Y. Iijima, T. Kiyono, S. Nakazawa, M. Arakawa: Shock
pressure attenuation in water ice at a pressure of below 1 GPa, J. Geophys.
Res., 106: 17567-17578 (2001) *
- Kouchi, A.T. Kudo, H. Nakano, M. Arakawa, N. Watanabe, S. Sirono, M. Higa,
N. Maeno: Rapid Growth of Asteriods due to very Sticky Interstellar Organic
Grains, The Astrophysical Journal, 566: L121-L124 (2002)*
1 学術論文
- Naoki Watanabe and Akira Kouchi:Formation of CO2 molecules from CO doped
D2O amorphous ice by uv irradiation at 12K, Prog. Rep. Atom. Coll. Res.
Jpn., 27, 62-63 (2001)
- Y. Itoh, A. Ito, M. Kitajima, T. Koizumi, T. M. Kojima, H. Sakai, M. Sano
and N. Watanabe:"Absolute photoionization cross section measurements
of Xe+ ions in the 4d threshold energy region", J. Phys. B: At. Mol.
Opt. Phys. 34, 3493-3499 (2001) *
1 学術論文
- Tanaka R., Koshino Y., Sawa S., Ishiguro S., Okada K and Tanaka A. (2001)
Overexpression of chlorophyllide a oxygenase (CAO) enlarges the antenna
size of photosystem II in Arabidopsis thaliana Plant J.26: 365-374*
2 学術講演(招請講演のみ)
- Ayumi Tanaka, Souichirou Satoh, Ryouichi Tanaka: Expression of chlorophyllide
a oxygenase in cyanobacteria and arabidopsis. Turn over of chlorophyll
b during adaptation and evolution. International Conference on Tetrapyrrole
Photoreceptors in Photosynthetic Organisms, Providence (2001)
1 学術論文
- Kawamura,Y., Arakawa, K., Maeshima, M. and Yoshida, S.:ATP analogue binding
to the A subunit induces conformational changes in the E subunit that involves
a disulfide bond formation in plant V-ATPase. Eur. J. Biochem. 268: 2801-2809
- Ukaji, N., Kuwabara, C., Takezawa, D., Arakawa, K. and Fujikawa, S.: Cold
acclimation-induced WAP27 localized in endoplasmic reticulum in cortical
parenchyma cells of mulberry tree was homologous to group 3 late-embryogenesis
abundant proteins. Plant Physiol. 126: 1588-1595 (2001).*
1 学術論文
- Ukaji, N., Kuwabara, C., Takezawa, D., Arakawa, K. and Fujikawa, S.: Cold
acclimation-induced WAP27 localized in endoplasmic reticulum in cortical
parenchyma cells of mulberry tree was homologous to group 3 late-embryogenesis
abundant proteins. Plant Physiol. 126: 1588-1595 (2001).*
1 学術論文
- Shimada, K. "The developmental delay associated with photoperiodic
response in facet mutations of Chymomyza costata", Zool. Sci.,Tokyo,
18 (Suppl.): 111 (2001)
- Kostal, V., Shimada, K. "Malfunction of circadian clock in the non-photoperiodic-diapause
mutants of the drosophilid fly, Chymomyza costata", J. Insect Physiol.,
47: 1269-1274 (2001)*
1 学術論文
- Ishii K., Hirai Y., Katagiri C. and Kimura M. T.: Sexual Isolation and
cuticular hydrocarbons in Drosophila elegans, Heredity, 87(4): 392-399
- Tanaka S., Katagiri C., Arai T. and Nakamura K.: Continuous Variation in
Wing Length and Flight Musculature in a Tropical Field Cricket, Teleogryllus
derelictus: Implications for the Evolution of Wing Dimorphism, Entomological
Science, 4 (2): 195-208 (2001)*
- Katagiri Y. U., Ohmi K., Katagiri C., Sekino T., Nakajima H., Ebata T.,
Kiyokawa N., and Fujimoto J.: Prominent immunogenicity of monosialosyl
galactosylgloboside, carrying a stage-specific embryonic antigen-4 (SSEA-
4)epitope in the ACHN human renal tubular cell line − a simple method
for producing monoclonal antibodies against detergent insoluble microdomains/raft,
Glycoconjugate Journal, 18 (4): 347-353 (2001)*
福田 正己(FUKUDA,Masami)・教授
1 学術論文
- Tsuyuzaki, S., Nakano, T., Kuniyoshi, S., and Fukuda, M. 2001. Methane
flux in grassy marshlands near Kolyma River, north-eastern Siberia. Soil
Biology and Biochemistry 33: 1419-1423.
- S. Akagawa, S.Huang, T.Tanaka, T. Ono, M. Nasu, K. O’Hashi, and M. Fukuda,
Stress Developped in a Real Scale Child Gas Pipeline Buried across the
Boundary of Permost, 2nd Russian Conference on Geocryology, pp269-276,
2001, 6.
- Nakano, T. (TMU), Inoue, G. (NIES), and Fukuda, M. (HU). Change in methane
uptake and carbon dioxide release after burning of a birch forest in West
Siberia. International Field Symposium and Excursion: West Siberian Peatlands
and Carbon Cycle, Noyabrsk, Russia, 2001/08/20.
- T.Nakano, C.Asahi, G.Inoue, and M.Fukuda(2001); Measurements of Methane
and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in a Birch Forest in West Siberia after Burning,
Proceedings of The Ninth Symposium on The Joint Siberian Permafrost Studies
Between Japan and Russia in 2000, 145-149
- Kobayashi,y. , Machimura, T. , Iwahana, G. , Fukuda, M. and Fedorov, A.
N.(2001); Fire Effect on Fluxes and Active Layer Dynamics in Taiga Forest
Over East Siberian Permafrost Region, 1. Energy and Water Budgets in Burnt
and Unburned Larch Forests, Proceedings of The Ninth Symposium on The Joint
Siberian Permafrost Studies Between Japan and Russia in 2000, 156-161
- G. Iwahana, T. Machimura, Y. Kobayashi, M. Fukuda and A. N. Fedorov(2001);
Fire Effect on Fluxes and Active Layer Dynamics in Taiga Forest Over East
Siberian Permafrost Region, 2. Thermal characteristics changes of active
layers induced by forest fire, Proceedings of The Ninth Symposium on The
Joint Siberian Permafrost Studies Between Japan and Russia in 2000, 162-169
- Kazushige Wada, Koichiro Harada and Masami Fukuda(2001); Deep Resistivity
Structure of Permafrost Area in Siberia, Proceedings of The Ninth Symposium
on The Joint Siberian Permafrost Studies Between Japan and Russia in 2000,
- Alexander Fedorov and Masami Fukuda(2001); Some Observation Results of
Surface Dynamics in Permafrost Landscapes, Yakutsk Area, Proceedings of
The Ninth Symposium on The Joint Siberian Permafrost Studies Between Japan
and Russia in 2000, 199-203
- P. Y. Konstantinov, V. G. Rusakov, M. Fukuda(2001); Thermal Regime of the
Upper Permafrost Layers in Taiga Landscapes, Yakutsk Area, 1996-2000, Proceedings
of The Ninth Symposium on The Joint Siberian Permafrost Studies Between
Japan and Russia in 2000, 204-209
- K. Kushida, G. Takao, M. Fukuda, T.C. Maximov and A. V. Kononov(2001);
Modeling of forest floor spectral reflectance characteristics in east Siberian
taiga for satellite data interpretation, Proceedings of The Ninth Symposium
on The Joint Siberian Permafrost Studies Between Japan and Russia in 2000,
- M. Fukuda, T. Machimura, Y. Kobayashi and G. Iwahana,(2001); Cite abstracts
as: Eos. Trans. AGU,82(47). Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B12F-11,2001.
- Kushida, K., G. Takao, Y. W. Kim, M. Shibuya, S. Kojima, S. Tsuda, M. Fukuda,
T. C. Maximov, A. V. Kononov (2001): Modeling of componential spectral
characteristics of taiga for satellite data interpretation: Comparative
study on east Siberia and Alaska. Proceedings of 2001 International Symposium
on Environmental Monitoring in East Asia, pp. 67-72
- Kushida, K., G. Takao, M. Fukuda, T. C. Maximov, A. V. Kononov (2001):
Modeling of forest floor spectral reflectance characteristics in east Siberian
taiga for satellite data interpretation. Proceedings of the eighth symposium
on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2000,
pp. 254-259
- Nakano, T., Asahi, C., Inoue, G., and Fukuda, M. 2001. Measurements of
methane and carbon dioxide fluxes in a birch forest in West Siberia after
burning. Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on the Joint Siberian Permafrost
Studies between Japan and Russia in 2000: 145-149.
戸田 正憲(TODA,Masanori J.)・教授
1 学術論文
- Hu, Y.-g. and Toda, M. J.: “Polyphyly of Lordiphosa and its relationships
in Drosophilinae (Diptera: Drosophilidae)”, Systematic Entomology, 26:
15-31 (2001)*
- Tanabe, S., Toda, M. J. and Vinokurova, A. V.: “Tree shape, forest structure
and diversity of drosophilid community: Comparison between boreal and temperate
birch forests”, Ecological Research, 16: 369-385 (2001)*
- Chen, H.-w. and Toda, M. J.: “A revision of the subgenus Amiota Loew (Diptera,
Drosophilidae) of Asia and Europe, with a phylogenetic analysis and establishment
of species-groups”, Journal of Natural History, 35: 1517-1563 (2001)*
丹野 皓三(Tanno,Kouzou)
串田 圭司(KUSHIDA,Keiji)・助手
1 学術論文
- Kushida, K., G. Takao, M. Fukuda, T. C. Maximov, A. V. Kononov (2001):
Modeling of forest floor spectral reflectance characteristics in east Siberian
taiga for satellite data interpretation. Proceedings of the ninth symposium
on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2000,pp.
- Takao, G., K. Kushida, T. C. Maximov, A. V. Kononov, R. M. Desyatkin, A.N.
Kononov, Y. Torgovkin (2001): Biomass estimation of taiga forests in Yakutsk
with winter LANDSAT7 ETM+ Image. Proceedings of the ninth symposium on
the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2000,
pp. 247-253
- Kushida, K., G. Takao, Y. W. Kim, M. Shibuya, S. Kojima, S. Tsuda, M. Fukuda,
T. C. Maximov, A. V. Kononov (2001): Modeling of componential spectral
characteristics of taiga for satellite data interpretation: Comparative
study on east Siberia and Alaska. Proceedings of 2001 International Symposium
on Environmental Monitoring in East Asia, pp. 67- 72
- M. Miyamoto, K. Yoshino, K. Kushida. (2001): Classification of wetland
vegetation using aerial photographs by captive balloon cameras and aero
NIR color video image, Kushiro northern wetland in Japan. Proc. of 2001
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pp. 1982-1984
- Kushida, K., Y. W. Kim, S. Kojima, M. Shibuya, S. Tsuda, M. Fukuda (2001):
Spectral decomposition of tundra vegetation in Alaska for its spatial decomposition.
Proc. of the Second International Workshop on Global Change: Connection
to the Arctic, 2001, 46-51
- Miyamoto, M., K. Yoshino, K. Kushida (2001): Relationship between canopy
BRDF and physical parameters of 3-D structure of vegetation in northern
wetlands in Japan. Asian Journal of Geoinformatics 1(4), 57-69 *
大舘 智志(OHDACHI,Satoshi)・助手
1 学術論文
- Ohdachi, S., N. E. Dokuchaev, M. Hasegawa, and R. Masuda. Intraspecific
phylogeny and geographic variation of six species of northeastern Asiatic
Sorex shrews based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b nucleotide sequences.
Molecular Ecology 10: 2199-2213 (2001)*
- Matsubara, K., Y. Ishibashi, S. Ohdachi and Y. Matsuda. A new primer set
for sex identification in the genus Sorex (Soricidae, Insectivora). Molecular
Ecology Notes 1, 241-242 (2001)*
- Nesterenko, V. and S. D. Ohdachi. Postnatal growth and development in Sorex
unguiculatus. Mammal Study 26: 145-148 (2001)*
- Iwasa, M. A., S. Ohdachi, S.-H. Han, H.-S. Oh, H. Abe and H. Suzuki. Karyotype
and RFLP of the nuclear rDNA of Crocidura sp. on Cheju Island, South Korea
(Mammalia, Insectivora). Mammalia 65: 451-459 (2001)*
青田 昌秋(AOTA,Masaaki)・教授
1 学術論文
- Shimizu, I., Aota, M. and Saitoh, S.: The scale of a primary production
caused by the change in the period of retreat and the area of sea ice.
Proc.16th Intl. Symp. Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, 4-8 February 2001, Mombetsu,
Japan,174-180 (2001).
- Aota, M., Matsuyama, M,. Ogawa, K. Abe, T. Wataka, M. Koike, Y. Kitazawa,
A. and Suzuki, F.: On the Soya Warm Current(Part 1)−Outline of the SoyaWarm
Current−. Proc. 16th Intl. Symp. Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, 4-8 February
2001, Mombetsu, Japan, 181-185 (2001).
- Matsuyama, M., Aota, M. Ogawa, K. Abe, T. Wadaka, M. Koike, Y. Kitazawa,
A. Miyazaki, T. and Suzuki, F.: On the Soya Warm Current (Part 2)Observations
of curren, temperature and salinity fields in the Soya Warm Current in
August 1998. Proc. 16th Intl. Symp. Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, 4-8 February
2001, Mombetsu, Japan, 186-191 (2001).
- Lepparanta, M., Shirasawa, K. and Aota, M.: On the use of coastal radars
for investigations of sea ice dynamics. Proc. 16th Intl. Symp. Okhotsk
Sea & Sea Ice, 4-8 February 2001, Mombetsu, Japan, 301-303 (2001).
- Shirasawa, K., Ishikawa, M., Takatsuka, T., Daibou, T., Aota, Hamaoka,
S. and Tateyama, K.: Meteorological and oceanographic observations at marine
towers on the Okhotsk Sea coast of Hokkaido, January-December 2001. Low
Temp. Sci., Ser. A., 60, Data Report, 1-11 (2001).
- Ishikawa, M., Takatsuka, T., Daibo, T., Shirasawa, K. and Aota, M.: Distributions
of pack ice in the Okhotsk Sea off Hokkaido observed using a sea-ice radar
network, January-April, 2001. Low Temp. Sci., Ser. A., 60,Data Report,
13-40 (2001).
- Shirasawa, K., Ishikawa, M., Takatsuka, T., Daibou, T., Aota, Fujiyoshi,
Y. and Maekawa, K.: Sea ice conditions, and meteorological and oceanographic
observations at Saroma-ko lagoon, Hokkaido, November 2000-November 2001.
Low Temp. Sci., Ser. A., 60, Data Report, 41-53 (2001).
- Shirasawa, K., Ishikawa, M., Takatsuka, T., Daibou, T., Aota, M., Enomoto,
H., Polomoshnov, A., Sourkov, G. and Kalinin, E.: Meteorological data report
at Chaivo, northern Sakhalin, September 2000- November 2001. Low Temp.
Sci. Ser. A, 60, Data Report, 55-68 (2001).
2 学術講演(招請講演のみ)
- The 16th Intl. Symp. Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, Mombetsu, Japan, 4-8 February
1 学術論文
- Kawamura, T., Shirasawa, K., Ishikawa, N., Lindfors, A., Rasmus, K., Granskog,
M., Ehn, J., Lepparanta, M., Martma, T. and Vaikmae, R.: Time-series observations
of the structure and properties of brackish ice in the Gulf of Finland.
Annals of Glaciology, 33, 1-4 (2001).*
- Kawamura, T., Shirasawa, K. and Kobinata, K.: Physical properties and isotopic
characteristics of landfast sea ice around the North Water (NOW) Polynya.
Atmosphere-Ocean, 39(3), 173-182 (2001).*
- Shirasawa, K., Lepparanta, M., Ehn, J., Granskog, M., Ishikawa, N. and
Kawamura, T.: Ice and snow cover as a filter of solar radiation in natural
waters. Proc. Intl. Conference "Current Problems in Optics of Natural
Waters" (ONW'2001), St. Petersburg, Russia, 25-29 September 2001,
278-282 (2001).*
- Kawamura, T., Shirasawa, K., Ishikawa, M., Ikeda, M., Takatsuka, T. and
Daibou, T.: Study on physical properties of sea ice in Lake Saroma. Proc.
16th Intl. Symp. Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, 4-8 February 2001, Mombetsu,
Japan,37-44 (2001).
- Ikeya, T., Kawanobe, K., Hattori, H., Shirasawa, K. and Takahashi, M.:
Matrix of algal and ice: heterogeneous components of microalgal population
within sea ice of Saroma-ko lagoon, Hokkaido, Japan. Proc. 16th Intl. Symp.Okhotsk
Sea & Sea Ice, 4-8 February 2001, Mombetsu, Japan, 57-61 (2001).
- Postlethewaite, C., Shirasawa, K., Runhan, G. and Jenkins, W.: A strategy
for evaluating the role of seasonal sea-ice formation. Proc. 16th Intl.
Symp. Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, 4-8 February 2001, Mombetsu, Japan, 70-75
- Shirasawa, K., Fujiyoshi, Y., Ishikawa, M., Kawamura, T., Lepparanta, M.,
Saloranta, T. and Takatsuka, T.: Interannual variability in hydrometeorological
conditions of Saroma-ko lagoon, Hokkaido, Japan. Proc.16th Intl. Symp.
Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, 4-8 February 2001, Mombetsu, Japan,76-78 (2001).
- Krapivin, V.F., Kelley, J.J. and Shirasawa, K.: A geographical modeling
ecosystem focused on environmental change related to human impacts on a
marine system. Proc. 16th Intl. Symp. Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, 4-8 February
2001, Mombetsu, Japan, 241-247 (2001).
- Lepparanta, M., Shirasawa, K. and Aota, M.: On the use of coastal radars
for investigations of sea ice dynamics. Proc. 16th Intl. Symp. Okhotsk
Sea & Sea Ice, 4-8 February 2001, Mombetsu, Japan, 301-303 (2001).
- Enomoto, H., Kimura, N., Tateyama, K., Shirasawa, K. and Uratsuka, S.:Comparisons
of sea-ice motion analysis derived by SAR, AVHRR, SSM/I and Sea Ice Radar.
Proc. 16th Intl. Symp. Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, 4-8 February 2001,Mombetsu,
Japan, 304-308 (2001).
- Shirasawa, K., Ishikawa, M., Takatsuka, T., Daibou, T., Aota, Hamaoka,
S. and Tateyama, K.: Meteorological and oceanographic observations at marine
towers on the Okhotsk Sea coast of Hokkaido, January-December 2001. Low
Temp. Sci., Ser. A., 60, Data Report, 1-11 (2001).
- Ishikawa, M., Takatsuka, T., Daibo, T., Shirasawa, K. and Aota, M.: Distributions
of pack ice in the Okhotsk Sea off Hokkaido observed using a sea-ice radar
network, January-April, 2001. Low Temp. Sci., Ser. A., 60,Data Report,
13-40 (2001).
- Shirasawa, K., Ishikawa, M., Takatsuka, T., Daibou, T., Aota, Fujiyoshi,
Y. and Maekawa, K.: Sea ice conditions, and meteorological and oceanographic
observations at Saroma-ko lagoon, Hokkaido, November 2000-November 2001.
Low Temp. Sci., Ser. A., 60, Data Report, 41-53 (2001).
- Shirasawa, K., Ishikawa, M., Takatsuka, T., Daibou, T., Aota, M., Enomoto,
H., Polomoshnov, A., Sourkov, G. and Kalinin, E.: Meteorological data report
at Chaivo, northern Sakhalin, September 2000- November 2001. Low Temp.
Sci. Ser. A, 60, Data Report, 55-68 (2001).
- Shirasawa, K., Kobinata, K. and Kawamura, T.: Eddy flux measurements below
ice and oceanic boundary layer (OBL) studies. BALTEX (Baltic Sea Experiment)
/ BASIS (Baltic Air-Sea-Ice Study) Final Report MAS3-CT97-0117 Contract
with EC, International BALTEX Secretariat, Publication No. 19, 170-178
2 学術講演(招請講演のみ)
- Launiainen, J., Vihma, T., Brummer, B., Etling, D., Hakansson, B., Omstedt,A.,
Smedman, A.-S. and Shirasawa, K.: Baltic Air-Sea-Ice Study (BALTEX -BASIS).
Third Study Conference on BALTEX, Mariehamn, Finland, 2- 6 July 2001.
- The 16th Intl. Symp. Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, Mombetsu, Japan, 4-8 February
- Sea Ice Climate and Marine Environments in the Okhotsk and Baltic Seas-
The Present Status and Prospects-, Seili, Finland, 11-13 September 2001.(主催者)