Group Seminar

In this seminar, we give presentations about our own research. Newcomers to our group talk about their BSc research or previous experience. Sometimes, guest researchers or OB/OG give talks as well.

Held irregularly in the ILTS auditorium, lecture room or conference room.



Date Presenter Title
Yoshinori Iizuka Arctic Nitrate Regulated by Anthropogenic Acidity Change After the Industrial Revolution
Kaoru Kawakami Initial processing of H15 ice core from Antarctica
Ralf Greve A multi-phase spin-up method for the Greenland ice sheet, and its influence on future changes of the ice sheet
Shuntaro Hata Detection of drainage of ice-marginal lakes in Antarctica by using REMA
Ryo Kusaka
Masahiro Minowa Basal melting of Shirase Glacier Tongue from Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica
Mai Matsumoto The variation factors of dielectric anisotropy of SE-Dome II ice core
Shun Shinohara
Shin Sugiyama Ice speed of a Greenlandic tidewater glacier modulated by tide, melt, and rain
Takuro Imazu Fieldwork in Svalbard and remote sensing of glacier lake
Jia-Yan Chang Terminus dynamics of Taku Glacier, Alaska, during the transition from advance to retreat
Hiroto Sakata Spatiotemporal reconstruction of accumulation rate in the southeast dome of Greenland ice sheet using ground penetrating radar
Soratakto Yamada Drone survey on Qaanaaq Glacier, northwestern Greenland, for studying surface elevation change and supraglaci al stream development
Takako Toyoyama Ice flow and basal layer flow beneath ice sheet
Félix Grandadam Storm induced instabilities in the Bay of Biscay
Kotaro Yazawa Biomass estimation of Benthosema pterotum in Kagoshima Bay, using acoustic method
Mizuki Hirano Metamorphism interpreted from zircon inclusions in ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphic rocks from East Antarctica

Reading Circle

For studying basics of glacier physics, we hold this reading circle. Textbook is the most popular one about glacier physics, The Physics of Glaciers (4th. ed.) by Cuffey & Paterson.
Presenter read each part, explain to participants. All participants join discussion, deepen their understandings.

§1. Introduction
§2. Transformation of Snow to Ice
§4. Mass Balance Processes
§15. Ice Core Studies
§8. The flow of Ice Masses

Journal Seminar

Graduate students in the course of Cryosphere introduce recent paper related to their own research theme.
MSc students: twice a year
PhD students: once a year
#Irregularly Friday, @Lecture room, ILTS.

Date Presenter Paper
10/25 Soratakto Yamada Outlet glacier flow response to surface melt: based on analysis of a high-resolution satellite data set
Yu Iwahori Dissolved iron exports from an estuary surrounded by coastal wetlands: Can small estuaries be a significant source of Fe to the ocean?
10/18 Arlec Chang Comprehensive radar mapping of Malaspina Glacier (Sít' Tlein), Alaska—The world's largest piedmont glacier—Reveals potential for instability
Shunsuke Sawada Synergistic impacts of sediment generation and hydrotechnical structures related to forestry on stream fish communities
10/4 Shun Iwahashi Fate and transport of coastal driftwood: A critical review
7/26 Shogo Suzuki Localizing and quantifying night time cooling effects from sub catchments in a mid European low mountain area
Yudai Kawano Technical Note: Flow velocity and discharge measurement in rivers using terrestrial and unmanned-aerial-vehicle imagery
Shun Shinohara Consistent histories of anthropogenic western European air pollution preserved in different Alpine ice cores
7/19 Soratakto Yamada Seasonal evolution of the supraglacial drainage network at Humboldt Glacier, northern Greenland, between 2016 and 2020
Shunsuke Sawada Rapid changes to global river suspended sediment flux by humans
Hiroto Sakata Relating regional and point measurements of accumulation in southwest Greenland
Taisei Sakaguchi Marine seabed litter in Siberian Arctic: A first attempt to assess
7/12 Yu Iwahori Effects of conversion from boreal natural wetlands to rice paddy fields on the dynamics of total dissolved iron during extreme precipitation events
Sakito Kiryu Role of mineral dust in the nitrate preservation during the glacial period: Insights from the RICE ice core
7/5 Takako Toyoyama Transition between Mechanical and Geometric Controls in Glacier Crevassing Process
Kotaro Yazawa The Red Rock ice cliff revisited – six decades of frontal, mass and area changes in the Nunatarssuaq area, Northwest Greenland
Shun Iwahashi Proof of concept for a new sensor to monitor marine litter from space
6/28 Takuro Imazu Monitoring dynamics of Kyager Glacier surge and repeated draining of Ice-dammed lake using multi-source remote sensing
Mizuki Hirano Characterization of atmospheric aerosols in the Antarctic region using Raman Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy
Tomohiro Nakayama Imageanalysistechniques to estimate river discharge using time-lapse cameras in remote locations
6/7 Manhui Ding Tide- and rainfall-induced variations of physical and chemical parameters in a mangrove-depleted estuary of East Hainan (South China Sea)
Saori Nishino Hemispheric-scale heavy metal pollution from South American and Australian mining and metallurgy during the Common Era
Jia-Yan Chang Quo vadis, Alsek? Climate-driven glacier retreat may change the course of a major river outlet in southern Alaska
5/31 Mai Matsumoto A cold laboratory hyperspectral imaging system to map grain size and ice layer distributions in firn cores