Special Lecture on Antarctic Science

This lecture is in curriculum of Internatioonal Antarctic Institute (IAI), speciliazes in Antarctic Science.
It is a valuable opportunity to receive lectures by researchers involved in Antarctic research.
Sometimes in English.
You can find details here.

You can find more details here:
Special Lecture on Antarctic Science I.
Special Lecture on Antarctic Science II.

Glacier field course in the Swiss Alps

In this course, we visit several glaciers in the Alps, and learn fundamentals of glaciolocical research.
We have a chance to have lecture by local glaciologist in ETH, visit glaciers and carry out glacier observations.
Especially at Rhonegletcher, participants continue observation every year, they present their archievements of Observation at Rhonegletcher.
You can find more details here.

Fundamental course in cold region sciences

This lecture is in curriculum of Graduate school of Envionmental Science, open in first term.
Lecturer include glacier & ice cheet research group and teachers of course in Cryosphere.
You can learn fundamentals about glacier, ice and snow.
This is recommended for students not only of course in Cryosphere, but have interest in our research.