


目 次


は じ め に








若 土 正 曉

I. 外部点検評価

1. 外部評価委員 (敬称略)

氏    名 所 属 ・ 職 名
和 田  正 三 基礎生物学研究所特任教授
向 井    正 神戸大学大学院自然科学研究科教授
今 脇  資 郎 九州大学応用力学研究所所長
藤 井  理 行
徳 永  正 晴 北海道大学名誉教授
池 田  元 美 北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究院長
齋 藤    裕 北海道大学大学院農学研究院教授


Hajo Eicken
Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, U.S.A.
Heinz Blatter
Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH, Switzerland
Valerio Pirronello
Dipartimento di Metodologie Fisiche e Chimiche Universita' di Catania, Italy
Kamil Láska
The Institute of Geography, the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Czech
Research Scientist

2. 評価項目

(1) 研究所の理念(目的)・学問的意義
(2) 研究所の組織体制
(3) 全国共同利用の機能
(4) 研究活動状況
(5) 研究所の位置づけ・役割が果たされているか
(6) 社会貢献(含広報活動)
(7) 今後の研究の方向性(何に期待するか)
    ・特に、Center of Excellence (COE) 研究所としての役割

3. 国内評価委員による点検評価報告



3.1 研究所の理念・学問的意義



3.2 研究所の組織体制

(1) 研究体制






(2) 教員人事



(3) 研究支援組織



3.3 全国共同利用の機能



3.4 研究活動状況

(1) 研究の方向性と業績





(2) 外部資金獲得状況


(3) 国際交流


(4) 研究者養成(人材育成・教育活動)




3.5 研究所の位置づけ・役割が果たされているか

(1) 北大法人の中において




(2) 我が国において


3.6 社会貢献(含広報活動)





3.7 今後の研究の方向性


3.8 特に、Center of Excellence (COE) 研究所としての役割




4. 外国人評価委員による点検評価報告



Evaluation of Pan-Okhotsk Research Center (Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University) with focus on marine and sea-ice studies

Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Prof. Hajo Eicken

1. Introduction and background

The Okhotsk Sea is a principal source of ventilation of North Pacific Intermediate Water (Shcherbina et al. 2003), harbors ecosystems important for fisheries, and serves as the breeding and overwintering grounds of a number of protected marine bird and mammal species. A key feature of the Okhotsk Sea is its seasonal ice cover. Along the northern coast of Hokkaido, sea ice is near its southernmost limit in the Northern Hemisphere. As the Arctic sea-ice cover appears to be undergoing dramatic change over the past few decades (Stroeve et al. 2005), and the Arctic system is potentially on a trajectory to a different climate state (Overpeck et al. 2005), studies of atmosphere-ice-ocean interaction in the Okhotsk Sea can provide major clues to help understand the causes and impacts of global climate variability and warming.

Economically and geopolitically, the Okhotsk Sea is of disproportionate importance as well (Kitagawa 2006). Of particular note are the recent oil and gas exploration and production activities off Sakhalin, poised to grow into the largest offshore facilities in ice-covered waters anywhere. With the Russian government and several major international oil company consortia planning for continued expansion of activities and different plans for delivery of gas to markets via pipeline, the importance of environmental data to aid with planning efforts and to help minimize impacts of these activities (or aid in remediation and response efforts in case of accidents) is likely to increase in importance.

Against this backdrop, the implementation of the Pan-Okhotsk Research (POR) Center at the Institute of Low Temperature Science (ILTS) at Hokkaido University (HU) represents both a timely and important move. Building on the substantial expertise of researchers at ILTS and aiming for a broader perspective, both geographically and methodologically, the POR Center is well positioned to assume its role as a preeminent center of expertise on the Okhotsk Sea. The present document is based on the premise, that the members of the POR Center through their previous and ongoing work have contributed successfully world-class research findings to the understanding of the Okhotsk Sea in a local, regional and hemispheric context. While one cannot overemphasize the importance and high quality of work carried out at ILTS and HU as Japan's premier Arctic research institution, the aim of this brief evaluation is seen less in focusing on past achievements, but rather in highlighting opportunities and potential for growth and consolidation in strategic areas.

2. Brief evaluation of current and past research activities

2.1. Oceanography of the Okhotsk Sea

While a body of literature exists from past Okhotsk Sea studies by Russian, Japanese and foreign researchers, substantial progress has been made recently, elucidating the regional oceanography and key processes driving atmosphere-ice-ocean exchange in the Okhotsk Sea. Much of this work has been carried out at ILTS, by researchers who are now members of the POR Center. Building on this highly successful past work, the Center is well positioned to continue advancing our understanding of the Okhotsk Sea through thorough, well-designed research. Given the challenges of working in the Russian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the strategy of combining a high-density observation network at the southern edge of the Okhotsk Sea in Japanese waters (comprising surface-ocean radars, oceanographic moorings and regular survey cruises on Japanese Coast Guard and vessels of opportunity) with exploratory research in the central and northern Okhotsk Sea through collaboration with Russian colleagues is sensible and has shown great success in the past. Of particular value are studies of the East Sakhalin Current which is unique and important in its own right as a previously “white spot” on the map. However, this current also passes through areas of substantial offshore oil and gas development and provides a highly dynamic and rapid link between the central and southern Okhotsk Sea.

Members of the POR Center and their colleagues have been extremely productive in summarizing and synthesizing the fruits of this research effort in a range of high-profile publications and presentations. However, in addition they have had great success in conveying the findings of their studies to the general public, both through the media as well as by working on the production of educational video/multimedia products. Given the level of interest of the public in northern Hokkaido as well as the present and future of the Okhotsk Sea as an area for industrial development and environmental conservation, the importance of such activities cannot be overestimated. One might consider putting such activities on a more permanent footing by entraining a (part-time) education and outreach professional to relieve some of the pressures on POR Center scientific staff.

2.2. Okhotsk Sea ice research

The sea-ice component of the POR Center's research plans builds on the solid body of work assembled at ILTS' Sea Ice Research Laboratory (SIRL) in Mombetsu. SIRL Leadership and personnel form an important core component of the POR Center. Of particular interest is the work carried out in the central Okhotsk Sea off northern Sakhalin in collaboration with Russian researchers, that may provide key baseline data for the ice cover surrounding the oil and gas exploration areas (Shirasawa et al. 2005). This model of collaboration with Russian colleagues may point the way towards a more comprehensive strategy of continued long-term international collaboration in the Okhotsk Sea sector.

A keystone of the sea-ice research is one of the most extensive and substantial long-term records of ice cover variability collected in a strategic location near the southernmost limit of sea ice extent in the Northern Hemisphere. This includes observations of ice occurrence and ice dynamics off northern Hokkaido based on the >30-year record of land-based sea-ice radars as well as a recent program of ice mass balance and atmosphere-ice-ocean observations in a coastal lagoon (Saroma-ko). The value of these data sets cannot be underestimated as they help us unravel key aspects of what may well be first signs of a long-term decline in (sub-)Arctic sea-ice extent.

By combining these observations with educational efforts, significant benefits are derived for research and student training. Moreover, the value of the data is also apparent to local stakeholders and the general public. Thus, there is an important long-term commitment to help with observations and field work by local fishermen. At the same time, tourism and a high level of interest by the public throughout Japan reflect well on past and ongoing efforts and provide guidance for future work.

These ground-based observations tie into a strong remote sensing program that has produced a number of important publications over the years. Due to its focus on aspects of the sea-ice cover (distribution and thickness of thin ice from passive-microwave data, analysis of ice kinematics, etc.) that are of relevance for the Okhotsk Sea, there is substantial benefit and synergy to be gained from continued and intensified coordination between these activities.

3. Opportunities and potential for development

3.1. Oceanography

With a multitude of data sets assembled over recent years, including highly detailed observations of circulation using drifters and remote sensing techniques (e.g., Ohshima et al. 2002) and considering the important role of the Okhotsk Sea, integrated modeling efforts of the Okhotsk marine system appear to be timely. Ultimately, understanding the principal role of the Okhoktsk Sea for North Pacific processes (and also to further understanding and prediction of living marine resources) simulations with high-resolution coupled ice-ocean model may substantially increase insight into the functioning of the Okhotsk Sea and provide constraints on fluxes of heat and salt that are difficult to derive from measurement programs. The latter is particularly true for ice production rates, where assimilation of satellite data, building on previous work at the POR Center, may be of significance. Such work may also help integrating the various data streams that are coming online, such as the surface ocean radar operated by the POR Center, or results from ice-profiling sonar on moorings.

Another area that may provide opportunities for future development is an intensification of the study of land-ocean interaction in the Okhotsk Sea. With the Amur River as a significant source of freshwater, nutrients and other dissolved and particulate matter, an intensification of the initial studies of the role of freshwater fluxes in forcing surface circulation and mixing as well as its potential implications for other marine processes appears to be timely. Such work would also provide a more direct link between the Terrestrial and Marine Groups within the POR Center.

3.2. Sea ice

Given the great value of the Northern Hokkaido sea ice radar data set and the importance of continuity of these coastal sea-ice observations, there exists substantial potential to consolidate and coordinate current measurements from different sources, as well as carry out a “calibration” of the sea-ice radar data from satellite remote sensing observations. Specifically, it should be noted that the Okhotsk Sea Ice Tower in Mombetsu still operates a coastal radar. Though less powerful, this system still provides data of high temporal and spatial resolution of ice conditions and dynamics at one of the historic sites. Ensuring proper archival and preprocessing of this data in collaboration with the Sea Ice Tower Observation Team appears highly promising. At the same time, the Doppler Radar system operated by the Atmospheric Research Group within the POR Center may provide valuable data on the presence and movement of ice that could also be integrated into a sea-ice climatology for this region, along with ice volume and flux estimates from ice-profiling sonar observations. Finally, for a period of a few years of overlapping passive microwave data and radar observations a detailed intercomparison may allow for at least partial continuation of these observations. While highly localized, it is the length of the time series (incl. historical visual observations) and the high resolution of the data that justifies such an approach.

The efforts to set up a longer-term collaboration with Russian researchers on sea-ice observations in the central/northern Okhotsk Sea are far-sighted and deserving of support, both in the context of climate change and as important background observations for offshore industrial development. The latter requires information on environmental conditions, in particular the heavy coastal ice regime.

3.3. Strengthening linkages and developing synergies

An area of great potential benefit to the POR Center, that appears deserving of further examination concerns the strengthening of linkages at various levels within the scientific research groups and institutions involved in and affected by Okhotsk Sea research. Hokkaido University is a powerhouse of Arctic research in the Japanese research and educational landscape and it appears that there is tremendous potential for growth and synergistic benefits to be derived from a strengthening of inter-institutional and interdisciplinary ties.

Within the POR Center itself, such objective might be achieved through a regular meeting or seminar series that would help bring the different components together and foster intellectual exchange between senior scientists, students and research support personnel. This is also important in the context of recruitment of new students and other junior personnel.

This latter point also holds true for other groups within the ILTS and in particular within the broader context of other HU departments and schools or faculties. Given the importance of physical oceanography and ice information for fisheries and marine mammal and bird ecology, there is great benefit to be derived for all involved from a closer coordination between these disciplines. This may be challenging due to the physical separation between Hakodate and Sapporo Campuses, but continued oil and gas development is likely to increase the need for an integrated assessment of the impacts of these activities on the environment. This in turn, can only be achieved through close collaboration between different departments and institutions. A good example of how much can be achieved in this fashion are the Norwegian research programs carried out in the Barents Sea prior to significant oil and gas exploration (Sakshaug et al. 1992). The Okhotsk Sea is in many ways an international testbed for development of natural resources under the most challenging environmental conditions. Whatever can be learned here, and the POR Center, ILTS and HU are one of the focal points for these activities, can hold major lessons for the global community. Traditionally, such projects have been driven mostly by engineering constraints, but it appears that a more holistic view of the challenges and opportunities is emerging (Kitagawa 2006). However, this also requires closer coordination in both research and education between the engineering, natural sciences and socio-economic sciences sectors. Developing and strengthening these ties could be both a major challenge and a tremendous opportunity for the POR Center and other institutions at HU for the years to come.

The fact that media attention in regards to explaining the potential impacts of toxic spills into Okhotsk Sea waters or drainage systems has turned to members of the POR Center may also point the way towards recognizing that the POR Center and HU can play a major role in providing scientific, objective guidelines for desaster response. In the US, it has been recognized that despite industry assurances, gas and oil spill response in ice-covered waters is marginally effective at best (Dickins Associates 2004), and a number of recent studies suggest that only through effective collaboration between scientists, federal and local agencies and industry can these problems be overcome. The recent work by the POR Center on surface circulation and sea-ice processes in the Okhotsk Sea would make the Center a natural source of information and expertise in the case of accidents. This is a tremendous opportunity but also carries with it substantial responsibility that may have to be taken into account in future planning efforts.

While the author's point-of-view on this may be skewed and unrealistic, there is definitely the potential for the Okhotsk Sea to evolve into a major testbed and model for environmental and socio-economic and geopolitical change in the North of the 21st Century. Lessons drawn from studies in the Okhotsk Sea in the next 10 to 20 years may well inform and guide efforts in mitigation of impacts of climate warming in the high Arctic later in the century. At the same time, economic activities currently underway in the Okhotsk Sea may form the blueprint for projects in Arctic Russia, Alaska and Canada in years to come. In light of these developments, the POR Center could play a major role in providing objective, timely and reliable scientific data guiding our evolving understanding of the Okhotsk Sea, not just as a region, but as a system.

Whatever the direction that the Pan-Okhotsk Research Center is going to take in the near and far future, it may be well worthwhile to integrate the results of this planning process into a more concerted effort to shape the Center's corporate identity, including its self-image and projected image. As an example, both informal discussions with various personnel at ILTS as well as a visit to the Center's web site indicate that while people are aware of the Center, it's actual goals, aims and achievements are less clear. While this may not be applicable here, comparable institutions in the US often gain substantially from the process of developing a vision (Where do we see the POR Center fit into the biggest of pictures, five years or ten years down the line?) and a corresponding mission statement (What are the aims resulting out of this vision and how do we plan to achieve them?) that then provides guidance both in the short- and long-term planning process. The current web site indicates that there is a good start made in this direction, but that the presently available information does in no way justice to what one can consider one of the jewels in HU's Northern research fabric. Furthermore, this information is currently only available in Japanese, yet a presence in English and Russian could be of substantial benefit to both HU-ILTS and the Center as well as the international scientific community and other stakeholders.

References cited

Dickins Associates Limited, 2004: Advancing oil spill response in ice-covered waters. U.S. Arctic Research Commission, Washington, 19pp.
Kitagawa, H., 2006: New era in Far East Russia & Asia: perspective of northern sea route: development of Far East Russia & JANSROP-GIS: protection of environment for the Sea of Okhotsk. Ocean Policy Research Foundation, Ship & Ocean Foundation, Tokyo 318 pp.
Ohshima, K. I., M. Wakatsuchi, Y. Fukamachi, and G. Mizuta, 2002: Near-surface circulation and tidal currents of the Okhotsk Sea observed with the satellite-tracked drifters, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107, 3195, doi:10.1029/2001JC001005.
Overpeck, J., et al., 2005: Arctic system on trajectory to new, seasonally ice-free state, Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 86, 309, 312-313.
Sakshaug, E., Bjørge, A., Gulliksen, B., Loeng, H. and Mehlum, F., 1992: The Barents Sea ecosystem (PROMARE). Norwegian Scientific Council, Norwegian Ministry of Environment. 304 pp. (In Norwegian)
Shcherbina, A. Y., et al., 2003: Direct observations of North Pacific ventilation: Brine rejection in the Okhotsk Sea, Science, 302, 1952-1955.
Shirasawa, K., Lepparanta, M., Saloranta, T., Tawamura, T., Polomoshnov, A., Surkov, G., 2005: The thickness of coastal fast ice in the Sea of Okhotsk, Cold Reg. Sci. and Tech., 42, 25-40.
Stroeve, J. C., et al., 2005: Tracking the Arctic's shrinking ice cover: Another extreme September minimum in 2004, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L04501, doi:04510.01029/02004GL021810.


Hajo Eicken

1. 組織と背景

北太平洋中層水形成の主な源であるオホーツク海(Shcherbina et al. 2003)は、漁業の糧である生態系を擁し、多種の鳥類、哺乳動物には繁殖や越冬の場を提供する。オホーツク海の主なる特色は季節海氷域であるということだ。北海道オホーツク海沿岸域の海氷は北半球では最南端に近い。過去数十年間の北極海海氷域で起きていると思われる急激な変化(Stroeve et al. 2005)や、北極における激しい気候変動の可能性について報告(Overpeck et al. 2005)される、地球の気候変動と温暖化の原因や影響を理解するためには、オホーツク海の大気、海氷、海洋の相互作用の研究が重要な糸口になると期待される。

オホーツク海はまた、経済学、地政学の見地からも途方もない重要性を持つ(Kitagawa 2006)。特記すべきは、近年のサハリン沖での石油、ガスの発掘、生産活動で、氷に覆われた海においては最大規模の沖合施設となることが予想される。ロシア政府と国際石油会社数社で提携し、発掘拡張やパイプラインによる天然ガス輸送など様々な計画が進行するなか、周辺環境への影響を最小限に抑えるため、また事故時の対処、対策のためにも、環境データはさらに重要性を増していく筈である。


2. 現在、過去の研究活動について

2.1. オホーツク海の海洋学



2.2. オホーツク海の海氷研究

センターの研究計画中、海氷に関しては紋別の流氷研究施設での実績に基づき、センターで中核的役割を果たしている。北サハリンでのロシアの研究者との共同研究は特記すべきもので、石油・ガス開発海域の海氷研究にとって基礎的なデータを供給すると思われる(Shirasawa et al. 2005)。このような共同研究をモデルとして今後もオホーツク海での長期的国際共同研究態勢が望まれる。




3. 今後の発展の可能性

3.1. 海洋学

近年多量のデータ——漂流ブイやリモートセンシング技術を用いた海洋循環の詳細な観測などのデータ(Ohshima et al. 2002など)を含む——が収集され、かつオホーツク海の重要な役割を考慮すると、オホーツク海の海洋システムの統合モデルは機を得たものであろう。北太平洋のプロセスへのオホーツク海の主な役割を考えると、(さらに海洋生物の理解と予測を助けるためにも)、高分解能海氷—海洋結合モデルによるシミュレーションは、オホーツク海の働きの理解を助け、観測からは得られ難い熱及び塩フラックスを導くであろう。後者は特に海氷生産量に当てはまり、センターの過去のデータに衛星データを同化させることは重要であろう。さらには、オンラインで得られる様々なデータ(センターで運用している海洋レーダのデータなど)や、係留型氷厚計によるデータを統合することに役立つであろう。


3.2. 海氷




3.3. 連携の強化と相乗効果



このことは、低温研内の他のグループや、また北大内の他の学部、学科などにも広く当てはまるであろう。水産、海洋哺乳類、鳥類の生態にとって、海洋物理と海氷情報は重要なので、それらの分野間で緊密な関係を構築することで、それぞれが得るものは大きいと思われる。函館—札幌間の距離を考えると簡単ではないかもしれないが、石油・ガス開発が進行中の現在、環境への影響を共同で研究して行く必要性が更に増している。逆に言えば、異なる学科や研究機関での緊密な協力なくしては達成されないであろう。そのような共同研究の良い例として、バレンツ海の大規模な石油・ガス開発に先立って、ノルウェーでは研究が実施され、大きな成果が上げられた(Sakshaug et al. 1992)。オホーツク海は、困難な環境条件下における天然資源開発の試金石として国際的にも注目されている。この現場で、またセンター、低温研、北大が学んでゆくことは、世界的に共通するレッスンである。今までは、このような研究は、主に工学の分野に限られていたが、全体的見地で立ち向かうようになってきた(Kitagawa 2006)。工学、自然科学、社会経済学間で密接な共同研究、また共同教育が要求される。このような繋がりを発展、強化することは、センターや北大の他の機関にとって今後の大きな課題であり、極めて有意義なことであろう。

最近、オホーツク海で起きた有毒物質流出か廃液処分が疑われた件で、メディアがセンターに説明を求めてきたことからも明らかなように、センターや北大は災害に対する科学的、客観的な対策を提供する役割を担っている。米国では、企業の言質に反して、氷海域での石油・ガス流出時の対策はあまり効果的ではなかったとの報告があり(Dickins Associates 2004)、最近の数々の研究は、科学者、国、地方行政、企業間での効果的協力によってのみ、この問題の解決がみられると指摘している。オホーツク海の表層循環と海氷過程に関する研究がセンターで最近なされ、事故が発生した場合には情報や知識を供与できる立場にあるが、それは非常に大きな責任を伴うということを、将来計画を立てるうえで忘れてはならない。



Evaluation of the Experimental and Theoretical Glaciology Group at the Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo

Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science
Prof. Dr. Heinz Blatter

This report is based on my personal experience during my collaboration with some members of the glaciology group and various visits of a few weeks to months in the Institute of Low Temperature Science since 1999. I did not have close contacts with all members of the group, and therefore, I will not be able to report on all activities on the same level of details.

The Experimental and Theoretical Glaciology Group at the Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, consists of two professors, Dr. T. Hondoh and Dr. R. Greve, associate professor Dr. T. Shiraiwa, lecturer Dr. S. Sugiyama and assistant professor Dr. Y. Iizuka. The group may be considered in a transitional stage since several members, Prof. Greve, Dr. Sugiyama and Dr. Iisuka, started their employment in the group and one associate professor, Dr. R. Naruse, retired during the period in consideration. Dr. Shiraiwa is delegated for five years to the Amur-Okhotsk Project at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) in Kyoto since two years. The period for applications for a position of a professor just ended at the end of October 2006 and is now under evaluation. It will be important to stabilize the group to maintain and secure its longer term goals of basic research in the physics of ice related to the analysis of the ice cores retrieved from Dome F in Antarctica and other high mountain drilling sites at lower latitudes.

The group spans a wide range in the fields of ice physics from the microscopic scale of molecules and crystals to the continent size scale in the dynamics of large ice sheets. This composition of the group bears a great potential of bridging the wide gap between micro- and macro scales, which however, may prove to become a longer term endeavour and requires some stability in the personal composition of the group for some time.


Experimental glaciology: The work in the laboratory is primarily aimed at two main streams, the basic physics of ice and its applications to the analysis of ice cores. In this respect, the laboratory plays an importants role among the worlds leading laboratories in ice physics and ice core analysis and in some specialisation, it plays a leading role since many years. Under the leadership of Prof. Hondoh, the group developed a modern laboratory for advanced investigations in ice physics and produced an impressive number of well cited papers in the past years. The fact that most papers are multi-author papers reflects the team working style in the laboratory and the many national and international collaborations.

At present, the leading fields of the laboratory are in the analysis of formation and occurrence of gas hydrates in the ice of the Antarctic ice sheet, the diffusion of gas and the fractionation of air molecules in the ice, and the analysis of size, shape and chemical composition of microparticles in the ice of Antarctica. The applied experimental techniques make use of X-ray diffraction, ion chromatography, mass spectrometry, liquid scintillation methods and back-scattered Raman spectroscopy. The experimental results obtained from the study of samples from the ice cores are used to study the underlying processes by theoretical analysis as well as numerical modeling. The deeper understanding of these processes provides the basis for a variety of analyses of ice core samples and correspondingly to extract more detailed and variable information on past climate from ice cores. The study of dislocations in ice crystals and their role in the rheological properties of ice in general and of glacier ice in particular is one possible path for bridging the microphysics of ice to the large scale modeling of glaciers and ice sheets.

Field work: Dr. Shiraiwa successfully organised and participated in several high mountain ice core drilling projects in Patagonia, Alaska, Kamchatka and Siberia. His publications reflect several topics concerning the reconstruction of climatic conditions from ice cores in lower latitudes. The multi-author papers of Dr. Shiraiwa reflect his many contacts and successfull international cooperations. At present, Dr. Shiraiwa is delegated for five years to RIHN in Kyoto. To maintain the expertise of high mountain ice core drilling, which is an important complement to ice core drilling in the polar ice sheets, it will be important to secure his position at ILTS on longer terms.

With Dr. Sugiyama, the promissing combination of expertise in modern methods of experimental glaciology and state of the art glacier modeling is brought into the group. He is a member of the group since 2 years after spending 2 years as a postdoctoral study at the glaciology group of ETH Zurich. In the past few years he designed, tested and applied novel instruments to observe strain rates on glacier surfaces and in boreholes. He combines great skills in experimental work with a deep insight in the theoretical background of glacier physics and developed unconventional and ingenious interpretations of the sometimes surprising and intriguing experimental findings.

Theoretical glaciology: Prof. Greve is a member of the Group since three years. He is one of the pioneers in numerical modeling of ice sheets and his ice sheet model SICOPOLIS and specialized versions of it found many applications in coupled climate systems models. His research activities span a range of topics from a) numerical modeling of the dynamics of glacier and ice sheet, b) coupling of the ice sheet model to climate models of various complexities, c) numerical process studies of ice sheet surging in connection with Heinrich events, d) dating of ice cores, e) modeling Martian ice caps, f) implementation of novel ice physics. in particular anisotropic flow behaviour, in ice flow models. At present, further studies for the implementation of anisotropic flow behaviour of ice are performed. This is a timely step in ice sheet modeling but also a step in the direction of bridging the still wide gap between the research on the small scale in the ice physics laboratory and the large scales in the ice sheet models.

An important aspect of the modeling group is the broad international contacts and cooperations. Prof. Greves contacts to the German and broader international ice sheet and climate modeling community are well established and are expected to remain so in the future.


The group is contributing to the education on the level of graduate and doctoral studies at the Hokkaido University, Sapporo. As in most universities, the groups scientific output relies on graduate and doctoral studies. Several doctoral students in recent years were quite successful in their following academic career, a fact that also reflects the high level of supervision by the principal researchers.

The cryosphere in general and in particular land based ice masses such as glaciers and ice sheets play an important role in the global and local climate systems. It may thus be advisable to contribute additionally to undergraduate studies, not only to strengthen the consciousness and awareness of the role of the cryosphere in a wide range of Earth systems processes, but also to promote further interest for good students in various fields such as physics, chemistry, environmental science, engineering and computational science to embark in cryospheric research.

The groups contacts to ETH Zurich are not only of mutual interest in research cooperations but also in exchange of teaching courses for both universities. Furthermore and with high priority, teaching will be coordinated with the International Antarctic Institute (IAI) in Hobart, Tasmania, which is a partly real and partly virtual university founded in connection with the International Polar Year 2007/08.


スイスETH大気気候科学研究所 教授









理論雪氷学:ラルフ・グレーベ教授はグループに加わって3年になる。彼は氷床モデリングに関する先駆的研究者の一人であり、彼が開発した氷床モデルSICOPOLISとそれを様々な課題に専門化したモデルは、気候システム結合モデルの分野で多く応用されている。彼の研究活動は、a) 氷河氷床動力学の数値モデリング、b) 様々な複雑さでの氷床および気候モデルの結合、c) ハインリッヒイベントと関連した氷床サージに関する数値的なプロセス研究、d) 氷コアの年代決定、e) 火星氷床のモデリング、f) 新しい氷物理の氷床モデルへの応用、特に氷流動モデルへの異方性の導入、といった幅広い分野を対象としている。流動モデルへの異方性の導入は氷床モデリングにおいて時宣を得た課題であると同時に、実験室における微視的な氷物性研究と、巨視的な氷床モデリングとを結びつける課題でもある。




当該グループがスイス連邦工科との交流を行っているのは、相互が研究協力に興味を持っているからだけでなく、お互いの教育カリキュラムを交流させる目的でもある。国際極年(2007/2008年)に関連して助成を受けたタスマニア・ホバートの国際南極大学(IAI: International Antarctic Institute)との連携によって、教育体制はこれからますます大きな重要性をもって整備されていくことであろう。

Dipartimento di Metodologie Fisiche e Chimiche Universita' di Catania, Italy
Prof. Valerio Pirronello

I have been requested to write an evaluation report about the research performed by the Planetary Science Group at the Institute of Low Temperature Science (ILTS) at Hokkaido University.

The group has been actively producing very high level research both on the experimental and on the theoretical ground for several years and I am familiar with it.

I strongly support the proposal of Prof. Akira Kouchi and Prof. Naoki Watanabe to carry on and extend experimental measurements of the catalytic efficiency of the surfaces of solids of astrophysical interest, that are currently done in their laboratory at the Institute of Low Temperature Science (ILTS) of the Hokkaido University in Sapporo.

Laboratory simulations of physical-chemical processes, occurring in conditions and on the type of surfaces of solids close to those encountered in the interstellar medium, started to be performed only few years ago due to their intrinsic difficulties; it is therefore the most virgin field in Astrochemistry and the one in which in the next future important steps will be made. Prof. Kouchi and Prof.Watanabe have already contributed very much to the advancement of this field with a series of important papers about hydrogenation reactions taking place on the surface of various ices and, for the results they obtained, they are already highly recognized by the international community of astrophysicists and astrochemists.

At present the laboratory of Prof. Kouchi and Prof. Watanabe is one of the very few in the world where surface reactions are investigated in simulated interstellar scenarios.

Furthermore, their effort to concentrate investigations on the deuteration of species by surface reactions is of particular importance in light of the very recent growing observational evidence that deuterium fractionation in the interstellar medium is much more relevant than previously believed, and the project to construct new apparatuses with sophisticated analytical devices is fundamental to enlarge the number of possible reactions, whose occurrence can be studied in the laboratory for the years to come.

I also strongly support the project carried out by Prof. Tetsuo Yamamoto and Dr. Hidekazu Tanaka. The objective of the project, which is supported by the MEXT, is the study of dust relevant to exoplanetary science and of the formation of planetary systems around stars. Prof. Yamamoto and Dr. Tanaka organize a dust group in Japan, and make fruitful collaborations with Japanese and international dust groups including the ones in Nagoya, Kyoto, Kobe, Sendai, Tokyo, Cairo, Muenster and NASA Goddard. In fact, the group of the ILTS acts as one of the international centers for the study of astrophysical dust.

Prof. Yamamoto has worked on dust formation and processing relevant to formation of planetary systems and minor bodies in the solar system. His study of dust formation and the origin and of evolution of cometary ice is highly recognized in the international community. He acts as a chair of a Working Group of physical study of comets in the Commission 15 of the International Astronomical Union. Dr. Hidekazu Tanaka has developed a theoretical model of planet migration and thermal evolution of protoplanetary disks in connection with observations of extra-solar planets. His model is widely accepted as a standard model in the community of the planet formation theory. He has recently completed a computer code for simulation of 3D collisions of dust aggregates in collaboration with Dr. Wada and Prof.Yamamoto. This is the first code in the world, which enables to reveal realistic growth processes of dust in the disks. This also enables to make a state-of-the-art analysis of the observations of protoplanetary disks.

In addition, the theory group works in collaboration with several other groups also on a wide range of topics on astrophysical dust, such as: dust evolution in protoplanetary and debris disks, molecule formation on dust surfaces, light scattering by dust aggregates (applicable to any shape and structure), and low temperature crystallization of amorphous dust.

In summary, the planetary science group in the ILTS is very active in the international standard in both experimental and theoretical studies.

I very strongly hope that the ILTS will support their activity.

イタリア カターニャ大学教授
バーレーリオ ピロネロ








山本教授は太陽系の惑星や彗星などの小天体の形成にとって重要なダスト形成やその後の変化過程の研究に従事しています.彼のダスト形成理論や彗星の起源と進化に関する理論は国際的に高く評価されています. 彼はまた国際天文学連合の彗星研究ワーキンググループの委員長を務めています.田中助教授は太陽系外惑星の観測に必要な惑星移動過程や原始惑星系円盤の熱進化過程の理論的モデルを発展させてきました.彼らのモデルは広く受け入れられており「惑星形成の標準モデル」として有名です.最近は,和田博士,山本教授と共同で,ダスト集合体の3次元衝突シミュレーションのための計算コードを完成させました.これは世界初の快挙で,原始惑星系円盤でのダスト集合体のより現実的な成長過程が明らかになると期待されます.さらに,これは原始惑星系円盤の観測結果の解析をよりすばらしくするものです.




Evaluation report on Institute of Low Temperature Science Hokkaido University, Sapporo

Institute of Geography, the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University
research worker Kamil Láska

Overview of the last collaboration

Recently, I am a research worker at the Institute of Geography, the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. For the first time, I worked at the Cryosphere Science Research Section of the Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University in 2002. Prof. Dr. Toshihiko Hara, the head of Cryosphere Science Research Section, invited me to carry out a climatological research in his laboratory. My stay was supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), I got a Postdoctoral Fellowship Project from September 2002 to November 2003. Within the frame of research project “Spatial and temporal variability of the climatic conditions in sub-boreal forest ecosystems” I have mainly focused on monitoring of physical parameters of the atmosphere boundary layer inside and/or above sub-boreal forest. I also focused on general description of the interactions between climatic conditions and vegetation cover dynamics. The measurements were carried out in the northern part of Hokkaido at two forest stands differing in age and species composition: 1) secondary forest of Betula ermanii, and 2) mixed forest of conifers and deciduous trees. The forest floors of both study sites were densely covered with dwarf bamboo (Sasa kurilensis).

Close co-operation with the principal researchers of the Cryosphere Science Research Section was established during following short-term stays at the Institute of Low Temperature Science in 2004 and 2005. Due to the core project “Atmosphere-Biosphere-Cryosphere Interaction in the Cold Regions”, which was held by Prof. Hara, I prolonged climatological and ecological measurements at the same study plots and made intensive field experiments there. Some of university students from Hokkaido University and postdoctoral fellows were also involved in the above-mentioned projects and assisted me a lot with field work and data collection.

In 2006, I was invited to continue the previous scientific activities at the Institute of Low Temperature Science under the Specially Appointed Lecturer Program of Hokkaido University and performed field work in the summer season. The main research objective was to study the effect of climate change on energy?water cycles and growth dynamics of a boreal forest. The complex monitoring of energy and water transfer processes in forest stands was performed during one growing season (June ? September) and subsequently compared with data taken in previous years. The study included the measurement of water vapour fluxes by eddy-covariance, gradient and Bowen approaches, measurement of tree and understory sap flow by THB method, the stem growth measurement, and soil water monitoring.

Summary of collaboration and prospect for the future

First of all, I would like to appreciate help and support of the authorities of the ILTS and also technical assistance provided by research workers and technicians of the ILTS. Large data sets were collected within several last years of the project(s) that could not be possible without great help of other colleagues from the Cryosphere Science Research Section and several Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows. In summary, I find that the collaboration between Masaryk University (CZ) and the Cryosphere Science Research Section (ILTS) was effective, fruitful, and profitable for both institutions.

I feel, however, that co-ordination of field work and exploitation of existing local climatological databases should have been more effective. For future research, extensive data mining taken before the period of experimental design planning and field measurements is recommended. Invitation for a larger number of experts from different faculties of Hokkaido University is a reasonable solution in order to promote future research outcomes. Also involvement of international scientists, Ph.D. students in particular, is a prospective measure to assure continuation of bioclimatological measurements at the above-specified experimental forest plots. An offer for participation in the project will be made for Czech students starting their Ph.D. studies in Sept. 2007.

北海道大学低温科学研究所 評価レポート

チェコ共和国・マサリク大学理学部・地理学研究所 研究員
カミル ラスカ


私は現在、チェコ共和国・マサリク大学理学部・地理学研究所の研究員である。私が最初に北海道大学低温科学研究所の寒冷陸域科学部門で研究を行ったのは、2002年のことであった。原教授が北方林における気象学的研究を推進するため私を招待してくれたのであった。私は日本学術振興会の外国人特別研究員として来日し、2002年9月から2003年11月まで低温研で研究を行った。私は、研究プロジェクト「北方林生態系における気象条件の空間的・時間的変動」を計画し、主に北方林における大気境界層の物理的パラメータの観測を行った。そして、気象条件と植生動態の相互作用にも着目して解析を行った。これらの観測や調査は、北海道北部、母子里の北海道大学・雨龍研究林において林齢や種構成が異なる二つの森林で行った:1) 広葉樹ダケカンバの二次林、そして2) 針葉樹・広葉樹混交林、である。これら二つの調査地ともに林床はチシマザサで密に覆われていた。






5. 所長からのコメント










II. 外部点検評価のための資料

今回の外部点検評価にあたっては、評価委員には以下の資料を配付しました。 本報告書には、これらの資料は含まれていませんが、お申し出があれば随時お送 り致しますので、必要な方は下記連絡先にご一報下さいますようご案内申し上げ ます。

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  1. 低温科学研究所概要 (2005〜2006)
  2. 低温科学研究所パンフレット(和文)
  3. 低温科学研究所附属環オホーツク観測研究センターパンフレット (2006年発行)
  4. 低温科学研究所環オホーツク観測研究センター研究構想
  5. 平成19年度低温科学研究所共同研究・研究集会公募要領
  6. 平成17年度低温科学研究所共同研究報告書
  7. 低温科学研究所研究助成事業研究成果報告書(2006年5月)
  8. 低温科学研究所年報(2006)
  9. 低温研ニュース No.21(2006年6月)
  10. 低温科学 No.64 (2005年)
  11. 低温科学研究所自己点検評価報告書(2006年10月)
  12. 低温科学研究所外部点検評価報告書(2001年3月)

北海道大学 低温科学研究所