File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 boundary_m.F90Computation of the surface temperature (must be less than 0 deg C!) and of the accumulation-ablation function
 sico_init_m.F90Initialisations for SICOPOLIS
 sico_vars_m.F90Declarations of global variables for SICOPOLIS (for the ANT domain)
 boundary_m.F90Computation of the surface temperature (must be less than 0 deg C!) and of the accumulation-ablation function
 sico_init_m.F90Initialisations for SICOPOLIS
 sico_vars_m.F90Declarations of global variables for SICOPOLIS (for the ASF domain)
 boundary_m.F90Computation of the surface temperature (must be less than 0 deg C!) and of the accumulation-ablation function
 sico_init_m.F90Initialisations for SICOPOLIS
 sico_vars_m.F90Declarations of global variables for SICOPOLIS (for the EMTP2SGE domain)
 calc_bas_melt_m.F90Computation of the basal melting rate
 calc_dxyz_m.F90Computation of all components of the strain-rate tensor, the full effective strain rate and the shear fraction
 calc_enhance_m.F90Computation of the flow enhancement factor
 calc_gia_m.F90Computation of the glacial isostatic adjustment of the lithosphere surface
 calc_temp_enth_m.F90Computation of temperature, water content and age with the enthalpy method
 calc_temp_m.F90Computation of temperature, water content and age
 calc_temp_melt_bas_m.F90Computation of the melting and basal temperatures
 calc_thk_m.F90Computation of the ice thickness
 calc_thk_water_bas_m.F90Computation of the thickness of the water column under the ice base
 calc_vxy_m.F90Computation of the horizontal velocity vx, vy
 calc_vz_m.F90Computation of the vertical velocity vz
 calving_underwater_ice_m.F90Calving of "underwater ice"
 compare_float_m.F90Comparison of single- or double-precision floating-point numbers
 enth_temp_omega_m.F90Conversion from temperature (temp) and water content (omega) to enthalpy (enth) and vice versa
 ice_material_properties_m.F90Material properties of ice: Rate factor, heat conductivity, specific heat (heat capacity), creep function, viscosity
 init_temp_water_age_m.F90Initial temperature, water content and age
 mars_instemp_m.f90Computation of the daily mean surface temperature of Mars based on obliquity, eccentricity and the anomaly of vernal equinox (local insolation temperature scheme = LIT scheme)
 mask_update_sea_level_m.F90Update of the ice-land-ocean mask due to changes of the sea level
 metric_m.F90Definition of the components g11 and g22 of the metric tensor of the applied numerical coordinates
 nc_check_m.F90NetCDF error capturing
 output_m.F90Writing of output data on files
 pdd_m.F90Computation of the positive degree days (PDD) with statistical temperature fluctuations; based on semi-analytical solution by Calov and Greve (2005)
 read_m.F90Reading of several input data
 sico_end_m.F90Ending of SICOPOLIS
 sico_main_loop_m.F90Main loop of SICOPOLIS
 sico_maths_m.F90Several mathematical tools used by SICOPOLIS
 sico_types_m.F90Declarations of kind types for SICOPOLIS
 sico_variables_m.F90Declarations of global variables for SICOPOLIS
 stereo_proj_m.F90Computation of the forward or inverse stereographic projection, alternatively for a spherical or an ellipsoidal planet
 topograd_m.F90Calculation of topography gradients on the staggered grid and on the grid points (including length rescaling with the corresponding components of the metric tensor)
 boundary_m.F90Computation of the surface temperature (must be less than 0 deg C!) and of the accumulation-ablation function
 discharge_workers_m.F90Ice discharge parameterization for the Greenland ice sheet
 sico_init_m.F90Initialisations for SICOPOLIS
 sico_vars_m.F90Declarations of global variables for SICOPOLIS (for the GRL domain)
 boundary_m.F90Computation of the surface temperature (must be less than 0 deg C!) and of the accumulation-ablation function
 sico_init_m.F90Initialisations for SICOPOLIS
 sico_vars_m.F90Declarations of global variables for SICOPOLIS (for the NHEM domain)
 boundary_m.F90Mars Atmosphere-Ice Coupler MAIC-1.5: Computation of the surface temperature (must be less than 0 deg C) and of the accumulation-ablation rate for the north polar cap of Mars. Computation of the geothermal heat flux
 sico_init_m.F90Initialisations for SICOPOLIS
 sico_vars_m.F90Declarations of global variables for SICOPOLIS (for the NMARS domain)
 boundary_m.F90Computation of the surface temperature (must be less than 0 deg C!) and of the accumulation-ablation function
 sico_init_m.F90Initialisations for SICOPOLIS
 sico_vars_m.F90Declarations of global variables for SICOPOLIS (for the SCAND domain)
 boundary_m.F90Mars Atmosphere-Ice Coupler MAIC-1.5: Computation of the surface temperature (must be less than 0 deg C) and of the accumulation-ablation rate for the south polar cap of Mars. Computation of the geothermal heat flux
 sico_init_m.F90Initialisations for SICOPOLIS
 sico_vars_m.F90Declarations of global variables for SICOPOLIS (for the SMARS domain)
 boundary_m.F90Computation of the surface temperature (must be less than 0 deg C!) and of the accumulation-ablation function
 sico_init_m.F90Initialisations for SICOPOLIS
 sico_vars_m.F90Declarations of global variables for SICOPOLIS (for the TIBET domain)
 boundary_m.F90Computation of the surface temperature (must be less than 0 deg C!) and of the accumulation-ablation function
 sico_init_m.F90Initialisations for SICOPOLIS
 sico_vars_m.F90Declarations of global variables for SICOPOLIS (for the EMTP2SGE domain)
 boundary_m.F90Computation of the surface temperature (must be less than 0 deg C!) and of the accumulation-ablation function
 sico_init_m.F90Initialisations for SICOPOLIS
 sico_vars_m.F90Declarations of global variables for SICOPOLIS (for the HEINO domain)
 sicopolis.F90Main program file of SICOPOLIS