Modules | Functions/Subroutines
calc_temp_enth_m.F90 File Reference

Computation of temperature, water content and age with the enthalpy method. More...

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module  calc_temp_enth_m
 Computation of temperature, water content and age with the enthalpy method.


subroutine, public calc_temp_enth_m::calc_temp_enth (dxi, deta, dzeta_c, dzeta_t, dzeta_r, dtime_temp)
 Main subroutine of calc_temp_enth_m: Computation of temperature, water content and age with the enthalpy method. More...
subroutine calc_temp_enth_m::calc_temp_enth_1_a (at1, at2_1, at2_2, at3_1, at3_2, at4_1, at4_2, at5, at6, at7, atr1, acb1, acb2, acb3, acb4, alb1, ai1, ai2, dtime_temp, dtt_2dxi, dtt_2deta, i, j, ct1, ct2, ct3, ct4, ce5, ce6, ce7, ctr1, ccbe1, ccb2, ccb3, ccb4, clb1, ct1_sg, ct2_sg, ct3_sg, ct4_sg, adv_vert_sg, abs_adv_vert_sg, ci1, ci2, dtt_dxi, dtt_deta)
 Computation of temperature and age for a cold ice column with the enthalpy method: Abbreviations. More...
subroutine calc_temp_enth_m::calc_temp_enth_1_b (ctr1, clb1, i, j, lgs_a0, lgs_a1, lgs_a2, lgs_b)
 Computation of temperature and age for a cold ice column with the enthalpy method: Set-up of the equations for the bedrock temperature. More...
subroutine calc_temp_enth_m::calc_temp_enth_1_d (ct1, ct2, ct3, ct4, ci1, ci2, ct1_sg, ct2_sg, ct3_sg, ct4_sg, adv_vert_sg, abs_adv_vert_sg, dtime_temp, dtt_dxi, dtt_deta, dtt_2dxi, dtt_2deta, i, j, lgs_a0, lgs_a1, lgs_a2, lgs_b)
 Computation of temperature and age for a cold ice column with the enthalpy method: Set-up of the equations for the age of ice. More...
subroutine calc_temp_enth_m::calc_temp_enth_2_a1 (at1, at2_1, at2_2, at3_1, at3_2, at4_1, at4_2, at5, atr1, alb1, ai1, aqtlde, dtime_temp, dtt_2dxi, dtt_2deta, i, j, ct1, ct2, ct3, ct4, ce5, ctr1, clb1, ct1_sg, ct2_sg, ct3_sg, ct4_sg, adv_vert_sg, abs_adv_vert_sg, ci1, cqtlde, dtt_dxi, dtt_deta)
 Computation of temperature and age for an ice column with a temperate base with the enthalpy method: Abbreviations I. More...
subroutine calc_temp_enth_m::calc_temp_enth_2_b (ctr1, clb1, i, j, lgs_a0, lgs_a1, lgs_a2, lgs_b)
 Computation of temperature and age for an ice column with a temperate base with the enthalpy method: Set-up of the equations for the bedrock temperature. More...
subroutine calc_temp_enth_m::calc_temp_enth_2_d (ct1, ct2, ct3, ct4, ci1, ci2, ct1_sg, ct2_sg, ct3_sg, ct4_sg, adv_vert_sg, abs_adv_vert_sg, dtime_temp, dtt_dxi, dtt_deta, dtt_2dxi, dtt_2deta, i, j, lgs_a0, lgs_a1, lgs_a2, lgs_b)
 Computation of temperature and age for an ice column with a temperate base with the enthalpy method: Set-up of the equations for the age of ice. More...
subroutine calc_temp_enth_m::calc_temp_enth_ssa (at1, at2_1, at2_2, at3_1, at3_2, at4_1, at4_2, at5, at6, at7, atr1, alb1, ai1, ai2, dtime_temp, dtt_2dxi, dtt_2deta, i, j)
 Computation of temperature and age for ice shelves (floating ice) with the enthalpy method. More...

Detailed Description

Computation of temperature, water content and age with the enthalpy method.


Copyright 2013-2017 Ralf Greve, Heinz Blatter


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Definition in file calc_temp_enth_m.F90.