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file  borehole.F90 [code]
 Computation of an arbitrary field quantity for a given borehole position x_pos, y_pos by weighed averaging of the corresponding gridded 2-d field.
file  calc_dxyz.F90 [code]
 Computation of all components of the strain-rate tensor, the full effective strain rate and the shear fraction.
file  calc_elra.F90 [code]
 Computation of the isostatic steady-state displacement of the lithosphere (wss) for the ELRA model.
file  calc_enhance.F90 [code]
 Computation of the flow enhancement factor.
file  calc_gia.F90 [code]
 Computation of the glacial isostatic adjustment of the lithosphere surface.
file  calc_qbm.F90 [code]
 Computation of the basal melting rate Q_bm. Summation of Q_bm and Q_tld.
file  calc_temp1.F90 [code]
 Computation of temperature and age for a cold ice column.
file  calc_temp2.F90 [code]
 Computation of temperature and age for an ice column with a temperate base overlain by cold ice.
file  calc_temp3.F90 [code]
 Computation of temperature, water content and age for an ice column with a temperate base overlain by a temperate-ice layer.
file  calc_temp_bas.F90 [code]
 Computation of the basal temperatures.
file  calc_temp_cold.F90 [code]
 Computation of temperature and age in cold-ice mode.
file  calc_temp_const.F90 [code]
 Isothermal mode: Setting of the temperature and age to constant values.
file  calc_temp_enth.F90 [code]
 Computation of temperature, water content and age with the enthalpy method.
file  calc_temp_enth_1.F90 [code]
 Computation of temperature and age for a cold ice column with the enthalpy method.
file  calc_temp_enth_2.F90 [code]
 Computation of temperature and age for an ice column with a temperate base with the enthalpy method.
file  calc_temp_enth_ssa.F90 [code]
 Computation of temperature and age for ice shelves (floating ice) with the enthalpy method.
file  calc_temp_melt.F90 [code]
 Computation of the melting temperatures.
file  calc_temp_poly.F90 [code]
 Computation of temperature, water content and age in polythermal mode.
file  calc_temp_r.F90 [code]
 Computation of temperature for an ice-free column.
file  calc_temp_ssa.F90 [code]
 Computation of temperature and age for ice shelves (floating ice).
file  calc_top_1.F90 [code]
 Computation of the ice topography (including gradients) for SIA-only dynamics of ice sheets without ice shelves.
file  calc_top_2.F90 [code]
 Computation of the ice topography (including gradients) for hybrid SIA/SStA dynamics of ice sheets without ice shelves.
file  calc_top_3.F90 [code]
 Computation of the ice topography (including gradients) for coupled SIA/SSA or SIA/SStA/SSA dynamics of ice sheets with ice shelves.
file  calc_vis_ssa.F90 [code]
 Computation of the depth-integrated viscosity vis_int_g in the shallow shelf approximation.
file  calc_vxy_b_sia.F90 [code]
 Computation of the basal horizontal velocity vx_b, vy_b in the shallow ice approximation.
file  calc_vxy_sia.F90 [code]
 Computation of the shear stresses txz, tyz, the effective shear stress sigma, the depth-averaged fluidity flui_ave_sia, the horizontal velocity vx, vy and the horizontal volume flux qx, qy in the shallow ice approximation.
file  calc_vxy_ssa.F90 [code]
 Computation of the horizontal velocity vx, vy, the horizontal volume flux qx, qy and the flux across the grounding line q_gl_g in the shallow shelf approximation.
file  calc_vxy_ssa_matrix.F90 [code]
 Solution of the system of linear equations for the horizontal velocities vx_m, vy_m in the shallow shelf approximation.
file  calc_vxy_static.F90 [code]
 Computation of the horizontal velocity vx, vy, the horizontal volume flux qx, qy etc. for static ice.
file  calc_vz_sia.F90 [code]
 Computation of the vertical velocity vz in the shallow ice approximation.
file  calc_vz_ssa.F90 [code]
 Computation of the vertical velocity vz in the shallow shelf approximation.
file  calc_vz_static.F90 [code]
 Computation of the vertical velocity vz for static ice.
file  calc_water_bas.F90 [code]
 Computation of the thickness of the water column under the ice base.
file  creep.F90 [code]
 Creep response function for ice.
file  enth_temp_omega.F90 [code]
 Conversion from temperature (temp) and water content (omega) to enthalpy (enth) and vice versa.
file  erfcc.F90 [code]
 Computation of the complementary error function erfc(x) = 1-erf(x) with a fractional error everywhere less than 1.2 x 10^(-7) (formula by Press et al., 'Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77').
file  geo_coord.F90 [code]
 Computation of longitude lambda and latitude phi for position (x,y) in the numerical domain.
file  ice_material_quantities.F90 [code]
 Material quantities of ice: Rate factor, heat conductivity, specific heat (heat capacity).
file  init_temp_water_age.F90 [code]
 Initial temperature, water content and age.
file  make_zl0.F90 [code]
 Generation of an isostatically relaxed lithosphere surface topography for either the rigid lithosphere, the local lithosphere or the elastic lithosphere model (depending on the setting of the parameter REBOUND). This routine is not to be used regularly, and it is only executed if the parameter EXEC_MAKE_ZL0 is defined in the header file.
file  mask_update.F90 [code]
 Update of the topography mask due to changes of the sea level.
file  metric.F90 [code]
 Definition of the components g11 and g22 of the metric tensor of the applied coordinates.
file  nc_check.F90 [code]
 NetCDF error capturing.
file  num_coord.F90 [code]
 Computation of position (x,y) in the numerical domain for longitude lambda and latitude phi (in rad).
file  output1.F90 [code]
 Writing of time-slice files in binary format.
file  output2.F90 [code]
 Writing of time-series data on file in ASCII format.
file  output3.F90 [code]
 Writing of time-series data of the ice thickness field on file in ASCII format.
file  output4.F90 [code]
 Writing of time-series data of the deep ice cores on file in ASCII format.
file  output_nc.F90 [code]
 Writing of time-slice files in NetCDF format.
file  pdd.F90 [code]
 Computation of the positive degree days (PDD) with statistical temperature fluctuations; based on semi-analytical solution by Calov and Greve (2005). Note that this subroutine uses years as time unit (as opposed to the seconds which are usually used by SICOPOLIS).
file  read_kei.F90 [code]
 Reading of the tabulated kei function.
file  read_phys_para_value.F90 [code]
 Reading of a value of a physical parameter from the phys_para file.
file  shift_cts_downward.F90 [code]
 Downward shifting of the CTS.
file  shift_cts_upward.F90 [code]
 Upward shifting of the CTS.
file  sico_end.F90 [code]
 Ending of SICOPOLIS.
file  sico_main_loop.F90 [code]
 Main loop of SICOPOLIS.
file  sico_sle_solvers.F90 [code]
 Solvers for systems of linear equations used by SICOPOLIS.
file  sico_types.F90 [code]
 Declarations of kind types for SICOPOLIS.
file  sico_variables.F90 [code]
 Declarations of global variables for SICOPOLIS.
file  topograd_1.F90 [code]
 Calculation of topography gradients on the staggered grid and on the grid points (the latter by second-order discretization). Length rescaling with the corresponding components of the metric tensor is already included.
file  topograd_2.F90 [code]
 Calculation of topography gradients on the staggered grid and on the grid points (the latter by fourth-order discretization). Length rescaling with the corresponding components of the metric tensor is already included.
file  viscosity.F90 [code]
 Ice viscosity as a function of the effective strain rate and the temperature (in cold ice) or the water content (in temperate ice) or both (for the enthalpy method).