
  • 南極の氷に何が起きているか 気候変動と氷床の科学
    • 杉山慎 (2021)
      ISBN 978-4-12-102672-9
      新書判 / 216頁

  • The Dilemma of Boundaries. Toward a New Concept of Catchment
    • Makoto Taniguchi, Takayuki Shiraiwa (eds.) (2012)
      ISBN 978-4-431-540342-2
      162 x 240 mm / 275頁

      Water circulates continuously and seamlessly on Earth with little regard for the boundaries we draw. There are natural boundaries as between land and ocean and surface and subsurface environments, as well as human or demographic boundaries between nations, cultures, and religions. Although considered necessary by societies, these human-created boundaries disrupt natural water circulation, leading to serious water-related environmental problems. The dilemma of how to manage water beyond our boundaries remains, and nations have different ways and means of controlling each form of water, whether as vapor, surface water, groundwater, or seawater. Recent findings on the interaction of water from land, oceans, and the atmosphere encourage researchers to undertake collaborative work that goes beyond the boundaries of each discipline, be it oceanography, surface and subsurface hydrology, climatology, or glaciology. Drawing on all these fields, the book focuses on two major boundaries: that between surface water and ground water, and that between terrestrial water and ocean water. This comprehensive work is of great value to experts in academia, international organizations, consulting firms, water resources, fisheries, and urban development planning agencies.
  • 極地研ライブラリー アイスコア -地球環境のタイムカプセル-
    • 藤井理行・本山秀明 編著 (2011)
      ISBN 978-4-425-57011-9
      四六判 / 268頁

  • 魚附林の地球環境学 -親潮・オホーツク海を育むアムール川-
    • 白岩孝行 (2011)
      ISBN 978-4-8122-1118-2
      四六判 / 226頁
  • Dynamics of Ice Sheets and Glaciers
    • Ralf Greve, Heinz Blatter (2009)
      ISBN 978-3-642-03414-5
      162 x 240 mm / 287頁

      Dynamics of Ice Sheets and Glaciers presents an introduction to the dynamics and thermodynamics of flowing ice masses on Earth. Based on an outline of general continuum mechanics, the different initial-boundary-value problems for the flow of ice sheets, ice shelves, ice caps and glaciers are systematically derived. Special emphasis is put on developing hierarchies of approximations for the different systems, and suitable numerical solution techniques are discussed. A separate chapter is devoted to glacial isostasy. The book is appropriate for graduate courses in glaciology, cryospheric sciences, environmental sciences, geophysics and related fields. Standard undergraduate knowledge of mathematics (calculus, linear algebra) and physics (classical mechanics, thermodynamics) provide a sufficient background for successfully studying the text.
  • なぞの宝庫・南極大陸 -100万年前の地球を読む-
    • 飯塚芳徳, 澤柿教伸, 杉山慎, 的場澄人 (2008)
      ISBN 4-7741-3661-1
      B6判 / 200頁

  • Physics of Ice Core Records
    • Takeo Hondoh (ed.) (2000)
      Hokkaido University Press.
      ISBN 4-8329-0282-2
      B5判 / 480頁
  • 基礎雪氷学講座 4 氷河
    • 藤井理行, 上田豊, 伏見碩二, 小野有五, 成瀬廉二, 白岩孝行 (1997)
      ISBN 4-7722-1404-6
      A5判 / 312頁