What's new
20 May, test
27 May, the website opened
27 June, Registration opened!
9 September, Participants updated
16 September, Participants updated
26 September, Program updated
Recent significant progress of astronomical observations has elucidated a rich variety of physical and chemical properties of the Universe, and also been providing insights into how stars, planetary systems, and galaxies are being born. In association with the progress of observations,
it is of increasing importance to understand the physical and chemical processes of interstellar matters on a molecular/atomic scale.
The aim of this workshop is to offer an opportunity for exchange of current research results of physics and chemistry of
astronomically-relevant atoms, radicals, molecules, and ions in both gas and condensed phases. Toward the development of
interactive activation among astronomical observations, theoretical calculations, and laboratory experiments, participants
from wide fields, physics, chemistry, planetary sciences, and astronomy, are welcome to this workshop.
This workshop is jointed with the symposiums of Institute of Low Temperature Science and Research Project on Evolution of Molecules in Space,
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas.
Auditorium at Institute of Low Temperature science, Hokkaido
Access to Hokkaido University
Invited Speakers
Confirmed invited speakers
Dieter Gerlich (Chemnitz Univ Tech, Germany)
Eric Herbst (Univ Virginia, USA)
Ralf Kaiser (Univ Hawaii, USA)
Akira Kouchi (Hokkaido Univ, Japan)
Kentarou Kawaguchi (Okayama Univ., Japan)
Klaus Pontoppidan (STScI, USA)
Albert Rimola (Univ Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain)
Nami Sakai (Univ Tokyo, Japan)
Gianfranco Vidali (Syracuse Univ, USA)
Laurent Wiesenfeld (IPAG, France)
See the program
The program will be fixed after 14th September. The meeting will be scheduled from the morning of 16th (Thu.) to the afternoon of 18th (Sat.).
See participants
Registration & Abstracts
Registration is free of charge but requires your information. (Now open!)
deadline of registration is 15th September.
Abstract should be emailed to us by 15th September using the abstract template.
Oral presentation will be selected from the submitted abstracts. Other
papers will be poster presentation. Poster-board size: 90cm(width)x180cm(height).
See all abstracts
Yuri Aikawa (Kobe University)
Kaori Kobayashi (University of Toyama)
Nami Sakai (University of Tokyo)
Shuro Takano (NAOJ)
Naoki Watanabe (Hokkaido University)
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