
The booking site for CPLT2024 special price has been closed.
If you haven't booked yet, plase contact LOC asap.

Note that the hotel reservation must be made personally and the accommodation fee (depending on the number of nights) should be paid separately, which include hotel room, breakfast, and ordinary dinner.
A link to the booking page will be provided in an email you receive after registration.
If you wish to find a colleague to book a shared room, please use slack workspace CPLT2024; you'll be invited to it after registration.

Accommodation Fee:
Listed prices are valid for your booking before 31st May 2024.
After 1st June, the prices will vary depending on availability.
Every room has two beds. An extra-bed can be equiped on request.
(Following prices do not include taxes and service charges; tax 10% + 150 JPY/night/person, service charge 13%)

Plans including breakfast and dinner
1) 22,700 JPY per person per night for single use
2) 14,700 JPY per person per night for shared use by two persons
3) 13,700 JPY per person per night for shared use by three persons

Plans including breakfast
1) 17,000 JPY per person per night for single use
2) 9,000 JPY per person per night for shared use by two persons
3) 8,000 JPY per person per night for shared use by three persons

6th (SAT) - -
7th (SUN) △,◆
8th (MON) △,◆
9th (TUE) △,◆
10th (WED) △,◆
11th (THU) △,◆ - -
○: Included in the registration fee
△: Included in the accommodation plan with breakfast
◆: Included in the accommodation plan with breakfast and dinner