About CPLT


The CPLT conference series resulted from the merger of two long-standing international conferences: the Gordon Conference on the Chemistry and Physics of Matrix-Isolated Species and the International Conference on Low Temperature Chemistry.

The first united CPLT conference was organized by Mika Pettersson and Jan Lundell in 2013 in Jyväskylä, Finland. CPLT 2014 took place in Suzdal, Russia organized by Vladimir Feldman and Tatyana Shabatina. As a series of recent conferences, CPLT 2016 was organized by Joëlle Mascetti, Claudine Crépin, and Stéphane Coussan and took place in Biarritz, France. CPLT 2018 was organized by David Anderson and Robert Hinde in Laramie, Wyoming. After two-year postponment for covid-19, CPLT2022 was organized by György Tarczay and Gábor Magyarfalvi in Visegrád, Hungary.


Reactive and unstable species, radicals, intermediates
Atmospheric & astrochemical species, astrochemical ices
Biomolecules in matrices and jet-cooled beams
Quantum hosts
New methods and applications
Tunneling & dynamics
Ultracold molecules
Cryosynthesis, materials, clathrates
Theory helping cryogenic studies