Publication -2015

Publication ~ 2014
(*corresponding author equal contribution)

Original article / English

Sakuma, C., Kawauchi, T., Haraguchi, S., Shikanai, M., Yamaguchi, Y., Gelfand, V.I., Luo, L., Miura, M,, Chihara, T.: Drosophila Strip serves as a platform for early endosome organization during axon elongation. Nature Communications, 5, doi:10.1038/ncomms6180, 2014.

Liu, T., *Yamaguchi, Y., Shirasaki, Y., Shikada, K., Yamagishi, M., Hoshino, K., Kaisho, T., Takemoto, K., Suzuki, T., Kuranaga, E., Ohara, O., and *Miura, M.: Single-cell imaging of caspase-1 dynamics reveals all-or-none response to inflammasome signaling. Cell Reports, 8, 974-982, 2014.

*Yamaguchi, Y., Kuranaga, E., Nakajima, Y., Koto, A., Takemoto, K., and *Miura, M.: In vivo monitoring of caspase activation using a fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based fluorescent probe. Regulated Cell Death. ed. Ashkenazi, A., Wells , J., Yuan, J. Methods in Enzymology., 544, 299-325, 2014

Nonomura, K., *Yamaguchi, Y., Hamachi, M., Koike, M., Uchiyama, Y., Nakazato, K., Mochizuki, A., Sakaue-Sawano, A., Miyawaki, A., Yoshida,H., Kuida, K., *Miura, M. Local apoptosis modulates early mammalian brain development through the elimination of morphogen-producing cells. Developmental Cell, 27, 621-634, 2013. Selected by Faculty of 1000

*Yamaguchi, Y., M. Miura.  How to form and close the brain: insight into the mechanism of cranial neural tube closure in mammals. Cellular and Molecular Life Science., 70:3171-3186, 2013.

Yamaguchi, Y., ¶ Shinotsuka, N., Nonomura, K., Takemoto, K., Kuida, K., Yoshida, H., *M. Miura.  Live-imaging of apoptosis in a novel transgenic mouse highlights its role in neural tube closure. Journal of Cell Biology, 195, 1047-1060, 2011.  Selected by Faculty of 1000

¶ Yoshida, A., ¶ Yamaguchi, Y., Nonomura, K., Kawakami, K., Takahashi, Y., *M. Miura. Simultaneous expression of different transgenes in neurons and glia by combining in utero electroporation with the Tol2 transposon-mediated gene transfer system. Genes to Cells, 15. 501-512, 2010.

Yamaguchi, Y., Yonemura, S., *Takada, S. : Grainyhead-related transcription factor is required for duct maturation in the salivary gland and the kidney of the mouse. Development, 133, 4737-48, 2006.

Yamaguchi, Y., Ogura, S., Ishida, M., Karasawa, M., *Takada, S.: Gene trap screening as an effective approach for identification of Wnt-responsive genes in the mouse embryo. Developmental Dynamics, 233, 484-495, 2005.

Japanese article / 日本語総説


化学同人、pp170-185, 2013

医学のあゆみ 246, 5, p.393-398, 2013

実験医学 30, 218-223, 2012

実験医学 増刊 28, 1069-1076, 2010

メディカル・サイエンス・ダイジェスト36, 711-714, 2010

がんの分子標的治療(鶴尾隆編), 150-155, 2008