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file  boundary.F90 [code]
 Computation of the surface temperature (must be less than 0 deg C!) and of the accumulation-ablation function.
file  phys_para.F90 [code]
 Reading of physical parameters.
file  sico_init.F90 [code]
 Initialisations for SICOPOLIS.
file  topography1.F90 [code]
 Definition of the initial surface and bedrock topography (including gradients) and of the horizontal grid spacings dxi, deta. For present-day initial topography.
file  topography2.F90 [code]
 Definition of the initial surface and bedrock topography (including gradients) and of the horizontal grid spacings dxi, deta. For ice-free initial topography with relaxed lithosphere.
file  topography3.F90 [code]
 Definition of the initial surface and bedrock topography (including gradients) and of the horizontal grid spacings dxi, deta. For initial topography from previous simulation (read in binary format).
file  topography3_nc.F90 [code]
 Definition of the initial surface and bedrock topography (including gradients) and of the horizontal grid spacings dxi, deta. For initial topography from previous simulation (read in NetCDF format).