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R. Uemura, K. Horiuchi, M. Minowa, S. Hattori, T. Aoki,
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- Calving, ice flow, and thickness of outlet glaciers controlled by land-fast
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- Effects of topography on dynamics and mass loss of lake-terminating glaciers
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- Reduced ice loss from Greenland under stratospheric aerosol injection.
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A. Barthel, R. Calov, R. Cullather, C. Dumas, B. K. Galton-Fenzi,
R. Gladstone, N. R. Golledge, J. M. Gregory, R. Greve,
T. Hattermann, M. J. Hoffman, A. Humbert, P. Huybrechts, N. C. Jourdain,
T. Kleiner, E. Larour, G. R. Leguy, D. P. Lowry, C. M. Little,
M. Morlighem, F. Pattyn, T. Pelle, S. F. Price, A. Quiquet, R. Reese,
N.-J. Schlegel, A. Shepherd, E. Simon, R. S. Smith, F. Straneo, S. Sun,
L. D. Trusel, J. Van Breedam, P. Van Katwyk, R. S. W. van de Wal,
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- Insights into the vulnerability of Antarctic glaciers from the ISMIP6
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- Abrupt drainage of Lago Greve, a large proglacial lake in Chilean Patagonia,
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- Effects of the glacial meltwater supply on carbonate chemistry in
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- Ohashi, Y., S. Aoki, Y. Matsumura, S. Sugiyama, N. Kanna
and D. Sakakibara (2020).
- Vertical distribution of water mass properties under the influence of
subglacial discharge in Bowdoin Fjord, northwestern Greenland.
- Ocean Science, 16(3), 545-564.

- Oyabu, I., Y. Iizuka, K. Kawamura, E. Wolff, M. Severi,
R. Ohgaito, A. Abe-Ouchi and M. Hansson (2020).
- Compositions of dust and sea salts in the Dome C and Dome Fuji ice cores
from Last Glacial Maximum to early Holocene based on ice-sublimation
and single-particle measurements.
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125(4), 35-76.


- Podolskiy, E. A. and S. Sugiyama (2020).
- Soundscape of a narwhal summering ground in a glacier fjord
(Inglefield B redning, Greenland).
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(5), e2020JC016116.

- Robinson, A., J. Alvarez-Solas, M. Montoya, H. Goelzer, R. Greve
and C. Ritz (2020).
- Description and validation of the ice-sheet model Yelmo (version 1.0).
- Geoscientific Model Development, 13(6), 2805-2823.

- Sakakibara, D. and S. Sugiyama (2020).
- Seasonal ice-speed variations in 10 marine-terminating outlet glaciers
along the coast of Prudhoe Land, northwestern Greenland.
- Journal of Glaciology, 66(255), 25-34.

- Seguinot, J., M. Funk, A. Bauder, T. Wyder, C. Senn
and S. Sugiyama (2020).
- Englacial warming indicates deep crevassing in Bowdoin Glacier,
- Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 65.

- Seroussi, H., S. Nowicki, A. J. Payne, H. Goelzer, W. H. Lipscomb,
A. Abe-Ouchi, C. Agosta, T. Albrecht, X. Asay-Davis, A. Barthel, R. Calov,
R. Cullather, C. Dumas, B. K. Galton-Fenzi, R. Gladstone, N. Golledge,
J. M. Gregory, R. Greve, T. Hatterman, M. J. Hoffman, A. Humbert,
P. Huybrechts, N. C. Jourdain, T. Kleiner, E. Larour, G. R. Leguy,
D. P. Lowry, C. M. Little, M. Morlighem, F. Pattyn, T. Pelle, S. F. Price,
A. Quiquet, R. Reese, N.-J. Schlegel, A. Shepherd, E. Simon, R. S. Smith,
F. Straneo, S. Sun, L. D. Trusel, J. Van Breedam, R. S. W. van de Wal,
R. Winkelmann, C. Zhao, T. Zhang and T. Zwinger (2020).
- ISMIP6 Antarctica: a multi-model ensemble
of the Antarctic ice sheet evolution over the 21st century.
- The Cryosphere, 14(9), 3033-3070.

- Sugiyama, S. (2020).
- Through the Japanese field research in Greenland: A changing natural
environment and its impact on human society
- Polar Record, 58(e8), 1-6.
- Sun, S., F. Pattyn, E. G. Simon,
T. Albrecht, S. Cornford, R. Calov, C. Dumas, F. Gillet-Chaulet,
H. Goelzer, N. R. Golledge, R. Greve, M. J. Hoffman, A. Humbert,
E. Kazmierczak, T. Kleiner, G. R. Leguy, W. H. Lipscomb,
D. Martin, M. Morlighem, S. Nowicki, D. Pollard, S. Price,
A. Quiquet, H. Seroussi, T. Schlemm, J. Sutter,
R. S. W. van de Wal, R. Winkelmann and T. Zhang (2020).
- Antarctic ice sheet response to sudden and sustained ice-shelf
collapse (ABUMIP).
- Journal of Glaciology, 66(260), 891-904.

- van Dongen, E., G. Jouvet, A. Walter, J. Todd, T. Zwinger,
I. Asaji, S. Sugiyama, F. Walter and M. Funk (2020).
- Tides modulate crevasse opening prior to a major calving event at
Bowdoin Glacier, Northwest Greenland.
- Journal of Glaciology, 66(255), 113-123.

- Greve, R. (2019).
- Geothermal heat flux distribution for the Greenland ice sheet,
derived by combining a global representation and information
from deep ice cores.
- Polar Data Journal, 3, 22-36.

- Iizuka, Y., C. Miyamoto, S. Matoba, G. Iwahana, K. Horiuchi,
Y. Takahashi, N. Kanna, K. Suzuki and H. Ohno (2019).
- Ion concentrations in ice wedges: An innovative approach to reconstruct
past climate variability.
- Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 515, 58-66.


- Minowa, M., E. A. Podolskiy and S. Sugiyama
- Tide-modulated ice motion and seismicity of a floating glacier tongue
in East Antarctica.
- Annals of Glaciology, 60(79), 57-67.

- Minowa, M., E. A. Podolskiy, G. Jouvet, Y. Wieidmann,
D. Sakakibara, S. Tsutaki, R. Genco and S. Sugiyama
- Calving flux estimation from tsunami waves.
- Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 515, 283-290.


- Naito, A., Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, B. Nishizawa, N. Kanna,
S. Sugiyama and A. Yamaguchi (2019).
- Surface zooplankton size and taxonomic composition in Bowdoin Fjord,
north-western Greenland: A comparison of ZooScan, OPC and microscopic
- Polar Science, 19, 120-129.

- Nishizawa, B., N. Kanna, Y. Abe, Y. Ohashi,
D. Sakakibara, I. Asaji, S. Sugiyama,
A. Yamaguchi and Y. Watanuki (2019).
- Contrasting assemblages of seabirds in the subglacial meltwater plume
and oceanic water of Bowdoin Fjord, northwestern Greenland.
- ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsz213.

- Rezvanbehbahani, S., L. A. Stearns, C. J. van der Veen, G. K. A. Oswald
and R. Greve (2019).
- Constraining the geothermal heat flux in Greenland at regions of
radar-detected basal water.
- Journal of Glaciology, 65(254), 1023-1034.

- Rückamp, M., R. Greve and A. Humbert (2019).
- Comparative simulations of the evolution of the Greenland ice sheet
under simplified Paris Agreement scenarios with the models SICOPOLIS
and ISSM.
- Polar Science, 21, 14-25.

- Seddik, H., R. Greve, D. Sakakibara, S. Tsutaki,
M. Minowa and S. Sugiyama (2019).
- Response of the flow dynamics of Bowdoin Glacier, northwestern Greenland,
to basal lubrication and tidal forcing.
- Journal of Glaciology, 65(250), 225-238.

- Seroussi, H., S. Nowicki, E. Simon, A. Abe-Ouchi, T. Albrecht, J. Brondex,
S. Cornford, C. Dumas, F. Gillet-Chaulet, H. Goelzer, N. R. Golledge,
J. M. Gregory, R. Greve, M. J. Hoffman, A. Humbert, P. Huybrechts,
T. Kleiner, E. Larour, G. Leguy, W. H. Lipscomb, D. Lowry, M. Mengel,
M. Morlighem, F. Pattyn, A. J. Payne, D. Pollard, S. F. Price, A. Quiquet,
T. J. Reerink, R. Reese, C. B. Rodehacke, N.-J. Schlegel, A. Shepherd,
S. Sun, J. Sutter, J. Van Breedam, R. S. W. van de Wal, R. Winkelmann
and T. Zhang (2019).
- InitMIP-Antarctica: an ice sheet model initialization experiment of
- The Cryosphere, 13(5), 1441-1471.

- Sugiyama, S., M. Minowa and M. Schaefer (2019).
- Underwater ice terrace observed at the front of Glaciar Grey, a freshwater
calving glacier in Patagonia.
- Geophysical Research Letters, 46(5), 2602-2609.


- Sugiyama, S., F. J. Navapro, T. Sawagaki, M. Minowa, T. Segawa,
Y. Onuma, J. Otero and E. V. Vasilenko (2019).
- Subglacial water pressure and ice-speed variations at Johnsons Glacier,
Livingston Island, Antarctic Peninsula.
- Journal of Glaciology, 65(252), 689-699.

- Tsutaki, S., K. Fujita, T. Nuimura, A. Sakai, S. Sugiyama,
J. Komori and P. Tshering (2019).
- Contrasting thinning patterns between lake- and land-terminating glaciers
in the Bhutanese Himalaya.
- The Cryosphere, 13(10), 2733-2750.

- Bautista, A. T., VII, Y. Miyake, H. Matsuzaki, Y. Iizuka
and K. Horiuchi (2018).
- High-resolution 129I bomb peak profile in an ice core from
SE-Dome site, Greenland.
- Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 184-185, 14-21.

- Calov, R., S. Beyer, R. Greve, J. Beckmann, M. Willeit, T. Kleiner,
M. Rückamp, A. Humbert and A. Ganopolski (2018).
- Simulation of the future sea level contribution of Greenland with a
new glacial system model.
- The Cryosphere, 12(10), 3097-3121.

- Goelzer, H., S. Nowicki, T. Edwards, M. Beckley, A. Abe-Ouchi,
A. Aschwanden, R. Calov, O. Gagliardini, F. Gillet-Chaulet,
N. R. Golledge, J. Gregory, R. Greve, A. Humbert,
P. Huybrechts, J. H. Kennedy, E. Larour, W. H. Lipscomb,
S. Le clec'h, V. Lee, M. Morlighem, F. Pattyn, A. J. Payne,
C. Rodehacke, M. Rückamp, F. Saito, N. Schlegel, H. Seroussi,
A. Shepherd, S. Sun, R. van de Wal and F. A. Ziemen (2018).
- Design and results of the ice sheet model initialisation experiments
initMIP-Greenland: an ISMIP6 intercomparison.
- The Cryosphere, 12(4), 1433-1460.

- Iizuka, Y., R. Uemura, K. Fujita, S. Hattori, O. Seki, C. Miyamoto,
T. Suzuki, N. Yoshida, H. Motoyama and S. Matoba (2018).
- A 60 year record of atmospheric aerosol depositions preserved in a
high-accumulation dome ice core, Southeast Greenland.
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123(1), 574-589.


- Jouvet, G., Y. Weidmann, M. Kneib, M. Detert, J. Seguinot,
D. Sakakibara and S. Sugiyama (2018).
- Short-lived ice speed-up and plume water flow captured by a VTOL UAV
give insights into subglacial hydrological system of Bowdoin Glacier.
- Remote Sensing of Environment, 217, 389-399.

- Kanna, N., S. Sugiyama, Y. Ohashi, D. Sakakibara,
Y. Fukamachi and D. Nomura (2018).
- Upwelling of macronutrients and dissolved inorganic carbon by a subglacial
freshwater driven plume in Bowdoin Fjord, northwestern Greenland.
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123(5), 1666-1682.


- Matoba, S., M. Niwano, T. Tanikawa, Y. Iizuka, T. Yamasaki,
Y. Kurosaki, T. Aoki, A. Hashimoto, M. Hosaka and S. Sugiyama
- Field activities at the SIGMA-A site, northwestern Greenland Ice Sheet,
- Bulletin of Glaciological Research, 36, 15-22.

- Minowa, M., E. Podolskiy, S. Sugiyama, D. Sakakibara
and P. Skvarca (2018).
- Glacier calving observed with time-lapse imagery and tsunami waves at
Glaciar Perito Moreno, Patagonia.
- Journal of Glaciology, 64(245), 362-376.

- Niwano, M., T. Aoki, A. Hashimoto, S. Matoba, S. Yamaguchi, T. Tanikawa,
K. Fujita, A. Tsushima, Y. Iizuka, R. Shimada and M. Hori (2018).
- NHM-SMAP: spatially and temporally high-resolution nonhydrostatic atmospheric
model coupled with detailed snow process model for Greenland Ice Sheet.
- The Cryosphere, 12(2), 635-655.

- Sakakibara, D. and S. Sugiyama (2018).
- Ice front and flow speed variations of marine-terminating outlet glaciers
along the coast of Prudhoe Land, northwestern Greenland.
- Journal of Glaciology, 64(244), 300-310.

- Schüpbach, S., H. Fischer, M. Bigler, T. Erhardt, G. Gfeller,
D. Leuenberger, O. Mini, R. Mulvaney, N. J. Abram, L. Fleet, M. M. Frey,
E. Thomas, A. Svensson, D. Dahl-Jensen, E. Kettner, H. Kjaer, I. Seierstad,
J. P. Steffensen, S. O. Rasmussen, P. Vallelonga, M. Winstrup, A. Wegner,
B. Twarloh, K. Wolff, K. Schmidt, K. Goto-Azuma, T. Kuramoto, M. Hirabayashi,
J. Uetake, J. Zheng, J. Bourgeois, D. Fisher, D. Zhiheng, C. Xiao, M. Legrand,
A. Spolaor, J. Gabrieli, C. Barbante, J.-H. Kang, S. D. Hur, S. B. Hong,
H. J. Hwang, S. Hong, M. Hansson, Y. Iizuka, I. Oyabu, R. Muscheler,
F. Adolphi, O. Maselli, J. McConnell and E. W. Wolff (2018).
- Greenland records of aerosol source and atmospheric lifetime changes from
the Eemian to the Holocene.
- Nature Communications, 9, 1476.

- Segawa, T., R. Matsuzaki, N. Takeuchi, A. Akiyoshi, F. Navarro,
S. Sugiyama, T. Yonezawa and H. Mori (2018).
- Uemura, R., H. Motoyama, V. Masson-Delmotte, J. Jouzel, K. Kawamura,
K. Goto-Azuma, S. Fujita, T. Kuramoto, M. Hirabayashi, T. Miyake, H. Ohno,
K. Fujita, A. Abe-Ouchi, Y. Iizuka, S. Horikawa, M. Igarashi,
K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki and Y. Fujii (2018).
- Asynchrony between Antarctic temperature and CO2 associated with
obliquity over the past 720,000 years.
- Nature Communications, 9, 961.


- Bernales, J., I. Rogozhina, R. Greve and M. Thomas (2017).
- Comparison of hybrid schemes for the combination of shallow approximations
in numerical simulations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet.
- The Cryosphere, 11(1), 247-265.

- Dome Fuji Ice Core Project Members:
K. Kawamura, A. Abe-Ouchi, H. Motoyama, Y. Ageta, S. Aoki, N. Azuma,
Y. Fujii, K. Fujita, S. Fujita, K. Fukui, T. Furukawa, A. Furusaki,
K. Goto-Azuma, R. Greve, M. Hirabayashi, T. Hondoh, A. Hori,
S. Horikawa, K. Horiuchi, M. Igarashi, Y. Iizuka, T. Kameda,
H. Kanda, M. Kohno, T. Kuramoto, Y. Matsushi, M. Miyahara, T. Miyake,
A. Miyamoto, Y. Nagashima, Y. Nakayama, T. Nakazawa, F. Nakazawa,
F. Nishio, I. Obinata, R. Ohgaito, A. Oka, J. Okuno, J. Okuyama, I. Oyabu,
F. Parrenin, F. Pattyn, F. Saito, T. Saito, T. Saito, T. Sakurai,
K. Sasa, H. Seddik, Y. Shibata, K. Shinbori, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki,
A. Takahashi, K. Takahashi, S. Takahashi, M. Takata, Y. Tanaka, R. Uemura,
G. Watanabe, O. Watanabe, T. Yamasaki, K. Yokoyama, M. Yoshimori and
T. Yoshimoto (2017).
- State dependence of climatic instability over the past 720,000 years
from Antarctic ice cores and climate modeling.
- Science Advances, 3(2), 247-265.

- Furukawa, R., R. Uemura, K. Fujita, J. Sjolte, K. Yoshimura,
S. Matoba and Y. Iizuka (2017).
- Seasonal scale dating of a shallow ice core from Greenland using oxygen
isotope matching between data and simulation.
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,
122(20), 10873-10887.


- Gladstone, R. M., R. C. Warner, B. K. Galton-Fenzi, O. Gagliardini,
T. Zwinger and R. Greve (2017).
- Marine ice sheet model performance depends on basal sliding physics
and sub-shelf melting.
- The Cryosphere, 11(1), 319-329.

- Iizuka, Y., A. Miyamoto, A. Hori, S. Matoba, R. Furukawa,
T. Saito, S. Fujita, M. Hirabayashi, S. Yamaguchi, K. Fujita
and N. Takeuchi (2017).
- A firn densification process in the high accumulation dome of
southeastern Greenland.
- Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 49(1), 13-27.

- Jouvet, G., Y. Weidmann, J. Seguinot, M. Funk, T. Abe,
D. Sakakibara, H. Seddik and S. Sugiyama (2017).
- Initiation of a major calving event on the Bowdoin Glacier captured by
UAV photogrammetry.
- The Cryosphere, 11(2), 911-921.

- Minowa, M., S. Sugiyama, D. Sakakibara
and P. Skvarca (2017).
- Seasonal variations in ice-front position controlled by frontal ablation
at Glaciar Perito Moreno, the Southern Patagonia Icefield.
- Frontiers in Earth Science, 5, 1.

- Motizuki, Y., H. Motoyama, Y. Nakai, K. Suzuki, Y.Iizuka
and K. Takahashi (2017).
- Overview of the chemical composition and characteristics of Na+
and Cl- distributions in shallow samples from Antarctic ice core
DF01 (Dome Fuji) drilled in 2001.
- Geochemical Journal, 51(3), 293-298.

- Seddik, H., R. Greve, T. Zwinger and S. Sugiyama (2017).
- Regional modeling of the Shirase drainage basin, East Antarctica:
full Stokes vs. shallow ice dynamics.
- The Cryosphere, 11(5), 2213-2229.

- Tsutaki, S., S. Sugiyama and D. Sakakibara (2017).
- Surface elevations on Qaanaaq and Bowdoin Glaciers in northwestern
Greenland as measured by a kinematic GPS survey from 2012–2016
- Polar Data Journal, 1, 1-16.

- Tsutaki, S., S. Sugiyama, D. Sakakibara, T. Aoki
and M. Niwano (2017).
- Surface mass balance, ice velocity and near-surface ice temperature
on Qaanaaq Ice Cap, northwestern Greenland, from 2012 to 2016.
- Annals of Glaciology, doi: 10.1017/aog.2017.7.

- Abe, T., M. Furuya and D. Sakakibara (2016).
- Brief Communication: Twelve-year cyclic surging episodes at Donjek Glacier in Yukon, Canada.
- The Cryosphere, 10(4), 1427-1432.

- Fujita, S., K. Goto-Azuma, M. Hirabayashi, A. Hori, Y. Iizuka,
Y. Motizuki, H. Motoyama and K. Takahashi (2016).
- Densification of layered firn in the ice sheet at Dome Fuji, Antarctica.
- Journal of Glaciology, 62(231), 103-123.

- Greve, R. and H. Blatter (2016).
- Comparison of thermodynamics solvers in the polythermal ice sheet model
- Polar Science, 10(1), 11-23.

- Hoshina, Y., K. Fujita, Y. Iizuka and H. Motoyama (2016).
- Inconsistent relationships between major ions and water stable isotopes
in Antarctic snow under different accumulation environments.
- Polar Science, 10(1), 1-10.

- Iizuka, Y., S. Matoba, T. Yamasaki, I. Oyabu, M. Kadota
and T. Aoki (2016).
- Glaciological and meteorological observations at the SE-Dome site,
southeastern Greenland Ice Sheet.
- Bulletin of Glaciological Research, 34, 1-10.

- Iizuka, Y., H. Ohno, R. Uemura, T. Suzuki, I. Oyabu,
Y. Hoshina, K. Fukui, M. Hirabayashi and H. Motoyama (2016).
- Spatial distributions of soluble salts in surface snow of East Antarctica.
- Tellus B, 68, 29285.

- Ingvander, S., P. Jansson, I. A. Brown, S. Fujita, S. Sugiyama, S.
Surdyk, H. Enomoto, M. Hansson and P. Holmlund (2016).
- Snow particle sizes and their distributions in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, at
sample, local and regional scales.
- Antarctic Science, 28(2), 636-645.

- Machguth, H., H. H. Thomsen, A. Weidick, A. P. Ahlstrøm, J. Abermann,
M. L. Andersen, S. B. Andersen, A. A. Bjørk, J. E. Box, R. J. Braithwaite,
C. E. Bøggild, M. Citterio, P. Clement, W. Colgan, R. S. Fausto, K. Gleie,
S. Gubler, B. Hasholt, B. Hynek, N. T. Knudsen, S. H. Larsen, S. H. Mernild,
J. Oerlemans, H. Oerter, O. B. Olesen, C. J. P. P. Smeets, K. Steffen,
M. Stober, S. Sugiyama, D. van As, M. R. van den Broeke
and R. S. W. van de Wal (2016).
- Greenland surface mass-balance observations from the ice-sheet ablation area and local glaciers.
- Journal of Glaciology,
62(235), 861-887.

- Ohashi, Y., T. Iida, S. Sugiyama and S. Aoki (2016).
- Spatial and temporal variations in high turbidity surface water off the Thule region, northwestern Greenland.
- Polar Science, 10(3), 270-277.

- Ohno, H., Y. Iizuka, A. Hori, A. Miyamoto, M. Hirabayashi,
T. Miyake, T. Kuramoto, S. Fujita, T. Segawa, R. Uemura, T. Sakurai,
T. Suzuki and H. Motoyama (2016).
- Physicochemical properties of bottom ice from Dome Fuji, inland
East Antarctica.
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface,
121(7), 1230-1250.

- Oyabu, I., S. Matoba, T. Yamasaki, M. Kadota and
Y. Iizuka (2016).
- Seasonal variations in the major chemical species of snow at the
South East Dome in Greenland.
- Polar Science, 10(1), 36-42.

- Podolskiy, E. A., S. Sugiyama, M. Funk, F. Walter,
R. Genco, S. Tsutaki, M. Minowa and M. Ripepe (2016).
- Tide-modulated ice flow variations drive seismicity near the
calving front of Bowdoin Glacier, Greenland.
- Geophysical Research Letters, 43(5), 2036-2044.

- Saito, J., S. Sugiyama, S. Tsutaki and T. Sawagaki. (2016).
- Surface elevation change on ice caps in the Qaanaaq region, northwestern Greenland.
- Polar Science, 10(3), 239-248.

- Sugiyama, S., M. Minowa, D. Sakakibara, P. Skvarca, T. Sawagaki, Y. Ohashi,
N. Naito and K. Chikita (2016).
- Thermal structure of proglacial lakes in Patagonia.
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface,
doi: 10.1002/2016JF004084.

- Tsutaki, S., S. Sugiyama, D. Sakakibara and T. Sawagaki (2016).
- Surface elevation changes during 2007?13 on Bowdoin and Tugto Glaciers, northwestern Greenland.
- Journal of Glaciology, 62(236), 1083-1092.

- Uemura, R., K. Masaka, K. Fukui, Y. Iizuka, M. Hirabayashi
and H. Motoyama (2016).
- Sulfur isotopic composition of surface snow along a latitudinal transect
in East Antarctica.
- Geophysical Research Letters, 43(11), 5878-5885.

- Yokokawa, M., N. Izumi, K. Naito, G. Parker, T. Yamada
and R. Greve (2016).
- Cyclic steps on ice.
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface,
121(5), 1023-1048.

- Blatter, H. and R. Greve (2015).
- Comparison and verification of enthalpy schemes for polythermal
glaciers and ice sheets with a one-dimensional model.
- Polar Science, 9(2), 196-207.

- Goelles, T., C. E. Boggild and R. Greve (2015).
- Ice sheet mass loss caused by dust and black carbon accumulation.
- The Cryosphere, 9(5), 1845-1856.

- Hondoh, T. (2015).
- Dislocation mechanism for transformation between cubic ice Ic and hexagonal ice Ih.
- Philosophical Magazine, 95(32), 3590-3620.

- Kusahara, K., T. Sato, A. Oka, T. Obase, R. Greve,
A. Abe-Ouchi and H. Hasumi (2015).
- Modelling the Antarctic marine cryosphere at the Last Glacial
- Annals of Glaciology, 56(69), 425-435.

- Matoba, S., H. Motoyama, K. Fujita, T. Yamasaki, M. Minowa, Y. Onuma, Y. Komuro, T. Aoki, S. Yamaguchi, S. Sugiyama and H. Enomoto (2015).
- Glaciological and meteorological observations at the SIGMA-D site, northwestern Greenland Ice Sheet.
- Bulletin of Glaciological Research, 33, 7-14.

- Minowa, M., S. Sugiyama, D. Sakakibara and T. Sawagaki (2015).
- Contrasting glacier variations of Glaciar Perito Moreno and
Glaciar Ameghino, Southern Patagonia Icefield.
- Annals of Glaciology, 56(70), 26-32.

- Oyabu, I., Y. Iizuka, H. Fischer, S. Schupbach, G. Gfeller, A. Svensson, M. Fukui, J. P. Steffensen and M. Hansson (2015).
- Chemical compositions of solid particles present in the Greenland NEEM ice core over the last 110,000 years.
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 120(18), 9789-9813.

- Sugiyama, S, D. Sakakibara, S. Tsutaki, M. Maruyama and T. Sawagaki (2015).
- Glacier dynamics near the calving front of Bowdoin Glacier, northwestern Greenland.
- Journal of Glaciology, 61(226), 223-232.

- Vizcaíno, M., U. Mikolajewicz, F. Ziemen,
C. B. Rodehacke, R. Greve and M. R. van den Broeke
- Coupled simulations of Greenland Ice Sheet and climate change
up to A.D. 2300.
- Geophysical Research Letters, 42(10), 3927-3935.

- Fukuda, T., S. Sugiyama, T. Sawagaki and K. Nakamura (2014).
- Recent variations in the terminus position, ice velocity and surface elevation of Langhovde Glacier, East Antarctica.
- Antarctic Science, 26(6), 636-645.

- Greve, R., T. Zwinger and Y. Gong (2014).
- On the pressure dependence of the rate factor in
Glen's flow law.
- Journal of Glaciology, 60(220), 397-398.

- Hara, K., F. Nakazawa, S. Fujita, K. Fukui, H. Enomoto and S. Sugiyama
- Horizontal distributions of aerosol constituents and their mixing states
in Antarctica during the JASE traverse.
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 10211-10230.

- Hoshina, Y., K. Fujita, F. Nakazawa, Y. Iizuka, T. Miyake, M.
Hirabayashi, T. Kuramoto, S. Fujita, and H. Motoyama (2014).
- Effect of
accumulation rate on water stable isotopes of near-surface snow in
inland Antarctica.
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119, 274?283.

- Levermann, A., R. Winkelmann, S. Nowicki, J. L. Fastook, K. Frieler,
R. Greve, H. H. Hellmer, M. A. Martin, M. Meinshausen,
M. Mengel, A. J. Payne, D. Pollard, T. Sato, R. Timmermann,
W. L. Wang and R. A. Bindschadler (2014).
- Projecting Antarctic ice discharge using response functions from
SeaRISE ice-sheet models.
- Earth System Dynamics, 5(2), 271-293.

- Ohno, H., Y.Iizuka, S. Horikawa, T. Sakurai,
T. Hondoh and H. Motoyama (2014).
- Potassium alum and aluminum sulfate
micro-inclusions in polar ice from Dome Fuji, East Antarctica.
- Polar Science, 8(1), 1-9.

- Oyabu, I., Y. Iizuka, R. Uemura, T. Miyake, M. Hirabayashi, H. Motoyama, T. Sakurai,
T. Suzuki and T. Hondoh (2014).
- Chemical compositions of sulfate and chloride salts over the last termination reconstructed from the Dome Fuji ice core, inland Antarctica.
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119(24), 14045-14058.

- Sakakibara, D. and S. Sugiyama (2014).
- Ice-front variations and speed changes of calving glaciers in the Southern Patagonia Icefield from 1984 to 2011
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119(11), 2541-2554.

- Sato, T., T. Shiraiwa, R. Greve, H. Seddik,
E. Edelmann and T. Zwinger (2014).
- Accumulation reconstruction and water isotope analysis for
1736-1997 of an ice core from the Ushkovsky volcano, Kamchatka,
and their relationships to North Pacific climate records.
- Climate of the Past, 10(1), 393-404.

- Sugiyama, S., D. Sakakibara, S. Matsuno, S. Yamaguchi, S. Matoba and T. Aoki (2014).
- Initial field observations on Qaanaaq ice cap, northwestern Greenland.
- Annals of Glaciology, 55(66), 25-33.

- Sugiyama, S., T. Sawagaki, T. Fukuda and S. Aoki (2014).
- Active water exchange and life near the grounding line of an Antarctic outlet glacier.
- Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 399, 52-60.


- Bindschadler, R. A., S. Nowicki, A. Abe-Ouchi, A. Aschwanden,
H. Choi, J. Fastook, G. Granzow, R. Greve, G. Gutowski,
U. C. Herzfeld, C. Jackson, J. Johnson, C. Khroulev, A. Levermann,
W. H. Lipscomb, M. A. Martin, M. Morlighem, B. R. Parizek, D. Pollard,
S. F. Price, D. Ren, F. Saito, T. Sato, H. Seddik, H. Seroussi,
K. Takahashi, R. Walker and W. L. Wang (2013).
- Ice-sheet model sensitivities to environmental forcing and their use in projecting future sea level (the SeaRISE project).
- Journal of Glaciology, 59(214), 195-224.

- Gagliardini, O., T. Zwinger, F. Gillet-Chaulet, G. Durand,
L. Favier, B. de Fleurian, R. Greve, M. Malinen,
C. Martín, P. Råback, J. Ruokolainen,
M. Sacchettini, M. Schäfer, H. Seddik
and J. Thies. (2013).
- Capabilities and performance of Elmer/Ice, a new-generation ice sheet model.
- Geoscientific Model Development, 6(4), 1299-1318.

- Greve, R. and U. C. Herzfeld (2013).
- Resolution of ice streams and outlet glaciers in large-scale simulations of the Greenland ice sheet.
- Annals of Glaciology, 54(63), 209-220.

- Iizuka, Y., B. Delmonte, I. Oyabu, T. Karlin, V.
Maggi, S. Albani, M. Fukui, T. Hondoh and M. Hansson (2013).
- Sulphate and chloride aerosols during Holocene and last glacial periods preserved in the Talos Dome Ice Core, a peripheral region of Antarctica
- Tellus B, 65(20197)

- NEEM community members (2013).
- Eemian interglacial reconstructed from a Greenland folded ice core.
- Nature, 493, 489?494.

- Nishimura, D., S. Sugiyama, A. Bauder and M. Funk (2013).
- Changes in Ice-Flow Velocity and Surface Elevation from 1874 to 2006 in Rhonegletscher, Switzerland.
- Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 45(4), 552-562.

- Nowicki, S., R. A. Bindschadler, A. Abe-Ouchi, A. Aschwanden,
E. Bueler, H. Choi, J. Fastook, G. Granzow, R. Greve,
G. Gutowski, U. C. Herzfeld, C. Jackson, J. Johnson, C. Khroulev,
E. Larour, A. Levermann, W. H. Lipscomb, M. A. Martin, M. Morlighem,
B. R. Parizek, D. Pollard, S. F. Price, D. Ren, E. Rignot,
F. Saito, T. Sato, H. Seddik, H. Seroussi,
K. Takahashi, R. Walker and W. L. Wang (2013a).
- Insights into spatial sensitivities of ice mass response to environmental change from the SeaRISE ice sheet modeling project I: Antarctica.
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 118(2), 1002-1024.

- Nowicki, S., R. A. Bindschadler, A. Abe-Ouchi, A. Aschwanden,
E. Bueler, H. Choi, J. Fastook, G. Granzow, R. Greve,
G. Gutowski, U. C. Herzfeld, C. Jackson, J. Johnson, C. Khroulev,
E. Larour, A. Levermann, W. H. Lipscomb, M. A. Martin, M. Morlighem,
B. R. Parizek, D. Pollard, S. F. Price, D. Ren, E. Rignot,
F. Saito, T. Sato, H. Seddik, H. Seroussi,
K. Takahashi, R. Walker and W. L. Wang (2013b).
- Insights into spatial sensitivities of ice mass response to environmental change from the SeaRISE ice sheet modeling project II: Greenland.
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 118(2), 1025-1044.

- Sakakibara, D., S. Sugiyama, T. Sawagaki, S. Marinsek and P. Skvarca (2013).
- Rapid retreat, acceleration and thinning of Glaciar Upsala, Southern Patagonia Icefield, initiated in 2008.
- Annals of Glaciology, 54(63), 131-138.

- Sato, H., T. Suzuki, M. Hirabayashi, Y. Iizuka, H. Motoyama and Y. Fujii (2013).
- Mineral and Sea-Salt Aerosol Fluxes over the Last 340 kyr Reconstructed from the Total Concentration of Al and Na in the Dome Fuji Ice Core.
- Scientific Research, 3(2), 186-192.

- Sugiyama, S., K. Fukui, K. Fujita, K. Tone and S. Yamaguchi (2013).
- Changes in ice thickness and flow velocity of Yala Glacier, Langtang Himal, Nepal, from 1982 to 2009.
- Annals of Glaciology, 54(64), 157-161.

- Tsutaki, S., S. Sugiyama, D. Nishimura and M. Funk (2013).
- Acceleration and flotation of a glacier terminus during formation of a proglacial lake in Rhonegletscher, Switzerland
- Journal of Glaciology, 59(215), 559-570.

- Applegate, P. J., N. Kirchner, E. J. Stone, K. Keller and
R. Greve (2012).
- An assessment of key model parametric uncertainties
in projections of Greenland Ice Sheet behavior.
- The Cryosphere, 6(3), 589-606.

- Bargmann, S., H. Seddik and R. Greve (2012).
- Computational modeling of flow-induced anisotropy of polar ice for the
EDML deep drilling site, Antarctica:
The effect of rotation recrystallization and grain boundary migration.
- International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics,
36(7), 892-917.

- Fujita, S., P. Holmlund, K. Matsuoka, H. Enomoto, K. Fukui, F. Nakazawa,
S. Sugiyama and S. Surdyk (2012).
- Radar diagnosis of the subglacial conditions in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica.
- The Cryosphere, 6(5), 1203-1219.

- Gillet-Chaulet, F., O. Gagliardini, H. Seddik, M. Nodet, G. Durand,
C. Ritz, T. Zwinger, R. Greve and D. G. Vaughan (2012).
- Greenland ice sheet contribution to sea-level rise from a new-generation
ice-sheet model.
- The Cryosphere, 6(6), 1561-1576.

- Herzfeld, U. C., J. L. Fastook, R. Greve, B. McDonald,
B. F. Wallin and P. A. Chen (2012).
- On the influence of Greenland outlet glacier bed topography
on results from dynamic ice-sheet models.
- Annals of Glaciology,
53(60), 281-293.

- Iizuka, Y., A. Tsuchimoto, Y. Hoshina, T. Sakurai, M. Hansson, T. Karlin, K. Fujita, F. Nakazawa, H. Motoyama, and S. Fujita (2012).
- The rates of sea salt sulfatization in the atmosphere and surface snow of inland Antarctica.
- Journal of Geophysical Research, 117(D4), D04308.

- Iizuka, Y., R. Uemura, H. Motoyama, T. Suzuki, T. Miyake, M. Hirabayashi, and T. Hondoh (2012).
- Sulphate-climate coupling over the past 300,000 years in inland Antarctica.
- Nature, 490(7418), 81-84.


- Rogozhina, I., J. M. Hagedoorn, Z. Martinec, K. Fleming, O. Soucek,
R. Greve and M. Thomas (2012).
- Effects of uncertainties in the geothermal heat flux distribution
on the Greenland Ice Sheet:
An assessment of existing heat flow models.
- Journal of Geophysical Research,
117(F2), F02025.

- Sato, T. and R. Greve (2012).
- Sensitivity experiments for the Antarctic ice sheet
with varied sub-ice-shelf melting rates.
- Annals of Glaciology, 53(60), 221-228.

- Seddik, H., R. Greve, T. Zwinger, F. Gillet-Chaulet and O. Gagliardini (2012).
- Simulations of the Greenland ice sheet 100 years into the future with the full Stokes model Elmer/Ice.
- Journal of Glaciology, 58(209), 427-440.

- Sugiyama, S., H. Enomoto, S. Fujita, K. Fukui, F. Nakazawa, P. Holmlund and S. Surdyk (2012).
- Snow density along the route traversed in the Japanese-Swedish Antarctic Expedition 2007/08.
- Journal of Glaciology, 58(209), 529-539.

- Aniya, M., P. Skvarca, S. Sugiyama, T. Aoki, T. Matsumoto, R. Anma,N. Naito, H. Enomoto, K. Hori, S. Marinsek, K. Konya, T. Nuimura, S. Tsutaki, K. Tone and G. Barcaza (2011).
- Glaciological research project in Pataginia 2006-2009: Studies at Glaciar Perito Moreno, Hielo Patagonico Sur, in area of Hielo Patagonico Norte and along the Pacific Coast.
- Bulletin of Glaciological Research, 29, 1-17.

- Blatter, H., R. Greve and A. Abe-Ouchi (2011).
- Present state and prospects of ice sheet and glacier modelling.
- Surveys in Geophysics, 32(4-5), 555-583.

- Dalban Canassy, P., A. Bauder, M. Dost, R. Fah, M. Funk, S. Margreth, B. Muller and S. Sugiyama (2011).
- Hazard assessment investigations due to recent changes in Triftgletscher, Bernese Alps, Switzerland.
- Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11, 2149-2162.

- Dunse, T., R. Greve, T. V. Schuler and J. O. Hagen (2011).
- Permanent fast flow versus cyclic surge behaviour: numerical simulations of the Austfonna ice cap, Svalbard.
- Journal of Glaciology, 57(202), 247-259.

- Fujita, S., P. Holmlund, I. Andersson, I. Brown, H. Enomoto, Y. Fujii, K. Fujita, K. Fukui, T. Furukawa, M. Hansson, K. Hara, Y. Hoshina, M. Igarashi, Y. Iizuka, S. Imura, S. Ingvander, T. Karlin, H. Motoyama, F. Nakazawa, H. Oerter, L. E. Sjoberg, S. Sugiyama, S. Surdyk, J. Strom, R. Uemura and F. Wilhelms (2011).
- Spatial and temporal variability of snow accumulation rate on the East Antarctic ice divide between Dome Fuji and EPICA DML.
- The Cryosphere, 5(4), 1057-1081.

- Fukuda, T., S. Sugiyama, S. Matoba and T. Shiraiwa (2011).
- Glacier flow measurement and radio-echo sounding at Aurora Peak, Alaska in 2008.
- Annals of Glaciology, 52(58), 138-142.

- Greve, R., F. Saito and A. Abe-Ouchi (2011).
- Initial results of the SeaRISE numerical experiments with the models SICOPOLIS and IcIES for the Greenland Ice Sheet.
- Annals of Glaciology, 52(58), 23-30.

- Kirchner, N., R. Greve, A.P. Stroeven and J. Heyman (2011).
- Paleoglaciological reconstructions for the Tibetan Plateau during the last glacial cycle: evaluating numerical ice sheet simulations driven by GCM-ensembles.
- Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(1-2), 248-267.

- Matoba, S., T. Shiraiwa, A. Tsushima, H. Sasaki and Y.D. Muravyev (2011).
- Records of sea-ice extent and air temperature at the Sea of Okhotsk from an ice core of Mount Ichinsky, Kamchatka.
- Annals of Glaciology, 52(58), 44-50.

- Miyamoto, A., I. Weikusat, T. Hondoh (2011).
- Complete determination of ice crystal orientation using Laue X-ray diffraction method.
- Journal of Glaciology, 57(201), 103-110.

- Ohno, H., I. Oyabu, Y. Iizuka, T. Hondoh, H. Narita, and J. Nagao (2011).
- Dissociation behavior of C2H6 hydrate at temperatures below the ice point: Melting to liquid water followed by ice nucleation.
- J. Phys. Chem. A, 115(32), 8889-8894.

- Sakurai, T., H. Ohno, S. Horikawa, Y. Iizuka, T. Uchida, K. Hirakawa and T. Hondoh (2011).
- The chemical forms of water-soluble microparticles preserved in the
Antarctic ice sheet during Termination I.
- Journal of Glaciology, 57(206), 1027-1032.

- Seddik, H., R. Greve, T. Zwinger and L. Placidi (2011).
- A full Stokes ice flow model for the vicinity of Dome Fuji, Antarctica, with induced anisotropy and fabric evolution.
- The Cryosphere, 5(2), 495-508.

- Sugiyama, S., P. Skvarca, N. Naito, H. Enomoto, S. Tsutaki, K. Tone, S. Marinsek and M. Aniya (2011).
- Ice speed of a calving glacier modulated by small fluctuations in basal water pressure.
- Nature Geoscience, 4, 597-600.


- Sugiyama, S., T. Yoshizawa, M. Huss, S. Tsutaki and D. Nishimura (2011).
- Spatial distribution of surface ablation in the terminus of Rhonegletscher, Switzerland.
- Annals of Glaciology, 52(58), 1-8.

- Tsutaki, S., D. Nishimura, T. Yoshizawa and S. Sugiyama (2011).
- Changes in glacier dynamics under the influence of proglacial lake formation in Rhonegletscher, Switzerland.
- Annals of Glaciology, 52(58), 31-36.

- Uchida, T., A. Miyamoto, A. Shinyama and T. Hondoh (2011).
- Crystal growth of air hydrates over 720 ka in Dome Fuji (Antarctica) ice cores:
microscopic observations of morphological changes below 2000 m depth.
- Journal of Glaciology, 57(206), 1017-1026.

- Weikusat, I., A. Miyamoto, S.H. Faria, S. Kipfstuhl, N. Azuma, T. Hondoh (2011).
- Subgrain boundaries in Antarctic ice quantified by X-ray Laue diffraction.
- Journal of Glaciology, 57(201), 111-120.

- Blatter, H., R. Greve and A. Abe-Ouchi (2010).
- A short history of the thermomechanical theory and modelling of glaciers and ice sheets.
- Journal of Glaciology, 56(200), 1087-1094.

- Calov, R., R. Greve, A. Abe-Ouchi, E. Bueler, P. Huybrechts,J. V. Johnson, F. Pattyn, D. Pollard, C. Ritz, F. Saito and L. Tarasov (2010).
- Results from the Ice-Sheet Model Intercomparison Project - Heinrich Event INtercOmparison (ISMIP HEINO).
- Journal of Glaciology, 56(197), 371-383.

- Genceli-Guner, F.E., M. Lutz, T. Sakurai, A.L. Spek, T. Hondoh (2010).
- Crystallization and Characterization of Magnesium Methanesulfonate Hydrate Mg(CH3SO3)2・12H2O.
- Crystal Growth & Design, 10, 4327-4333.

- Greve, R., B. Grieger and O. J. Stenzel (2010).
- MAIC-2, a latitudinal model for the Martian surface temperature, atmospheric water transport and surface glaciation.
- Planetary and Space Science, 58(6), 931-940.

- Iizuka, Y., H. Miura, S. Iwasaki, H. Maemoku, T. Sawagaki, R. Greve, H. Satake, K. Sasa and Y. Matsushi (2010).
- Evidence of past migration of the ice divide between the Shirase and Sôya drainage basins derived from chemical characteristis of the marginal ice in the Sôya draingage basin, East Antarctica.
- Journal of Glaciology, 56(197), 395-404.

- Ohno, H., M. Kida, T. Sakurai, Y. Iizuka, T. Hondoh, H. Narita, and J. Nagao (2010).
- Symmetric stretching vibration of CH4 in clathrate hydrate structures.
- ChemPhysChem, 11(14), 3070-3073.

- Ohno, H., V. Ya Lipenkov, T. Hondoh (2010).
- Formation of air clathrate hydrates in polar ice sheets: heterogeneous nucleation induced by micro-inclusions.
- Journal of Glaciology, 56(199), 917-921.

- Placidi, L., R. Greve, H. Seddik, and S. H. Faria (2010).
- Continuum-mechanical, Anisotropic Flow model, based on an anisotropic Flow Enhancement factor.
- Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 22(3), 221-237.

- Riesen, P., S. Sugiyama and M. Funk (2010).
- The influence of the presence and drainage of an ice-marginal lake on the ice flow of Gornergletscher, Switzerland.
- Journal of Glaciology, 56(196), 278-286.

- Roux, P.-F., F. Walter, P. Riesen, S. Sugiyama and M. Funk (2010).
- Observation of surface seismic activity changes of an Alpine glacier during a glacier-dammed lake outburst.
- Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, F03014.

- Sakurai, T., H. Ohno, F.E. Genceli, S. Horikawa, Y. Iizuka, T. Uchida, T. Hondoh (2010).
- Magnesium methanesulfonate salt found in the Dome Fuji (Antarctica) ice core.
- Journal of Glaciology, 56(199), 837-842.

- Sakurai, T., H. Ohno, S. Horikawa, Y. Iizuka, T. Uchida and T. Hondoh (2010).
- A technique for measuring microparticles in polar ice using micro-Raman spectroscopy.
- International Journal of Spectroscopy, 2010, 384956.

- Sugiyama, S., A. Bauder, P. Riesen and M. Funk (2010).
- Surface ice motion deviating toward the margins during speed-up events at Gornergletscher, Switzerland.
- Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, F03010.

- Sugiyama, S., H. Enomoto, S. Fujita, K. Fukui, F. Nakazawa and P. Holmlund (2010).
- Dielectric permittivity of snow measured along the route traversed in the Japanese-Swedish Antarctic Expedition 2007/08.
- Annals of Glaciology, 51(55), 9-15.

- Sugiyama, S., P. Skvarca, N. Naito, K. Tone, H. Enomoto, K. Shinbori, S. Marinsek and M. Aniya (2010).
- Hot-water drilling at Glaciar Perito Moreno, Southern Patagonia Icefield.
- Bulletin of Glaciological Research, 28, 27-32.

- Genceli,F., S. Horikawa, Y. Iizuka, T. Sakurai, T. Hondoh, T. Kawamura, and G-J. Witkampa (2009).
- Meridianiite detected in ice.
- Journal of Glaciology, 55(189),117-122.

- Humbert, A., T. Kleiner, C.-O. Mohrholz, C. Oelke, R. Greve, and M.A. Lange (2009).
- A comparative modeling study of the Brunt Ice Shelf/Stancomb-Wills Ice Tongue system, East Antarctica.
- Journal of Glaciology, 55(189), 53-65.

- Iizuka, Y., T. Miyake, M. Hirabayashi, T. Suzuki, S. Matoba, H. Motoyama, Y. Fujii, and T. Hondoh (2009).
- Constituent elements of insoluble and nonvolatile 1 particles during the Last Glacial Maximum exhibited in the Dome Fuji (Anterctica) ice core.
- Journal of Glaciology, 55(191),552-562.

- Sakurai,T., Y. Iizuka, S. Horikawa, S. Johnsen, D.Dahl-Jensen, J.P. Steffensen and T. Hondoh (2009).
- Direct observation of salts as micro-inclusions in the Greenland GRIP ice core.
- Journal of Glaciology,55(193),777-783.

- Seddik, H., R. Greve, T. Zwinger, and L. Placidi (2009).
- A full-Stokes ice flow model for the vicinity of Dome Fuji, Antarctica, with induced anisotropy and fabric evolution.
- The Cryosphere Discussions, 3(1), 1-31.

- Tsutaki, S. and S. Sugiyama (2009).
- Development of a hot water drilling system for subglacial and englacial measurements.
- Bulletin of Glaciological Research,27,7-14.

- Yasunari, T.J. and K. Yamazaki (2009).
- Impacts of asian dust storm associated with the stratosphere-to-troposphere transport in the spring of 2001 and 2002 on dust and tritium variations in Mount Wrangell ice core, Alaska.
- Atmospheric Environment, 43(16),2582-2590.

- Bargmann, S., R. Greve, and P. Steinmann (2008).
- Simulation of cryovolcanism on Saturn's moon Enceladus with the Green-Naghdi theory of thermoelasticity.
- Bulletin of Glaciological Research, 26, 23-32.

- Greve, R. (2008).
- Scenarios for the formation of Chasma Boreale, Mars.
- Icarus, 196(2), 359-367.

- Iizuka, Y., S. Horikawa, T. Sakurai, S. Johnson, D. Dahl-Jensen, J.P. Steffensen,
and T. Hondoh (2008).
- A relationship between ion balance and the chemical compounds of salt inclusions found in the GRIP and Dome Fuji ice cores.
- Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D07303.

- Iizuka, Y., T. Hondoh, Y. Fujii (2008).
- Antarctic sea ice extent during the Holocene reconstructed from inland ice core evidence.
- Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D15114.

- Kanamori, S., C.S. Benson, M. Truffer, S. Matoba, D.J. Solie, and T. Shiraiwa (2008).
- Seasonality of snow accumulation at Mount Wrangell, Alaska, USA.
- Journal of Glaciology, 54(185), 273-278.

- F. Pattyn, L. Perichon, A. Aschwanden, B. Breuer, B. de Smedt, O. Gagliardini, G. H. Gudmundsson,
R. Hindmarsh, A. Hubbard, J. V. Johnson, T. Kleiner, Y. Konovalov, C. Martin, A. J. Payne, D. Pollard,
S. Price, M. Rückamp, F. Saito, O. Souček, S. Sugiyama and T. Zwinger (2008).
- Benchmark experiments for higher-order and full-Stokes ice sheet models (ISMIP-HOM).
- The Cryosphere, 2(2), 95-108.

- Santibanez, P., S. Kohshima, R. Scheihing, J. Jaramillo, T. Shiraiwa, S. Matoba, D. Kanda,
P. Labarca, and G. Casassa (2008).
- Glacier mass balance interpreted from biological analysis of firn cores in the Chilean lake district.
- Journal of Glaciology, 54(186), 452-462.

- Seddik, H., R. Greve, L. Placidi, I. Hamann, and O. Gagliardini (2008).
- Application of a continuum-mechanical model for the flow of anisotropic polar ice to the EDML core, Antarctica.
- Journal of Glaciology, 54(187), 631-642.

- Sugiyama, S., A. Bauder, M. Huss, P. Riesen, and M. Funk (2008).
- Triggering and drainage mechanisms of the 2004 glacier-dammed lake outburst in Gornergletscher, Switzerland.
- Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, F4019.

- Sugiyama, S., S. Tsutaki, D. Nishimura, H. Blatter, A. Bauder, and M. Funk (2008).
- Hot water drilling and glaciological observations at the terminal part of Rhonegletscher, Switzerland in 2007.
- Bulletin of Glaciological Research, 26, 41-47.

- Yamaguchi, S., R. Naruse, and T. Shiraiwa (2008).
- Climate reconstruction since the Little Ice Age by modelling Koryto glacier, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia.
- Journal of Glaciology, 54(184), 125-130.