Masayuki Kawashima's Home Page
My research has been mainly directed at improving our understanding
of mesoscale cloud systems, by means of numerical simulations and
analyses of Doppler radar data.
Numerical simulations aimed at revealing basic mechanisms involved
in the evolutions of cloud systems, so idealized experiments
have mainly been conducted using a cloud-resolving model developed
by myself.
Particular subjects of the numerical modeling study include
the self-modulating oscillations in squall-line type convective
systems (Kawashima 2003), mechanisms responsible for core/gap structure
of narrow cold-frontal rainbands (Kawashima 2007, 2011), and effects of
melting-induced cooling on the formation of wide cold-frontal rainbands
(Kawashima 2016).
The Doppler radar studies include
the retrieval of thermodynamic structure of Baiu (Meiyu)
frontal rainband (Kawashima et al. 1995), the retrieval of latent
heating profile in tropical cloud systems observed during TOGA-COARE
(Ushiyama et al., 2003), the mechanism responsible for
the successive development of snowbands along the coastal region
of Hokuriku district in Japan (Yoshihara et al., 2004),
the structure and energetics of a wavelike disturbance
along a snowband (Kawashima and Fujiyoshi, 2005), and the
modulation of convective activity over Sumatra Island
due to the propagation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO)
(Kawashima et al., 2006).
Land Atmosphere Interaction Research Group, ILTS, HU
Course in Atmosphere-Ocean and Climate Dynamics, Graduate School of Environmental Sciences, HU