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研究代表者/所属 創価大学・工学部・環境共生工学科
研究代表者/職名 教授
研究代表者/氏名 田口哲

氏  名
所  属
職  名


服部寛 北海道東海大学 教授


濱崎恒二 東京大学 准教授


村田愛 創価大学 助教


小幡光子 創価大学 大学院後期課程3年


本川正三 創価大学 大学院後期課程2年


白澤邦男 北大低温研 准教授

研究目的 We aim to develop novel technology such as variable fluorescence for the measurement of electron transport rate in photosystem II of ice algal photosynthesis and molecular techniques for phylotype-specific productivity of marine bacteria to study on the relationship between high variability of sea ice environment and the physiological and ecological responses of marine organisms to those variability during the sea ice formation and retreat period in Saroma-Ko Lagoon as an example of the seasonal sea ice ecosystem.
研究内容・成果 Marine species in high latitudes have already adapted to extremely low temperature and low light environments for over the long years. Those organisms, however, are also highly vulnerable species which can not tolerate to drastic environmental changes caused by recent human activity such as an increase of ultraviolet radiation caused by a ozone hole over the Antarctic continent and also the Arctic region. In waters where seasonal sea ice is formed, although seasonal sea ice provide habitats for marine organisms, a high variability in formation and retreat of sea ice also provides drastic environmental changes for marine organisms. However, study on the biological responses to those environmental changes has been very limited due to logistic problems, particularly during the early sea ice formation and late sea ice retreat periods.
We, therefore, have focused particularly on both the high variability in environmental conditions and the physiological and ecological responses of marine organisms to those variability in environments in sea ice ecosystem in past decades. During the fiscal year of 2009, we have conducted a field study on the sea ice in Saroma-Ko Lagoon to develop the novel methodology such as a variable fluorescence for the measurement of electron transport rate in photosystem II of ice algal photosynthesis and molecular techniques for phylotype-specific productivity of marine bacteria. We have also worked on data collected in the previous fiscal years and published several scientific papers reported in the following section.
成果となる論文・学会発表等 Obata, M.and Taguchi, S. Photoadaptation of an ice algal community in thin sea ice, Saroma-Ko Lagoon, Hokkaido, Polar Biology 32, 1127-1135, 2009.

Aikawa, S. Hattori,H. Gomi, Y. Watanabe, K. Kudoh, S. Kashino, Y. and Satoh, Y. Deil tuning of photosynthetic systems in ice algae in Saroma-ko Lagoon, Hokkaido, Japan, Polar Science 3, 57-72, 2009.

Tada, Y. Taniguchi, A. Hamasaki, K. Phylotype-specific productivity of marine bacterial populations in eutrophic seawater, as revealed by bromodeoxyuridine immunocytochemistry combined with fluorescence in situ hybridization, Microbial Environment 24, 315-321.

Yoshida, N. Nishimura, M. Inoue, K. Yoshizawa, S. Kamiya, E. Taniguchi, A, Hamaseki, K. Kogure, K. Analysis of nanoplankton community structure using flow sorting and molecular techniques, Microbial Environment 24, 297-304, 2009.