
研究区分 一般研究


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研究代表者/所属 創価大学・工学部・環境共生工学科
研究代表者/職名 教授
研究代表者/氏名 田口哲

氏  名
所  属
職  名


濱崎恒二 広島大学 講師


服部寛 北海道東海大学 教授


白澤邦男 北大低温研 准教授

研究目的 Photoacclimation of ice algal community is one of the most distinct response to the low light intensity in the high latitude. However detailed study has not been made for the analysis of photosynthetic and photoprotective pigments in relation to photosynthetic response characterized by the elevtron transport rate of photosystem II. A complete 24h in situ experiment is performed to study on the effect of ambient light on the ice algal community.
研究内容・成果 In 2007 ice season of Saroma-ko Lagoon, the ice was developed as usual to 40cm ice thickness. We conducted successfully the in situ incubation experiment with ice algal community for a complete 24hr from dawn at the undersurface of sea ice. Subsamples were collected every 3h from the light and dark bottles to analyze the photosynthetic and photoprotective pigments such as xanthophylls pigments and the elevtron transport rate of photosystem II. The most abundant pigments was chlorophyll a, which represented more than 60% of total pigments. The accessory photosynthetic and photoprotective pigments occupied about 30% and 5% of total pigments, respectively. This result consisted with adaptation of ice algae to the flatter spectral composition of light commonly observed at the undersurface of sea ice in Saroma-ko Lagoon. The higher ratios of diadinoxanthin + diatoxauthin or carotene to chlorophyll a obtained in the present study than those in Antarctic Ocean indicated a different photoacclimation between temperate and high latitude ocean. 
成果となる論文・学会発表等 Photophysiological characteristics of ice algal community in Saroma-ko Lagoon, Hokkaido, Japan.*
International Symposium of Polar Biology, National Institute of Polar Research, November 15-16, 2007, Tokyo.
*received a young scientist award for the best presentation