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研究代表者/所属 創価大学・工学部
研究代表者/職名 教授
研究代表者/氏名 田口哲

氏  名
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服部寛 北海道東海大学 教授


濱崎恒二 東京大学 助教授


白澤邦男 北大低温研 助教授

研究目的 The microbial loops in ice algal community are dominated often by large cell diatoms. Based on our previous study, small cells in picoplankton size were abundant at the beginning of ice formation. This comparison strongly suggests the occurrence of species succession as sea ice grows. Our novel method to study the ice formation and incorporation of organisms into sea ice was applied to study on the species succession of ice algal community.
研究内容・成果 In 2006 ice season of Soroma-ko Lagoon, the ice development was relatively poor but we managed to conduct our field experiment near shore with a water depth of only 1.5m. Ice core samples were collected and three light and one dark bottles were prepared. In situ experiment was lasted for 24hr, and subsamples were collected every 3 hours to analyze the electron transport note of photosystem II and xanthophyll pigments in the ice algae. Another set of ice core samples were collected for the incubation experiment of bacteria. All filtered samples were frozen in the dried ice containers and shipped to each university laboratory for later analysis. From the analysis of ice core samples collected in 2005 ice season, the electron transport rate of photosystem II exhibited a distinct different characteristics between day and night when the ice algal samples were incubated at the undersurface of sea ice. Results of this experiment is presented at the Gordon Research Conference held during the period from 25 to 30 March 2007, in Ventura, California.