
研究区分 一般研究


研究代表者/所属 創価大学 工学部 環境共生工学科
研究代表者/職名 教授
研究代表者/氏名 田口哲

氏  名
所  属
職  名


S. Leong 創価大学 助手


大井信明 創価大学 助手


濱崎恒二 広島大学 講師


服部寛 北海道東海大学 教授

研究目的 The microbial loops in ice algal community are dominated often by large cell diatoms. Based on our previous study,small cells in picoplankton size were abundant at the beginning of ice formation. This comparison strongly suggests the occurrence of species succession as sea ice grows. Our goal of the present study is to determine the species succession of ice algal community in Saroma-ko Lagoon.
研究内容・成果 Ice core samples were collected at 25 stations within 2*2m to study the spatial heterogeneity in the ice algal distribution. Based on the species composition and chlorophyll a biomass. To obtain a representative value for both species and biomass, a minimum of 20 ice core was necessary in both 2004 and 2005 ice seasons.
A top ten species of ice algae was usually dominated by the similar species. However the most dominant species was always a large cell diatom Detonula confervacea every year. The seasonal maximum concentration of chlorophyll a biomass affected by salinity, which was controlled by ice thickness. Ecological significance of those interactions with ice algal ecosystem should be further studied.