Swiss Glacier Field Course 2009

The 4th Swiss Glacier Field Course was organized as a program of Antarctic Science Curriculum offered by Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University. From 1 to 11 September 2009, 9 graduate students participated activities took place in the Swiss Alps. Two students from Chiba University joined us this year, which made the program an excellent opportunity of inter-university interaction.

The course began with two lectures by Prof. Heinz Blatter and Prof. Martin Funk from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH). Then, we moved to Berner Oberland for excursions to Unter Grindelwaldgletscher and High Altitude Research Station at Jungfraujoch. Following four days were allocated for field research work on Rhonegletscher. Under beautiful weather, field measurements, such as GPS survey, subglacial water pressure measurements, climatic measurements, were carried out by the students themselves. The program continued to a day trip to Gornergletscher in Wallis. The field data obtained in Rhonegletscher were processed and presented by the students on the final day. The course was completed by the lecture offered by Atsumu Ohmura, Professor Emeritus, ETH.

This course is approved as a program of International Antarctic Institute (IAI). Students from IAI partner institutions are encouraged to join us. We thank for the support provided by VAW, ETH-Zurich and International Foundation High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat.

Visiting Jungfrau region

Field work on Rhonegletscher

Excursion to Gornergletscher


Class work
