The flight operation from Wasa to Novolazarevskaya was on February 4. The view from the aicraft was magestic, looking down coastal mauntain ranges and dynamic glaciers. At Novolazarevskaya, we met again the colleagues who finished the traverse at Showa. The sun started to set on the day before the flight to Cape Town. The summer is soon over. It's time to go home.

An aircraft arrived to pick us up for Novolazarevskaya

The window view was breathtaking

Short stop for refueling at Norwedgian base, Troll

There are many places to visit and many things to do on this continent

More than 70 people fly back to Cape Town with us

So many ideas to move on snow and ice surfaces

Was this idea successful?

Enjoying the sun before going back to the winter in the north

Waiting for a call for boarding