We finished our expedition at Wasa, Swedish Antarctic research station located 150 km from the coast. Despite unexpected storms and vehicle break down which sufered the Swedish team during the first half, the return trip was completed as scheduled without major troubles. After a few days, we heared of the arrival of the Japanese team at their final destination, Showa. During the stay in Wasa, we were invited for a dinner by the Finnish research station Aboa.

Excursion to a nunatak called Fossilryggen

The Swedish station Wasa is on this nunatak, Basen

Wasa is a small but cozy research station

It's time to talk about the success of our expedition

We spent a lot of time for cooking, .....

eating, drinking, talking, .....

relaxing, .....

and playing table hockey (Swedish-Finish mechanics official match)

The midnight sun is now very close to the horizon