On December 27 in the morning, after the non-stop drive for 24 hours a day since Christmas Eve, the swedish team finally arrived at the meeting point. Besides the celebration parties with wonderful meals and drinks, a lot of exchanges were made between the parties on polar research, scientific instruments, travel techniques, vehicles and future collaboration. I and Hiroyuki Enomoto (Kitami Institute of Technology) moved to the Swedish team to take a part of their return trip to Wasa.

8 Japanese met 9 Swedish in the middle of nowhere (Dec. 27)

We set off for another 1500 km on New Year's Day 2008

The Swedish team travels with Hägglunds TL4

Cooking in the living module with Swedish medical doctor Sigvard Eriksson

Hiroyuki Enomoto discusses on a map with the Scientific leader Per Holmlund

Drilling of 10 m deep firn core

The logistic leader Tomas Karlberg works on a broken vehicle

Food is never bad in glaciological research expedition