After 25 days with an averge travel speed of 40 km per day, we arrived at Dome Fuji on December 9. Dome Fuji is a Japanese station which was established in 1995 for a deep ice core drilling project. The second drilling was completed in 2007 by retrieving 3000 m long and more than 700,000 years old ice core. We lleft Dome Fuji on December 16 for the unexplored 400 km to the meeting point.

Dome Fuji staion, 1000 km from the coast (Dec. 9)

The station is frozen at 55 degree C below zero

Dome Fuji deep ice core drilling site

This cake "Yukimarimo" is named after the snow form discovered at Dome Fuji

Snow sampling in a 4 m deep pit

33 stakes installed for snow accumulation measurement

One day in the morning, the sun light amazed us

Christmas eve at at the meeting point