The first 1000 km is the path which connects Showa and Dome Fuji stations. The steep surface slope quickly led us above 2000 m a.s.l. after 200 km travel. The air temperature dropped as we go further inland, reaching 40 degree C below zero at night. The life got more difficult after the Relay Point because of the coldness and thin air.

Each vehicle pulls 7 sledges

Inside the vehicle; our office, labo, kitchen and sleeping room

We got midnight sun soon after the departure

Mizuho station built in 1970 is now under the snow cover

Suffering from rough surface, often we can drive only 40 km per day

Thanks to predecessors, we can go forward (Fuel depo at Relay Point)

Wonderful meals were cooked in Showa station and kept frozen

Working environment is not always pleasant (pit survey under drifting snow)