Field campaign in Greenland 2014

From June to August 2014, we spent summer in Qaanaaq in northwestern Greenland for the third field campaign of the GRENE Arctic project. Highlight in this field season was hot water drilling on Bowdoin Glacier as a collaborative work with a research team from ETH Zurich, Switzerland. We also performed ocean measurements in from of the glacier to investigate the role of the ocean in the recent rapid changes in calving glaciers. Monitoring activity was continued on Qaanaaq Ice Cap.

In July, we flew into Bowdoin Glacier and transported several tons of materials by a helicopter. The drilling system was set up at 2 km from the calving front and the first borehole was drilled on July 16. The weather condition was unstable, but we succeeded to drill three boreholes before we left the glacier on 30 July. Sensors were installed in the boreholes for subglacial and englacial measurements.

In front of Bowdoin Glacier, we measured ocean bed geometry and water properties. Our measurements were carried out from a boat operated by Toku Ohshima, a woman known for her outstanding skills of hunting. Thanks to her careful and skillful boat operation, we got data from the fjord filled which was covered with icebergs discharged from the glacier.

Bowdoin Glacier


Ocean measurements