Field campaign in Greenland 2012

Greenland is losing ice mass under the warming climate conditions. Half of the ice sheet mass loss is attributed to increasing ice and snow melt, whereas the rest is due to the ice discharge into the ocean from accelerated glaciers and ice streams. Overview of the changing ice mass is monitored by satellite observations, but field measurements are required to capture the details and mechanisms of the changes. Moreover, ice is rapidly decreasing at glaciers and ice caps physically separated from the ice sheet, but changes of these ice bodies are not accurately evaluated.

To better understand the recent ice volume change in Greenland and its drivers, we have initiated a research project as a part of GRENE Arctic Climate Change Research Project, which focuses dramatically changing Arctic environment and its global influence. Our field research base is Qaanaaq, a small village in the northwest coast of Greenland. The aim of the 5-year research project is to quantify the mass change of an ice sheet drainage basin in this region, and to investigate the detailed mechanisms driving the rapid changes. We also use the field data to improve numerical ice sheet models for more accurate future projections.

Field activity

Ice sheet and glaciers

Research life in Greenland

Impressions of Arctic
