Course for Field Skills in 2010

As a part of Antarctic Science Curriculum program, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University offers "Course for Field Skills". This course is a combination of lectures and field activities prepared for those who want to learn skills required for scientific field activities. To carry out field measurements in harsh conditions, such as in glaciers, sea ice and high mountains, you should be able to use gears (e.g. snow shoes, crampons, ropes), to avoid dangers (e.g. avalanche, hypothermia, altitude sickness), to act against emergency (avalanche and crevasse rescue, artificial respiration, carry an injured in the field) and to forecast the weather in the field. The course provides an unique opportunity to learn these skills from a professional mountain guides and experienced field scientists. This course is a program authorized by IAI (International Antrctic Institute).

Spring field course in Teine

Summer field trip to Mt. Teine

Class work