渡部 直樹





1993年 RFイオントラップを用いた炭素クラスターイオン・分子反応の研究で東京都立大学博士号取得、1993〜1996年 理化学研究所で、放射光を用いた多価イオン、分子の光イオン化の研究に従事。1996年より北大・低温研にて、星間空間における原子・分子過程を中心に研究を続けている。2000〜2001年の間、University College London (UK)にてVisiting Research Fellow。

  • 一般・学部生向き研究室紹介(「知のフロンティア −北海道大学の研究者は,いま−」(北海道大学発行)より



    • "Behavior of Carbon atoms on Ice", COSPAR: INTERSTELLAR ORGANIC MOLECULES IN THE AGE OF JWST AND ALMA, Busan, Korea, 19 July (2024)

    • "Behavior of Carbon atoms on Ice at Low Temperatures", QuantumGrain Workshop: Emerging Horizons in the Chemistry of the Universe, Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 June (2024)

    • "Observation of OH radical behaviors on ice by the PSD-REMPI method", The 3rd Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop, Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, 18-22 February (2024)

    • "Physicochemical Processes of OH Radicals on Ice at Low Temperatures", The 15th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI-2023) , Sapporo, Japan, 3-8 September (2023)

    • "Physicochemical processes on cosmic ice dust", The 13th meeting on Cosmic Dust , Kitakyushu, Japan, 7-11 August (2023)

    • "Determination of the activation energy for diffusion of radicals on water ice", IAU Astrochemistry Symposium -From the First Galaxies to the Formation of Habitable Worlds , Traverse City, USA, 10-14 July (2023)

    • “Negative Charge delivery in ice at 10 K: the role of surface OH radicals”, Conference on Chemistry and Physics at Low Temperature , Visegrad, Hungary, 3-8 July (2022)

    • “Photostimulated desorption of OH radicals from ice surface: how the photon energy dissipates in visible region”, International Lorentz Center Workshop: Energy Dissipation at Interfaces: From Catalysis to Astrochemistry, Leiden, The Netherlands (online), 16-20 May, (2022)

    • “Monitoring of OH radicals on ice surface under astrochemical conditions”,Origin and evolution of molecules in our Galaxy , Online, Russia, 21 April (2021)

    • “Experimental approach to fast ortho to para nuclear spin conversion of hydrogen molecule on dust grain analogues”,COSPAR 2021, Chemical Evolution and Origin of Life , Online, Sydney, Australia, 29 January- 1 February (2021)

    • “Clarifying a proton-hole transfer in ice by the new method of OH detection”, Frontier of structures and dynamics of water by advanced spectroscopic techniques , Online, Japan, 27 October (2020)

    • “Behavior of OH radical on ice”,Water in the Universe in the ACS National Meeting, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, USA, 25-29 August (2019)

    • “Ortho-to-Para Ratios in water and H2 desorbed from ice --Experimental view--”, Astrochemistry: From nanometers to megaparsecs - A symposium in honour of John H. Black , Gothenburg, Sweden, 24-28 June (2019)

    • “Behavior of OH Radical on an Ice Surface at Low Temperatures”, 35th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, 5-7 June (2019)

    • “Detection of OH radicals on amorphous solid water”, IAU Symposium 350 Laboratory Astrophysics: From Observations to Interpretation , Cambridge, UK, 14-29 April (2019)

    • “Infrared measurements on efficient chemical desorption of hydrogen sulfide from amorphous solid water”, Oxygen in Space , Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, France, 16-17 October (2018)

    • “Measurements of activation energies for diffusion of hydrogen atom on pure CO solid ”, European Conference On Surface Science (ECOSS34) , Arhus, Denmark, 26-31 August (2018)

    • “Infrared Measurements of Efficient Chemical Desorption of Hydrogen Sulfide from Amorphous Solid Water”,COSPAR 2018, The Evolving Chemical Universe: from proto-stars to the Origin of Life, Pasadena, Calfornia, USA, 26-28 July (2018)

    • “Surface Chemistry of the ISM: Experimental Approach to grain surface processes”,The Olympian Symposium 2018 Gas and stars from milli- to mega- parsecs, Paralia Katerini, Greece, 28 May- 1 June (2018)

    • “Strong temperature dependence of H2 nuclear spin conversion on ice: what controls the rate?”, Dust and Ice Particles Spectroscopy and Scattering, the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia, CSIC, Granada, Spain, 25-28 September (2017)

    • “H2 ortho-para conversion on amorphous solid water”,XXX International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions, Cairns, Australia, 31 July (2017)

    • “Ortho to Para Nuclear Spin Conversion of H2 on Ice: a Key to Chemical Evolution in Space”,Prebiotic Chemistry in Space and Earth, the XXXVI biennial meeting of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry, Sitges, Spain, 27 June (2017)

    • “Physicochemical processes on Ice Dust towards Deuterium Enrichment”,International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, USA, 19-23 June (2017)

    • “Ortho-to-para ratios of hydrogen molecules desorbed from ice at around 10 K: What happens on cosmic ice dust?”,Expanding the Frontiers in Condensed Phase Astrochemistry: Electron Transfer Processes in Ices & Catalysis on Interstellar Grains in the 253rd ACS National Meeting, Parc 55 San Francisco, San Francisco, USA, 2-6 April (2017)

    • “Experimental approach to hydrogen chemistry on grain surfaces: molecular formation, deuterium enrichment, diffusion, and nuclear spin conversion”, Invited seminar at Max Planck Insititute for Extraterrestrial Physics, 12 October, (2015)

    • “Deuterium chemistry and nuclear spin conversion on grain surfaces: implication to deuterium enrichment”,From Clouds to Protoplanetary Disks: the Astrochemical Link, Hans Harnack Haus, Berlin, Germany, 4-8 October (2015)

    • “Grain Surface Chemistry: What Happens Without Photons and Ions”,From Interstellar Ices to PAHs A symposium to honor Lou Allamandola’s Contributions to the Molecular Universe, Annapolis, USA, 13-17 September (2015)

    • “Role of Tunneling in the Formation and Deuterium Enrichment of Molecules on Dust Grains”, Astrobiology Science Conference 2015, Chicago, USA, 15-19 June (2015)

    • “Experimental Approach to Chemistry of Cosmic Dust”,First general meeting of COST Action "Our Astrochemical Histry" CM1401, the Jaroslav Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Prague, Czech, 25-29 May (2015)

    • “Experimental approach to nonenergetic physicochemical processes on icy grains”, Icy Grain Chemistry for Formation of Complex Organic Molecules: From Molecular Clouds to Protoplanetary Disks, Comets and Meteorites, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 5-7 March (2015)

    • “What controls the diffusion mechanism of hydrogen atom on ice?”,Second Workshop on Experimental Laboratory Astrophysics , Kauai, Hawaii, USA, 23-26 Feb., (2015)

    • “Nuclear spin temperatures of hydrogen and water molecules formed and trapped on ice”,Nuclear Spin Effects in Astrochemistry 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden, 9-11 June (2014)

    • “Diffusion of hydrogen atom on amorphous solid water:Thermal or tunneling?", 247th ACS National Meeting and Exposition , Dallas, USA, 16-20 March (2014)

    • “Physics and Chemistry of Hydrogen on Cosmic Dust: Diffusion, Spin Temperatures, and Water formation”, First Workshop on Experimental Laboratory Astrophysics , Kauai, Hawaii, USA, 25-27 Feb., (2013)

    • “Physicochemical Processes of Hydrogen on Ice: A Key for Chemical Evolution in Space”, 2nd International Symposium on Hierarchy and Holism , Tokyo, Japan, 19-21 Feb., (2013)

    • “Surface diffusion mechanism of atomic hydrogen and the ortho/para ratio of nascent H2 molecule on amorphous solid water at around 10 K”, International Lorentz Center Workshop: Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces: The Role of Complexity , Leiden, The Netherlands, 26-30 Nov., (2012)

    • “Grain surface processes at very low temperatures: hydrogen diffusion and tunneling reactions”, Gordon Research Conference, Radiation Driven Processes in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Industry , New Hampshir, USA, 29 Jul- 3 Aug (2012)

    • “Spin temperatures of hydrogen and water molecules on amorphous solid water”, ASTROCHEM 2012 , Kolkata, India, 10-13 Jul (2012)

    • “Hydrogen processes on dust grains: H atom diffusion and water formation”, 30th COSPAR Scientific Assembly , Mysore, India, 14-22 Jul (2012)

    • “Hydrogen chemistry on cold grain surfaces”, XVIIIth Symposium on Atomic, Cluster, and Surface Physics , Alpe d'Huez, France, 22-27 Jan (2012)

    • “Hydrogen tunneling reaction and its isotope effect at a low temperature ice surface: Origin of deuterium enrichments in interstellar formaldehyde and methanol”, International Conference on the Research of Chemistry and Physics of Matrix Isolated Species (MATRIX2011), Vancouver, Canada, 11 July (2011)

    • “Ice surface chemistry of hydrogen atom in space”, 27th European Conference on Surface Science, Groningen, the Netherlands, 30 August (2010)

    • “Surface processes of atomic hydrogen at very low temperatures relevant to astrochemistry”, 24th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids, Krakow, Poland, 22 July (2010)

    • “Chemisrty of atomic hydrogen on interstellar ice grains at very low temperatures” Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting: Laboratory Simulations for Astrophysics, Taipei, Taiwan, June 22-25, (2010)

    • “Physicochemical processes of atomic hydrogen on amorphous solid water at very low temperatures” 239th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition - San Francisco, USA, March 21-25, (2010)

    • “Tunneling reactions of atomic hydrogen and molecules on amorphous solid water at very low temperatures”, Horiba-ISSP International Symposium on Hydrogen and Water in Condensed Matter Physics, Chiba, Japan, 12-16 October (2009)

    • “Ice surface reactions: its role in chemical evolution in space”, ILTS International Symposium "Frontier of Low Temperature Science", Sapporo, Japan, 9-10 November (2009)

    • “Nonenergetic Reactions Between Hydrogen And Molecules On Interstellar Grain Surfaces”, XXVI International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions, Michigan, USA, 22-28 July (2009)

    • “Reactions of Hydrogen Atoms and Molecules on Amorphous Solid Water at Very Low Temperatures”, Gordon Research Conference; Matrix-Isolated Species, Physics & Chemistry of, Oxford, UK, 19-24 July (2009)

    • “Experimental approach to grain surface reactions of hydrogen and deuterium atoms”, International Lorentz Center Workshop: Interstellar Surfaces: From Laboratory to Models, Leiden, The Netherlands, 5-10 Oct., (2008)

    • “Grain surface chemistry: fractionation routes”, The Molecular Universe: International Meeting on Physics and Chemistry of Interstellar Medium, Arcachon, France, 5-8 May (2008)

    • “Laboratory study of chemical processes on interstellar ice grains”, Extraterrestrial ice, IUGG General Assembly 2007, Perugia, Italy, 2-13 July (2007)

    • “Simultaneous Irradiation Experiments of H2O-CO Binary Ice with UV Photons and Cold H Atoms”, Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, 3 August (2007)

    • “Reactions of hydrogen and deuterium atoms with CO, formaldehyde, and methanol on ice grains”, International Astrophysics and Astrochemistry Meeting: Molecules in Space & Laboratory, Paris, France, 14-18 May (2007)

    • “Formation of Simple Organic Molecules by Hydrogenation on Grain Surfaces”, International Astronomical Union Symposium: Astrochemistry, California, USA, 28 Augyst- 2 September. (2005)

    • “Formation of deuterated methanol by surface reactions at 10 K”, Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting, Singapore, (2005)

    • “Evolution of CO molecule on dusts in dense core: formation of H2CO and CH3OH”, The 4th International Symposium on New Trends of Physics, Recent Advances in Astrophysics and Planetary Science ?from the early universe to the Solar system-, Sapporo, Japan, (2005)


  • "Signature of Proton-Hole Transfer in Hydrogen-Bonded Solids at 10K"
    K. Kitajima, Y. Nakai, M. Tsuge, N. Watanabe
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 15, 11701 (2024)

  • "Chemical Pathways of SO2 with Hydrogen Atoms on Interstellar Ice Analogues"
    T. Nguyen, Y. Oba. W. M. C. Sameera, K. Furuya, N. Watanabe
    Astrophys. J., 976, 250(11pp) (2024)

  • "Proposed Importance of HOCO Chemistry: Inefficient Formation of CO2 from CO and OH Reactions on Ice Dust"
    A. Ishibashi, G. Moolpeceres, H. Hidaka, Y. Oba, T. Lamberts, N. Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. 976, 162(10pp) (2024)

  • "Methane Formation Efficiency on Icy Grains: Role of Adsorption States"
    M. Tsuge, G. Molpeceres, Y. Aikawa, N. Watanabe
    Astrophys. J., 973, 80(9pp) (2024)

  • "On the Mechanism and Quantum Tunneling of the CO2 + OH Anion Reaction in Ice: A Computational Study"
    AP Jayaweera, B. Senevirathne, S. Weerasinghe, N. Watanabe, G. Nyman, F. Dulieu, WMC Sameera
    ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 8, 1451 (2024)

  • "Photodesorption efficiency of OH radical on the ice surface in the wavelength range from ultraviolet to visible"
    N. Sie, M. Tsuge, Y. Nakai, N. Watanabe
    Chem. Phys. Lett., 848, 141384 (2024)

  • "Multiple chemical tracers finally unveil the intricate NGC 1333 IRAS 4A outflow system. FAUST XVI"
    L. Chahine et al.,
    Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 531, 2653 (2024)

  • "Atomic force microscopy observation of surface morphologies and measurement of local contact potential difference of amorphous solid water deposited at 15 and 100 K"
    T. Tomaru, H. Hidaka, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 26, 15232-15239 (2024)

  • "Carbon Atom Condensation on NH3-H2O Ices. An Alternative Pathway to Interstellar Methanimine and Methylamine"
    G. Molpeceres, M. Tsuge, K. Furuya, N. Watanabe, D. S. Andrés, V. M. Rivilla, L. Colzi, Y. Aikawa
    J. Phys. Chem. A 128, 3874 (2024)

  • "FAUST XIII. Dusty cavity and molecular shock driven by IRS7B in the Corona Australis cluster"
    G. Sabatini et al.
    Astron. Astrophys. 684, L12 (2024)

  • "Determination of the Branching Ratio of CH3OH + OH Reaction on Water Ice Surface at 10 K"
    A. Ishibashi, H. Hidaka, W. M. C. Sameera, Y. Oba, N. Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. 960, 90 (2024)

  • "Modelling deuterated isotopologues of methanol towards the pre-stellar core L1544"
    W. Riedel, O. Sipilä, E. Redaelli, P. Caselli, A. I. Vasyunin, F. Duliu, N. Watanabe
    Astron. Astrophys. 680, A87 (2023)

  • "Surface diffusion of carbon atoms as a driver of interstellar organic chemistry"
    M. Tsuge, G. Molpeceres, Y. Aikawa, N. Watanabe
    Nature Astronomy 7, 1351 (2023)

  • "A systematic mechanistic survey on the reactions between OH radical and CH3OH on ice"
    W. M. C. Sameera, Avo P. Jayaweera, Atsuki Ishibashi, Hiroshi Hidaka, Yasuhiro Oba, Naoki Watanabe
    Faraday Discussion 245, 508 (2023)

  • "Methanol Formation through Reaction of Low-energy CH3+ Ions with an Amorphous Solid Water Surface at Low Temperature"
    Y. Nakai, W. M. C. Sameera, K. Furuya, H. Hidaka, A. Ishibashi, N. Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. 953, 162 (2023)

  • "Radical reactions on interstellar icy dust grains: Experimental investigations of elementary processes"
    M. Tsuge, N. Watanabe
    Proc. Jpn. Acad., Ser. B99 (2023)

  • "Surface Reaction of Methyl Mercaptan (CH3SH) with Hydrogen Atoms on Amorphous Solid Water"
    T. Nguyen, Y. Oba, W. M. C. Sameera, K. Furuya, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. 944, 219(14pp) (2023)

  • "Direct Determination of the Activation Energy for Diffusion of OH Radicals on Water Ice"
    A. Miyazaki, M. Tsuge, H. Hidaka, N. Nakai, N. Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. Lett. 940, L2 (2022)

  • "Penetration of Nonenergetic Hydrogen Atoms into Amorphous Solid Water and their Reaction with Embedded Benzene and Naphthalene"
    M. Tsuge, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. 933, 138(9pp) (2022)

  • "Diffusion Activation Energy and Desorption Activation Energy for Astrochemically Relevant Species on Water Ice show No Clear Relation"
    K. Furuya, T. Hama, Y. Oba, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe, Y. Aikawa
    Astrophys. J. Lett. 933, L16 (2022)

  • "Hydrogen abstraction reactions in formic and thioformic acid isomers by hydrogen and deuterium atoms"
    G. Molpeceres, I. Jiménez-Serra, Y. Oba, T. Nguyen, N. Watanabe, J. García de la Concepción, B. Maté, R. Oliveira, J. Kästner
    Astron. Astrophys. 663, A41 (2022)

  • "Modelling the Radical Chemistry on Ice Surfaces: An Integrated Quantum Chemical and Experimental Approach"
    W. M. C. Sameera, B. Senevirathne, T. Nguyen, Y. Oba, A. Ishibashi, M. Tsuge, H. Hidaka, N. Watanabe
    Front. Astron. Space Sci. 9, 890161 (2022)

  • "Thermal Desorption of Interstellar Ices: A Review on the Controlling Parameters and Their Implications from Snowlines to Chemical Complexity"
    M. Minissale, Y. Aikawa, E. Bergin, M. Bertin, W. A. Brown, S. Cazaux, S. B. Charnley, A. Coutens, H. M. Cuppen, V. Guzman, H. Linnartz, M. R. S. McCoustra, A.Rimola, J.G.M. Schrauwen, C. Toubin, P. Ugliengo, N. Watanabe, V. Wakelam, F. Dulieu
    ACS Earth Space Chem. 6, 597-630 (2022)

  • "FAUST III. Misaligned rotations of the envelope, outflow, and disks in the multiple protostellar system of VLA4 1623-2417"
    S. Ohashi et al.
    Astrophysical J. 927, 54 (22pp) (2022)

  • "Measurements of Ortho-to-para Nuclear Spin Conversion of H2 on Low-temperature Carbonaceous Grain Analogs: Diamond-like Carbon and Graphite"
    M. Tsuge, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. 923, 71(8pp), (2021)

  • "UV-Induced Formation of Ice XI Observed Using an Ultra-High Vacuum Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscope and its Implications for Planetary Science"
    A. Kouchi, Y. Kimura, K. Kitajima, H. Katsuno, H. Hidaka, Y. Oba, M. Tsuge, T. Yamazaki, K. Fujita, T. Hama, Y. Takahashi, S. Nakatsunbo, N. Watanabe
    Frontier in Chemistry 9, 799851, (2021)

  • "Successive H-atom Addition to Solid OCS on Compact Amorphous Solid Water"
    T. Nguyen, Y. Oba, W. M. C. Sameera, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. 922, 146(13pp), (2021)

  • "Efficient formation pathway of methyl formate: the role of OH radicals on ice dust"
    A. Ishibashi, H. Hidaka, Y. Oba, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. Lett. 921, L13(9pp), (2021)

  • "Experimental and computational studies on the physico-chemical behavior of phosphine induced by reactions with H and D atoms on interstellar ice grains"
    T. Nguyen, Y. Oba, W. M. C. Sameera, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. 918, 73(15pp), (2021)

  • "Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of the Morphology of Ices Composed of H2O, CO2, and CO on Refractory Grains"
    A. Kouchi, M. Tsuge, T. Hama, Y. Oba, S. Okuzumi, S. Sirono, M. Momose, N. Nakatani, K. Furuya, T. Shimonishi, T. Yamazaki, H. Hidaka, Y. Kimura, K. Murata, K. Fujita, S. Nakatsubo, S. Tachibana, and N. Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. 918, 45, (2021)

  • "Formation of chiral CO polyhedral crystals on icy interstellar grains"
    A. Kouchi, M. Tsuge, T. Hama, H. Niinomi, N. Nakatani, T. Shimonishi, Y. Oba, Y. Kimura, S. Sirono, S. Okuzumi, M. Momose, K. Furuya and N. Watanabe
    MNRAS 505, 1530-1542 (2021)

  • "Binding energies and sticking coefficients of H2 on crystalline and amorphous CO ice"
    G. Molpeceres, V. Zaverkin, N. Watanabe, J. Kästner
    Astron. Astrophys, 648, A84, (2021)

  • "FAUST II. Discovery of a secondary outflow in IRAS 15398-3359: Variability in outflow direction during the earliest stage of star formation?"
    Y. Okoda et al.
    Astrophysical Journal,910, 11(13pp) (2021)

  • "Rapid Ortho-to-para Nuclear Spin Conversion of H2 on a Silicate Dust Surface"
    M. Tsuge, T. Namiyoshi, K. Furuya, T. Yamazaki, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. 908, 234 (2021)

  • "Behavior of Hydroxyl Radicals on Water Ice at Low Temperatures"
    M. Tsuge, N. Watanabe
    Acc. Chem. Res. 54, 471 (2021)

  • "CH3O Radical Binding on Hexagonal Water Ice and Amorphous Solid Water"
    W. M. C. Sameera, S. Bethmini, S. Andersson, M. Al-Ibadi, H. Hidaka, A. Kouchi, G. Nyman, N. Watanabe
    J. Phys. Chem. A 125, 387 (2021)

  • "Delivery of Electrons by Proton-Hole Transfer in Ice at 10 K: Role of Surface OH Radicals"
    K. Kitajima, Y. Nakai, W. M. C. Sameera, M. Tsuge, A. Miyazaki, H. Hidaka, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 704 (2021)

  • "Photostimulated desorption of OH radicals from amorphous solid water: Evidence for the interaction of visible light with an OH-ice complex"
    A. Miyazaki, N. Watanabe, W. M. C. Sameera, Y. Nakai, M. Tsuge, T. Hama, H. Hidaka, and A. Kouchi
    Phys. Rev. A 102, 052822, (2020)

  • "UV-ray irradiation never causes amorphization of crystalline CO2: A transmission electron microscopy study"
    Masashi Tsuge, Thanh Nguyen, Yasuhiro Ob, Tetsuya Hama, Akira Kouchi, Naoki Watanabe
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 760, 137999 (2020)

  • "FAUST I. The hot corino at the heart of the prototypical Class I protostar L1551 IRS5"
    E. Bianchi et al.
    Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 498, L87 (2020)

  • "Diffusive hydrogenation reactions of CO embedded in amorphous solid water at elevated temperatures ~70 K"
    Masashi Tsuge, Hiroshi Hidaka, Akira Kouchi, Naoki Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. 900, 187(7pp) (2020)

  • "Quantitative Anisotropic Analysis of Molecular Orientation in Amorphous N2O at 6 K by Infrared Multiple-Angle Incidence Resolution Spectrometry"
    T. Hama, A. Ishibashi, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe, N. Shioya, T. Shimoaka, T. Hasegawa
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 7857 (2020)

  • "An Experimental Study of Chemical Desorption for Phosphine in Interstellar Ice"
    Thanh Nguyen, Yasuhiro Oba, Takashi Shimonishi, Akira Kouchi, Naoki Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. Lett. 898, L52(6pp),(2020)

  • "Precometary organic matter: A hidden reservoir of water inside the snow line"
    H. Nakano, N. Hirakawa, Y. Matsubara, S. Yamashita, T. Okuchi, K. Asahina, R. Tanaka, N.i Suzuki, H. Naraoka, Y. Takano, S. Tachibana, T. Hama, Y. Oba, Y. Kimura, N. Watanabe, A. Kouchi
    Scientific Reports 10, 7755 (2020)

  • "In vivo characterization of the structures of films of a fatty acid and an alcohol adsorbed on the skin surface"
    T. Hama, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe, N. Shioya, T. Shimoaka, T. Hasegawa
    Biophys. Chem. 166, 106459 (2020)

  • "Direct Measurements of Activation Energies for Surface Diffusion of CO and CO2 on Amorphous Solid Water Using In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy"
    Akira Kouchi, Kenji Furuya, Tetsuya Hama, Takeshi Chiga, Takashi Kozasa, and Naoki Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. Lett. 891, L22(7pp) (2020)

  • "Experimental Approach to Physicochemical Hydrogen Processes on Cosmic Ice Dust"
    N. Watanabe, M. Tsuge
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 89, 051015 (2020)

  • "Ultraviolet-photon exposure stimulates negative current conductivity in amorphous ice below 50 K"
    N. Watanabe, W. M. C. Sameera, H. Hidaka, A. Miyazaki, A. Kouchi
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 737, 136820 (2019)

  • "Nucleobase synthesis in interstellar ices"
    Y. Oba, Y. Takano, H. Naraoka, N. Watanabe and A. Kouchi
    Nature Communications, 10,4413 (2019)

  • "H2 Ortho.Para Spin Conversion on Inhomogeneous Grain Surfaces"
    Kenji Furuya, Yuri Aikawa, Tetsuya Hama, Naoki Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. 882, 172 (11pp) (2019)

  • "Probing the Molecular Structure and Orientation of the Leaf Surface of Brassica oleracea L. by Polarization Modulation-Infrared Reflection-Absorption Spectroscopy"
    T. Hama, K. Seki, A. Ishibashi, A. Miyazaki, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe, T. Shimoaka, T. Hasegawa
    Plant Cell Physiol 60, 1567 (2019)

  • "Physico-chemical Behavior of Hydrogen Sulfide Induced by Reactions with H and D Atoms on Different Types of Ice Surfaces at Low Temperature"
    Yasuhiro Oba, Takuto Tomaru, Akira Kouchi, and Naoki Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. 874, 124 (8pp) (2019)

  • "Measurements of the Activation Energies for Atomic Hydrogen Diffusion on Pure Solid CO"
    Y. Kimura, M. Tsuge, V. Pirronello, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. Lett. 858, L23 (2018)

  • "The Ortho-to-para Ratio of Water Molecules Desorbed from Ice Made from Para-water Monomers at 11K"
    T. Hama, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. Lett. 857, L13 (2018)

  • "An infrared measurement of chemical desorption from interstellar ice analogues"
    Y. Oba, T. Tomaru, T. Lamberts, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe,
    Nature Astronomy, 2, 228-232 (2018)

  • "Deuterium Fractionation upon the Formation of Hexamethylenetetramines through Photochemical Reactions of Interstellar Ice Analogs Containing Deuterated Methanol Isotopologues"
    Y. Oba, Y. Takano, H. Naraoka, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe,
    Astrophys. J. Lett. 849, 122 (2017)

  • "H2 formation on interstellar dust grains: The viewpoints of theory, experiments, models and observations"
    V. Wakelam, E. Bron, S. Cazaux, F. Dulieu, C. Gry, P. Guillard, E. Habart, L. Hornekær, S. Morisset, G. Nyman, V. Pirronello, S. D. Price, V. Valdivia, G. Vidali, N. Watanabe
    Molecular Astrophysics 9, 1, (2017)

  • "Laboratory Studies of Methane and Its Relationship to Prebiotic Chemistry"
    K. Kobayashi, W. D. Geppert, N. Carrasco, N. G. Holm, O. Mousis, M. E. Palumbo, J. H. Waite, N. Watanabe, L. M. Ziurys
    Astrobiology 17, 786, (2017)

  • "Liquid-like behavior of UV-irradiated interstellar ice analog at low temperatures"
    S. Tachibana, A. Kouchi, T. Hama, Y. Oba, L. Piani, I. Sugawara, Y. Endo, H. Hidaka, Y. Kimura, K. Murata, H. Yurimoto, N. Watanabe,
    Science Advances 3, eaao2538 (2017)

  • "Fast crystalline ice formation at extremely low temperature through water/neon matrix sublimation"
    T. Hama, S. Ishizuka, T. Yamazaki, Y. Kimura, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe, T. Sugimoto, V. Pirronello,
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 17677 (2017)

  • "Hydrogenation and Deuteration of C2H2 and C2H4 on Cold Grains: A Clue to the Formation Mechanism of C2H6 with Astronomical Interest"
    Hitomi Kobayashi, Hiroshi Hidaka, Thanja Lamberts, Tetsuya Hama, Hideyo Kawakita, Johannes Kastner, Naoki Watanabe
    Astrophys. J. 837, 155 (2017)

  • "Simulations and Spectra of Water in CO Matrices"
    R. Escribano, E. Artacho, A. Kouchi, T. Hama, Y. Kimura, H. Hidaka, and N Watanabe
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 7280-7287 (2017)

  • "In Situ Nondestructive Analysis of Kalanchoe pinnata Leaf Surface Structure by Polarization-Modulation Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy"
    T. Hama, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe, S. Enami, T. Shimoaka, T. Hasegawa
    J. Phys. Chem. B 121, 11124 (2017)

  • "Matrix sublimation method for the formation of high-density amorphous ice"
    A. Kouchi, T. Hama, Y. Kimura, H. Hidaka, R. Escribano, N. Watanabe
    Chemical Physics Letters 658, 287-292 (2016)

  • "Deuterium Fractionation during Amino Acid Formation by Photolysis of Interstellar Ice Analogs Containing Deuterated Methanol"
    Y. Oba, Y. Takano, N. Watanabe, A. Kouchi
    Astrophys. J. Lett. 827, L18 (2016)

  • "Negative catalytic effect of water on the reactivity of hydrogen abstraction from the C.H bond of dimethyl ether by deuterium atoms through tunneling at low temperatures"
    Y. Oba, N. Watanabe, A. Kouchi
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 662, 14 (2016)

  • "Hydrogen.deuterium substitution in solid ethanol by surface reactions at low temperatures"
    Y. Oba, K. Osaka, T. Chigai, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe
    Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 462, 689 (2016)

  • "Surface Temperature Dependence of Hydrogen Ortho-Para Conversion on Amorphous Solid Water"
    H. Ueta, N. Watanabe, T. Hama, A. Kouchi
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 253201 (2016)

  • "Stepwise formation of H3O+(H2O)n in an ion drift tube: Empirical effective temperature of association/dissociation reaction equilibrium in an electric field"
    Y, Nakai, H. Hidaka, N. Watanabe, T. M. Kojima
    J. Chem. Phys. 144, 224306 (2016)

  • "Statistical ortho-to-para ratio ofwater desorbed from ice at 10 kelvin"
    T. Hama, A. Kouchi, and N. Watanabe
    Science 351, 65 (2016)

  • "Signaturte of Quantum-Tunneling Diffusion of Hydrogen Atoms on Water Ice at 10 K"
    K. Kuwahata, T. Hama, A. Kouchi, and N. Watanabe
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 133201 (2015)

  • "Chiral glycine formation on cold interstellar grains by quantumtunneling hydrogen.deuterium substitution reactions"
    Y. Oba, N. Watanabe, Y. Osamura, and A. Kouchi
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 634, 53-59 (2015)

  • "Quantum Tunneling Observed without its Characteristic Large Kinetic Isotope Effects"
    T. Hama, H. Ueta, A. Kouchi, and N. Watanabe
    PNAS 112, 7438-7443 (2015)

  • "Quantum Tunneling Hydrogenation of Solid Benzene and Its Control via Surface Structure"
    T. Hama, H. Ueta, A. Kouchi, N. Watanabe, and H. Tachikawa
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5, 3843-3848 (2014)

  • "Reaction kinetics and isotope effect of water formation by the surface reaction of solid H2O2 with H atoms at low temperatures"
    Yasuhiro Oba, Kazuya Osaka, Naoki Watanabe, Takeshi Chigai and Akira Kouchi
    Faraday Discussion 168, 185-204 (2014)

  • "Surface Processes on Interstellar Amorphous Solid Water: Adsorption, Diffusion, Tunneling Reactions, and Nuclear-Spin Conversion"
    Tetsuya Hama, Naoki Watanabe
    Chem. Rev. 113, 8783 (2013)

  • "Hydrogen isotopic substitution of solid methylamine through atomic surface reactions at low temperatures: A potential contribution to the D/H ratio of methylamine in molecular clouds",
    Yasuhiro OBA,Takeshi CHIGAI, Yoshihiro OSAMURA, Naoki WATANABE, Akira KOUCH
    Meteoritics & Planetary Science 1-16 (2013):DOI: 10.1111/maps.12096

  • ”The Mechanism of Surface Diffusion of H and D Atoms on Amorphous Solid Water: Existence of Various Potential Sites”,
    T. Hama, K. Kuwahata, N. Watanabe, A. Kouchi, Y. Kimura. T. Chigai, V. Pirronello
    Astrophys. J. 757, 185 (2012)

  • “Water Formation Through a Quantum Tunneling Surface Reaction, OH + H2, at 10 K", Y. Oba, N. Watanabe, T. Hama, K. Kuwahata, H. Hidaka, A. Kouchi, Astrophys. J. 749:67 (2012)

  • "Spin temperature of water molecules desorbed from the surfaces of amorphous solid water, vapor-deposited and produced from photolysis of a CH4/O2 solid mixture", T. Hama, N. Watanabe, A. Kouchi, and M. Yokoyama, Astrophys. J. Lett. 738, L15 (2011)

  • "FTIR study of ammonia formation via the successive hydrogenation of N atoms trapped in a solid N2 matrix at low temperatures", H. Hidaka, M. Watanabe, A. Kouchi and N. Watanabe, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 15798 (2011)

  • "Experimental studies of surface reactions among OH radicals that yield H2O and CO2 at 40-60 K",Y. Oba, N. Watanabe, A. Kouchi, T. Hama, and V. Pirronello, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 15792 (2011)

  • "Surface abundance change in vacuum ultraviolet photodissociation of CO2 and H2O mixture ices", T. Kinugawa, A. Yabushita, M. Kawasaki, T. Hama, and N. Watanabe, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13,  15785 (2011)

  • "Translational and rotational energy measurements of desorbed water molecules in their vibrational ground state following 157 nm irradiation of amorphous solid water", T. Hama, M. Yokoyama, A. Yabushita, M. Kawasaki, & N. Watanabe,Nucl. Instr. Methods B 269, 1011-1015 (2011)

  • "Formation of Carbonic Acid by Surface Reactions of Non-energetic OH Radicals with CO Molecules at Low Temperatures", Y. Oba, N. Watanabe, A. Kouchi, T. Hama, V. Pirronello, Astrophys. J. 722, 1598-1606 (2010)

  • "Direct measurements of hydrogen atom diffusion and the spin temperature of nascent H2 molecule on amorphous solid water", N. Watanabe, Y. Kimura, A. Kouchi, T. Chigai, T. Hama, & V. Pirronello, Astrophys. J. Lett. 714, L233 (2010)

  • "A desorption mechanism of water following vacuum-ultraviolet irradiation on amorphous solid water at 90 K", T. Hama, M. Yokoyama, A. Yabushita, M. Kawasaki, S. Andersson, C.M. Western, M.N.R. Ashfold, R.N. Dixon, & N. Watanabe, J. Chem. Phys. 132, 164508 (2010)

  • "Direct evidence for ammonium ion formation in ice through ultraviolet-induced acid-base reaction of NH3 with H3O+", E-S. Moon, H. Kang, Y. Oba, N. Watanabe, & A. Kouchi, Astrophys. J. 713, 906 (2010)

  • "Experimental study of CO2 formation by surface reactions of non-energetic OH radicals with CO molecules”, Y. Oba, N. Watanabe, A. Kouchi, T. Hama, & V. Pirronello, Astrophys. J. Lett. 712, L174 (2010)

  • "Nonenergetic reactions between atomic hydrogen and molecules on interstellar grain surfaces", N. Watanabe, A. Kouchi, H. Hidaka, Y. Oba, & N. Miyauchi, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 194, 012044 (2009)

  • "Hydrogen isotope exchange and H(D) atom addition reaction of solid formaldehyde on amorphous solid water at low temperatures", H. Hidaka, M. Watanabe, A. Kouchi, & N. Watanabe, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 194, 132024 (2009)

  • "Formation mechanisms of oxygen atoms in the O(3PJ) state from the 157 nm photoirradiation of amorphous water ice at 90 K", Tetsuya Hama, Akihiro Yabushita, Masaaki Yokoyama, Masahiro Kawasaki, & Naoki Watanabe, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 114511 (2009)

  • "Formation mechanisms of oxygen atoms in the O(1D2) state from the 157 nm photoirradiation of amorphous water ice at 90 K", Tetsuya Hama, Akihiro Yabushita, Masaaki Yokoyama, Masahiro Kawasaki, & Naoki Watanabe,J. Chem. Phys. 131, 114510 (2009)

  • "Reaction routes in the CO-H2CO-dn-CH3OH-dm system clarified from H(D) exposure of solid formaldehyde at low temperatures", H. Hidaka, M.Watanabe, A. Kouchi & N. Watanabe, Astrophys. J. 702, 291 (2009)

  • "Formation of compact amorphous H2O ice by codeposition of hydrogen atoms with oxygen molecules on grain surfaces", Y. Oba, N. Miyauchi, H. Hidaka, T. Chigai, N. Watanabe & A. Kouchi, Astrophys. J. 701, 464 (2009)

  • "Translational and Rotational Energy Measurements of Photodesorbed Water Molecules in Their Vibrational Ground State from Amorphous Solid Water", Akihiro Yabushita, Tetsuya Hama, Masaaki Yokoyama, Masahiro Kawasaki, Stefan Andersson, Richard N. Dixon, Michael N. R. Ashfold, & Naoki Watanabe, Astrophys. J. Lett. 699, L80-L83, (2009)

  • "Ice surface reactions: A key to chemical evolution in space", Naoki Watanabe & Akira Kouchi, Prog. Surf. Sci., 83, 439-489 (2008)

  • "Release of hydrogen molecules from the photodissociation of amorphous solid water and polycrystalline ice at 157 and 193 nm", Akihiro Yabushita, Tetsuya Hama, Daisuke Iida, Noboru Kawanaka, Masahiro Kawasaki, Naoki Watanabe, Michael N. R. Ashfold, & Hans-Peter Loock, J. Chem. Phys., 129, 044501 (2008)

  • "Measurements of energy partitioning in H2 formation by photolysis of amorphous water ice", Akihiro Yabushita, Tetsuya Hama, Daisuke Iida, Noboru Kawanaka, Masahiro Kawasaki, Naoki Watanabe, Michael N. R. Ashfold, & Hans-Peter Loock, Astrophys. J. Lett., 682, L69 (2008)

  • "Structural effects of ice grain surfaces on the hydrogenation of CO at low temperatures",H. Hidaka, N. Miyauchi, A. Kouchi, & N. Watanabe, Chem. Phys. Lett., 456, 36 (2008)

  • "Formation of hydrogen peroxide and water from the reaction of cold H atoms with solid O2 at 10 K", N. Miyauchi, H. Hidaka, T. Chigai, A. Nagaoka, N. Watanabe, & A. Kouchi, Chem. Phys. Lett., 456, 27 (2008)

  • "Laboratory Simulation of Competition between Hydrogenation and Photolysis in the Chemical Evolution of H2O-CO Ice Mixtures"; N. Watanabe, O. Mouri, A. Nagaoka, T. Chigai, A. Kouchi & V. Pirronell, Astrophys. J., 668, 1001 (2007)

  • "Temperature, composition, and hydrogen isotope effect in the hydrogenation of CO at 10 - 20 K", H. Hidaka, A. Kouchi & N. Watanabe, J. Chem. Phys., 126, 204707 (2007)

  • "Effective rate constants for the surface reaction between solid methanol and deuterium atoms at 10 K", A. Nagaoka, N. Watanabe, & Akira Kouchi, J. Phys. Chem. A, 111, 3016 (2007)

  • "Dependence of the effective rate constants for the hydrogenation of CO on the temperature and composition of the surface", N. Watanabe, A. Nagaoka, H. Hidaka, T. Shiraki, T. Chigai, & A. Kouchi, Planetary and Space Science, 54, 1107 (2006)

  • "Formation and Deuterium Fractionation of Organic Molecules on Grain Surfaces", Naoki Watanabe, in Astrochemistry: Recent Successes and Current Challenges, eds. D.C. Lis, G.A. Blake & E. Herbst, Cambridge University Press, (2006)

  • "H-D substitution in interstellar solid methanol : a key route for D enrichment", Akihiro Nagaoka, Naoki Watanabe, & Akira Kouchi, Astrophys. J. Lett. 624, 29 (2005)

  • "Observation of resonance structures in 4d photoionization of Eu+", Takao M. Kojima, Fanfu Chen, Masashi Kitajima, Tetsuo Koizumi, Yoichi Nakai, Hitoshi Yamaoka, & Naoki Watanabe, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 144-147, 71-74 (2005)

  • "Hydrogenation of CO on pure solid CO and CO-H2O mixed ice", Naoki Watanabe, Akihiro Nagaoaka, Takahiro Shiraki, & Akira Kouchi, Astrophys. J. 616, 638 (2004)

  • "Conversion of H2CO to CH3OH by reactions of cold atomichydrogen on ice surfaces below 20 K", H. Hidaka, N. Watanabe, T. Shiraki, A. Nagaoka, and A. Kouchi, Astrophys. J.614, 1124 (2004)

  • "The dependence of H2CO and CH3OH formation on temperature and thickness of H2O-CO ice during successive hydrogenation of CO", Naoki Watanabe, Takahiro Shiraki, and Akira Kouchi, Astrophys. J. Lett. 588, 121 (2003)

  • "An apparatus to determine the rovibrational distribution of molecular hydrogen formed by the heterogeneous recombination of H atoms on cosmic dust analogues", J.S.A. Perry, J.M. Gingell, K.A. Newson, J. To, N. Watanabe, and S.D. Price, Meas. Sci. Technol. 13, 1414 (2002)

  • "Efficient formation of formaldehyde and methanol by the addition of hydrogen atoms to CO in H2O-CO ice at 10K", Naoki Watanabe and Akira Kouchi, Astrophys. J. Lett. 571, 173 (2002)

  • "Rapid Growth of Asteroids Owing to Very Sticky Interstellar Organic Grains", Akira Kouchi, Tatsuyuki Kudo, Hideyuki Nakano, Masahiko Arakawa, Naoki Watanabe, Sin-iti Sirono, Michiya Higa, and Norikazu Maeno, Astrophys. J. Lett. 566, 121 (2002)

  • "Measurements of conversion rates of CO to CO2 in UV induced reaction of D2O/CO amorphous ice", Naoki Watanabe and Akira Kouchi, Astrophys. J. 567, 651-655 (2002)

  • "Absolute photoionization cross section measurements of Xe+ ions in the 4d threshold energy region", Y. Itoh, A. Ito, M. Kitajima, T. Koizumi, T. M. Kojima, H. Sakai, M. Sano and N. Watanabe, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.34, 3493-3499 (2001)

  • "Measurements of D2 yields from D2O amorphous ice by ultraviolet irradiation at 12K", N. Watanabe, T. Horii, and A. Kouchi, Astrophys. J. 541, 772-779 (2000)

  • "Photoion-yield spectra of Xe2+ in the 4d-threshold energy region", N. Watanabe, Y. Awaya, A. Fujino, Y. Itoh, M. Kitajima, T. M. Kojima, M. Oura , R. Okuma, M. Sano, T. Sekioka and T. Koizumi, J. Phys. B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys.31, 4137-4141 (1998)

  • "Diret Determination of Partial Wave Contributions in σ* Shape Resonance of CO Molecules", E. Shigemasa, J. Adachi, K. Soejima, N. Watanabe, A. Yagishita, and N.A. Cherepkov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1622-1625 (1998)

  • "Dynamic Properties of N and O 1s-1σu* shape resonances in N2 and CO2 molecules", A.A.Pavlychev, N.G. Forminykh, N. Watanabe, K. Soejima, E. Shigemasa,and A. Yagishita, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3623-3626 (1998)

  • "Photoion yield spectroscopy in the 4d photoionization of Eu+", T.M.Kojima, M.Oura, Y.Itoh, T.Koizumi, M.Sano, T.Sekioka, N.Watanabe, H.Yamaoka, and Y.Awaya, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.31, 1463-1468 (1998)

  • "4d Photionization of singly-charged ions", T.M.Kojima, M.Oura, N.Watanabe, Y.Awaya, Y.Itoh, T.Koizumi, M.Sano, and F.Koike, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 32, 273-279 (1998)

  • "Fixed-molecule 1sσg,u photoelectron angular distributions as a probe of σg* and σu* shape resonances of CO2", N. Watanabe, J. Adachi, K. Soejima, E. Shigemasa, A. Yagishita, N. G. Fominykh, and A. A.Pavlychev, Phys. Rev. Lett.78, 4910 (1997)

  • "Feasibility of the photoionization of multi-chrged ions and first test ofa PHOton Beam Ion Source (PHOBIS) with RIKEN EBIS (REBIS)", S.D.Kravis, N.Watanabe, Y.Awaya, M.Kimura, T.Kojima, K.Okuno, and M.Oura, Physica Scripta T71 121-126 (1997)

  • "Recoil-ion momentum distribution of single-electron capture to the ground and excited states in 0.5-1MeV/u B4+,5+ + He collisions", T.Kambara, A.Igarashi, N.Watanabe, Y.Nakai, T.M.Kojima, and Y.Awaya, J. Phys. B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 30, 1251 (1997)

  • "4d Photoionization of Multiply Charged Xeq+ (q=1-3) Ions", T. Koizumi, Y. Awaya, A. Fujino, T. Itoh, M. Kitajima, T.M. Kojima, M. Oura M. Sano, T. Sekioka, N. Watanabe, and F. Koike, Physica Scripta T73, 131-132 (1997)

  • "Reaction of carbon-silicon binary cluster", Y.Negishi, N.Watanabe, H.Shiromaru, Y.Achiba, and N.Kobayashi, Surf. Rev. Lett. 3, 661-665 (1996)

  • "Photoionization of 4d-electrons in singly-charged Xe ions", M.Sano, Y.Itoh, T.Koizumi, T.M.Kojima, S.D.Kravis, M.Oura, T.Sekioka, N.Watanabe, Y.Awaya, and F.Koike, J. Phys. B 29, 5305-5313 (1996)

  • "4d photoionization of singly-charged Xe, Ba, and Eu ions", T.Koizumi, Y.Awaya, M.Gonno, Y.Itoh, M.Kiura, T.M.Kojima, S.Kravis, M.Oura, M.Sano, Naoki Watanabe, H.Yamaoka, and F.Koike, J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 79, 289-292 (1996)

  • "Single ionization of He by low-velocity protons and C6+: Ejected electron momentum distributions", Kravis SD, Abdallah M, Cocke CL, Lin CD, Stockli M, Walch B, Wang YD, Olson RE, Rodriguez VD, Wu W, Pieksma M, Watanabe N, Phys. Rev. A 54, 1394-1403 (1996)